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About Nugis

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    Private First Class

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  1. Nugis

    OFP GotY v. CWA

    GOTY is v1.85 and you had to download the patch for 1.96 and it included all 3 OG campaigns. CWA is Cold war crisis and Resistance, doesn't include Red Hammer campaign. If you have OFP GOTY then you can download CWA for free and just upgrade to 1.99
  2. Nugis

    OFP Addon request thread

    These are not all the addons he's using in these missions and that campaign
  3. Nugis

    OFP Addon request thread

    Does anyone know which addons are being used in this video below? Maybe if someone knows, even the mission, it looks very appealing lol And this
  4. Nugis


    Thanks, i also updated the mission a bit, hardcore players can try the second link.
  5. Nugis


    Hello, Here's a new mission of mine after my last mission upload here 5 years ago. Download link for the mission DOWNLOAD LINK FOR THE HARDER VERSION OF THE SAME MISSION The mission takes place on Nogova, you're a soviet fighter, the goal is to liberate the city from terrorists, can you make it? Move apocalypse.noe.pbo to your C:\Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\Missions folder OR C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\Arma Cold War Assault\Missions folder. NO ADDONS REQUIRED, just download and play. Edit: I've updated the mission and put up a second download link for a much harder version of this same mission.
  6. Nugis

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    Could anyone please reupload the download link for this mod?
  7. Nugis

    OFP.info 2.0

    Thanks man, really appreciate your work
  8. Nugis

    Retaliation campaign now available in English

    Thanks man, needed this :)
  9. Nugis

    SP The Bridge at Davle

    Interesting concept. Will give it a go later tonight.
  10. Nugis

    why play ofp?

    I've been playing OFP since 2003 and it's the only game i still haven't gotten sick of, after all this time, there's always stuff you'll find yourself doing, different solo-projects that keep me in the game.
  11. Nugis


    Looks very interesting, looking forward to testing.
  12. Nugis

    Dune Mod for OFP/CWA

    Cool idea. Maybe make a mini-campaign, would catch more attention.
  13. Going to try this out, looks very interesting.
  14. Nugis

    JdB Addon Releases

    Well done, looks very good.