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Everything posted by Crielaard

  1. Do you have earlier screenshots or videos of when you first started to model this.... thing? I'd sure like learn from that.
  2. @n_icomach May I suggest one (or more) ship variant without the containers. This would allow mission makers to put their own container configuration in there.
  3. Yes since its still an incomplete mod.
  4. Yeeeeeees!!!! If you would have been a women, Id have snogged you the rest of the day....
  5. Crielaard

    SEAD missiles by VTI

    I have been experimenting with this. Maybe the RevealTarget command could help? never really tried it myself.
  6. Ok... The LLW team will seize their project for the Artillery Computer of their Pzh2000... I really would like to help you to get in some functions we have IRL though :D Again, excelent work.
  7. The mod works by ALLOWING a viewdistance as far as the settings go. PiP view distance is always as far as your currently active view- and object drawdistance.
  8. Vanilla only has 1 setting "View distance". (and object drawdistance) "Aircraft viewdistance" is something from a mod.
  9. Crielaard

    Lowlands Warrior

    UPDATE To let the community know what we are doing, here is a little update. The following info will be backed up with screenshots in a week or two from now! 1. Leusderheide terrain is still being worked on. We now have (very) basic models of the militairy base and buildings from the city of Amersfoort are also being produced. Main effort will be the training area it self though. 2. The 'Middle Brabant' terrain may be restarted, with access to new resources we hope to get quicker results 3. Colt C7/C8 is on hold temporarily but is one of the highest on our priority list 4. Volks Wagen Amarok is starting to become usable. We thank Macha for her 3d modeling work. 5. Boxer MRAV is unexpectedly started by one of the modellers and is progressing stunningly quickly. This vehicle is planned to be of 'Tanks DCL quality' 6. CV90's interior is being worked on. This one is also planned to be 'Tank DLC quality' 7. Pzh2000NL is still being modelled and progressing well. It will not have any interiors. But we are designing ammo and configs to make it operatable close to its reallife capabilities. We are also considering a custom Artillery computer. 8. The CH-47F Chinook project has fully restarted 9. NEW: AH-64E Apache Guardian. Is a project to overhaul the current LLW Apache mod and implement this new Apache variant the RNLAF is going to use more. The base of the project remains the same: Use vanilla arma functions smartly to get as close to reality as practical. Looking for help To finish our modpack at the end of the day, we need dutch uniforms and equipment. That is what we are missing... Any modders who would like to participate are welcome. Any modpack who are willing to exchange or simply donate assets please please contact me! Testers Don't bother asking for early access. Join 103SF and you may end up as a guinnypig to test one of the mods. Otherwise, wait until a public release.
  10. Are you running any mods beside this one? First impression is you are running ACE3 with aircraft viewdistance set to 1500ish. @pingopete Not aware of any limitation. Ill see if I run into something.
  11. Crielaard

    Toxic Gas Grenades

    Idea: use https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setSuppression to make it have some effect on AI.
  12. Crielaard

    Drongo's Air Support

    ... is what you want to ask But you are not allowed according to forum rules What you should have asked: Hey drongo, Im trying to download your mod from www.mybullshiturl.com but the mirror is down. you got a better one? By the way I found a bug:<bullshit story here> when will you be able to fix this?
  13. Ok. :) Let me explain to you why, even when this would sound like a great FCC feature, this is a source of potential hazzard. Pilots are trained to do bombing runs with strict constant parameters: 0 Roll, specific pitch, specific altitude and specific speeds to get predictable results, even when bombing manually. (which isnt realy super hard if you get the hang of it) For example when you get an FCR fail... which isnt uncommon :( But more importantly is de basic systems that could lead to catesteophic accidents. For combat aircraft you keep regular combat in mind when damage is more common than the Insurgency scenarios in Afghanistan and such: 1. Damage to the pitot system during bomb release. With calculation as your it would mean when this system is damaged a higher speed indication would be the result. Or imcreasing very rapidly. This could lead to bomb releasing nearly at the same time and touching eachother and thus fusing. Kaboom. 2. Static port system fail/leak due to damage. Air pressure would rise dramatically, evening the pressure with the Static and pitot system. Dropping the indicated speed to 0. As the system you scripted reads its speed with every bomb, it will wait.... and wait...unit at some point, with the super low speed it reaches its next release pulse distance it calculated. and releases a bomb. This could litterally be minutes later in this case. or an hour. Maybe just when you got home. Rookie response: by then my master Arm would be set to Safe. Answer: doesnt matter the FCC is actively in calculation which will be finished regardless of masterArm setting. The system is to Prevent giving release instructions to the FCC it wont stop the FCC from doing its work. In short, you can simplify your script, probably making it lighter AND more realistic at the same time. ;)
  14. Nice addition. How is your script calculating the ripple pulse speed? I just want to bring it to your attention people in the sim world are over-complixating thing. The FCC simply takes your TAS at the moment you press the picklebutton and determines how fast it should make the interval. So it doesnt account for attitude. i.e. in a 30 degree dive with a ripple distance of 50 (with constant speed) the bombs will impact with 43 meters. Where as in a 90 degree dive they just impact at the same spot.
  15. Crielaard

    PLP Materials

    sounds like a good plan. What would you like to have feedback about?
  16. It's almost the end of 'early 2018' :)
  17. Crielaard

    Bulldozer crash on startup

    Thus bulldozer.exe is porked?
  18. Crielaard

    Bulldozer crash on startup

    Exactly 1 years later. I am having this issue again. As the OP
  19. You can allready open the airbrakes partly by using 'break-analogue'
  20. Crielaard

    PLP Materials

    Excellent! Would you also release this opensource in order to build structures?
  21. Yup, just camcreate and set target on the appropriate mempoints. A more sophisticated script will take FOV and Cam mode into account.
  22. Its in your video settings, PIP settings.