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Everything posted by Bamse

  1. Bamse

    bombing after 1.6

    I've stopped using that mod after the release of vanilla, mostly due to that the vanilla CCIP is just as accurate and doesn't take nearly as many meggahurtz as the mod :) I kinda miss the coloration of the crosshair tho ... Espex: there's not much to is tbh. Fly calmly and don't drop in the middle of a flick with the wings or any sharp/hasty movement. CCIP can't predict instantaneously, there's always a slight delay so if you are in the middle of "doing a barrel roll" the CCIP marker will be off. How much depends on speed, speed of whatever you are doing, distance, altitude etc etc.
  2. Bamse

    Targeting improvements

    roger that, thanks a bunch for the clarification!
  3. Bamse

    Targeting improvements

    Question regarding ammo/weapon/vehicle-config when it comes to the new locking system. For testing purposes I want a vehicle to have all types of scanners since it can carry different weapons with different capabilities (so I set irScanGround = 1; laserScanner = 1; and nvScanner = 1; in CfgVehicles) The weapon launcher I test with is config:ed with ballisticsComputer = 8; in CfgWeapons. So far so good. I get CCIP working and I'm a happy camper. Proceeding to the next stage I want to have an unguided weapon that I don't want to be able to tab-lock on to any target, but still want the CCIP to show. In CfgAmmo I set irLock = 0; laserLock = 0; and nvLock = 0; Now the "problem" appears for me. Earlier, the CfgAmmo entries disabled tab-lock but after the changes it seems like the scanners/ballisticComputer combo overrides this (and ballisticComputer ignoring canLock according to: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/A3_Locking_Review#ballisticsComputer) still enabling me to tab-lock ... and I can't find a combination that makes me do what I want. Basically a totally unguided weapon with no other visual helpers than the CCIP-crosshair. Is this possible now or am I chasing ghosts? :)
  4. SGT Fuller: I can't say I'm good at it but if there's any way I can help out with the minor scripting I'd be more than happy to! In the mean-time I have a working solution for the new 1.60 CCIP for the A-10C. I've applied it to GAU-8 and some otherwise unguided munitions (Mk82+AB, Mk84, Mk77, CBU100, CBU78B, CBU87B and CBU89B). I realize this might be a bit redundant if new missile box is in development .... but in the meantime? :)
  5. Bamse

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Well, just set independent to be friendly towards BLUFOR in your mission and you should be good to go.
  6. Bamse

    Blastcore Tracers A3

    Will the newer version still work ok with stable or is it RC/devbranch only?
  7. Bamse

    INKO Disposable

    1½ year necro. good job! ;)
  8. Bamse

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    damn. just damn. :wub:
  9. Bamse

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    QFT. Can't live my Arma-life without the M4B2 :D New hanguards btw? Are there any details you could shine some lights on at this stage? Imo the DD-rail is lovely as-is. The only thing I'm missing personally is a M203 flipup or similar :)
  10. Dear Mr. graemeshute sir, please use the edit button. There's no need for posting three separate posts in a row for ... well, anything ever. You just make thread notifications ding, sizzle and pop for no reason what so ever. Thanks :)
  11. Confirmed. We have the same issue and we had trouble tracking down the cause. Removed EODS from server and client and ACE Medical/Revive works again.
  12. Bamse

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    They are unhidden by default now, so continued pewpew is a go! :)
  13. Bamse

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Cheezus, Brosef, and Bloody Mary! The changelogs are pure eye porn. Can't wait until all updaters have run through! Guess I can scrap my "SF" AR15-unhider patch now <3 ineptaphid: Just put the contents of the repective updater in your @RHS_-folders. Double click the bat file and wait for it to finish. I created a new @RHS_GREF and did the same thing. Aaaaaaaaalmost done! :)
  14. Bamse

    A-10C for Arma 3

    Exaggeration much? The bird is pretty much one of a kind with what was unique features and awesome weaponry and capabilities. Just because the interior sounds are quiet it doesn't ruin everything. I get your point but your post comes off as very ungrateful.
  15. Bamse

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Agreed, the Gen M3 is the only PMag that fits all iterations of the 416. I guess for the sake of gameplay ... granted the visual differences are there on the grip-surface, logos etc. but they are very very minor, especially once u grab the gun ingame and you start taking fire :D
  16. Bamse

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Indeed. The newer Gen M3 of the PMag are now also made to work in the L85/SA-80, HK416, SCAR Mk16 and so on. Source: https://www.magpul.com/products/pmag-30-ar-m4-gen-m3-window
  17. This looks absolutely Donation inbound!
  18. Bamse

    Targeting improvements

    :wub: Even tho I hoped deep down it would be a HUD implementation (like the Nou hud improvement clip above) I'm happy for whatever improvements being made :)
  19. Bamse

    Targeting improvements

    Has someone made a video testing the new CCIP out perhaps? Super anxious to see it in action but im not home so can't test it out myself :(
  20. Bamse

    CCIP script for aircrafts

    Oh wow. having both options when doing CAS would be frikkin' huge. TECAK: is that a public mod?
  21. Negative, he's not around anymore ... that's the sad part ... :/
  22. Me and a teammate had the same issue yesterday. We were both running fred41's LP memory allocator. Switching to tbb4malloc solved the issue. This, hoever, lowered fps quite a bit and I miss fred41 (yes, him and his malloc) like crazy already :(
  23. Bamse

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    That would require scripting and JSRS Eden is made to be completely script-less.