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Everything posted by ruPal

  1. Probably, no. I added original RHS pbos in requiredAddons section, so fix will be loaded after RHS mods and override original values.
  2. I can do nothing to that, sorry. This mod has too short life cycle to change something in it or something. I used old values from RHS configs and set protection to three parts Chest, Diaphragm, Abdomen with them for vest and Head for helmets. Armor works and you will notice difference with pistol shots. Maybe BI also changed not only hit parts but values too and RHS values should be increased, don't know.
  3. ruPal


    Thank you for such great mod. P. S. Got a pop-up error "Warning Message: Cannot load texture pook_sam\data\env_land_co.paa".
  4. Disable other mods and try with RHS and fix mods only.
  5. If this faction included in RHS, then yes. This mod modifies all vests and headgear for both RHS:USAF and RHS:AFRF.
  6. ruPal

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    No problem, man. No one but you is interested in solution of your problem. It is rude but true. Description and solution was posted in this thread 1-3 pages above. Feel free to read them all.
  7. ruPal

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    The answer was in this thread.
  8. I don't change original pbos. Just add more that modifies configs. That method is 100% legal.
  9. Looks like developers changed animation - ManActReloadMagazine. May somebody give suggestions how to return that animation in game?
  10. ruPal

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I found that other old mods with vest don't through such errors.
  11. Does that mean that modders also have to change model.p3d and model.cfg for old mods?
  12. ruPal

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Does this mean that any old mods are broken (not only RHS)? And you have to re-binarize all models with new model.cfg.
  13. ruPal

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Got huge RPT spam. A lot of errors with hitpoint. Running AIATP and RHS only: https://mega.nz/#!iQ8hyQjB!-WF4I25bdrirg39bWitix3r-6Lh31FWSwBUfnEIxVSs Looks like any vest has no armour.
  14. ruPal

    ACE3 Gen4 Ver L3 GPNVG18

    May you upload it on mega or other file hosting, please?
  15. It was my fault. You have changed cfgpatches and other mod from mod pack had requiredaddons with old cfgpatches name.
  16. But what if you make more ground contact points in rotorlib xml file. As I understand the problem with explosion is caused of model collision like when your skids are stuck in texture -> explosion. Hope that the same situation is with that problem. Theoretically, if you add ground contact points on all sides of helicopter it will not stuck into other objects/ground. This points also have hitpoints and maybe destroyed. You will get threshold for collisions and helicopter will not be invulnurable. Hope devs will answer.
  17. I was thinking about helicopter explosion when helicopter rolls on ground. What if you add more ground contact points not only for skids or wheels but for body part too. Will this solve that problem?
  18. Thank you, will check my mod pack. Probably we have other mod that modified MELB v.0.1 and in MELB v.0.3 something changed.
  19. Got error: addon requires addon HMDs_MELB_UI. But there is only one pbo in archieve.
  20. ruPal

    RH Pistol pack

    It works ok.
  21. Is it possible to send markers to personal map? I want to male mod that will give players to put markers on maps and this narkers was unique for every player (other players don't see them).
  22. Hello, guys. I want to change zoom in static weapons. I doing this: class CfgPatches { class A3_Static_F_no_zoom { units[]={}; weapons[]={}; requiredVersion=0.1; requiredAddons[]= { "A3_Weapons_F", "A3_Static_F" }; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class All; class AllVehicles: All { class NewTurret { class ViewGunner { minFov=0.75; maxFov=0.75; initFov=0.75; }; }; }; class Land: AllVehicles{}; class LandVehicle: Land {}; class StaticWeapon: LandVehicle { class Turrets { class MainTurret: NewTurret { class ViewOptics { minFov=0.75; maxFov=0.75; initFov=0.75; }; }; }; }; }; and get this: Updating base class ViewOptics->, by disable_zoom\vanilla\static_f\config.bin/CfgVehicles/AllVehicles/NewTurret/ViewGunner/ May somebody help me, please?
  23. Will it be possible to change sway with script commands? Something like "setUnitRecoilCoefficientl"?
  24. Have just read dev branch release notes and saw this: Just want ask to fix this issue with "ammo" command http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=26459 too