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Everything posted by pabstmirror

  1. Yellowstone by PabstMirror Terrain based on Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming, USA) 10x10km map using real world elevation and satellite data, along with a few added fictional towns and roads. Offers a mix of forest, prairie and snow covered mountains. Download: Steam Workshop Media: Workflow: Real location [google maps] Thanks to: Bohemia Interactive Animander CUP QGIS (and it's Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin) PMC Editing Wiki #terrain_makers Foxhound's 3den Exporter My first map, and I'm more of a coder, so keep your expectations in check :)
  2. pabstmirror

    Release Candidate Branch Discussion

    Getting script error when using getUnitTrait with "loadCoef" x = player getUnitTrait "loadCoef" Error in expression <x = player getUnitTrait "loadCoef"> Error position: <getUnitTrait "loadCoef"> Error Foreign error: Unknown enum value: "loadCoef" `player setUnitTrait ["loadCoef", 3]` works fine, and the getUnitTrait does report the changed value Version: 1.78.143646
  3. pabstmirror

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    It would be useful to have a command to get the turret the the pylon is currently connected to, e.g.: (vehicle getPylonTurret 1) = [-1] Needed if someone wants to switch the loadout for something, but not switch which turret it's connected to. Also needed to handle locality. E.G. switching the `UAV_02` drone to use bombs uav setPylonLoadOut [1, "PylonMissile_1Rnd_BombCluster_03_F"] Will switch the ownership to the pilot instead of the gunner. It is possible to get the default turret from the configs, but since 1.76 this is changeable via 3den.
  4. pabstmirror

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    The new stackedEH also doesn't have some of the extra local variables the the old commands provided. ["zxzz", "onMapSingleClick", { systemChat format ["click: %1", _pos]; }] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; On 1.72 it will do "click: [343, 23, 0]" - `_pos` is defined from `onMapSingleClick` command On Dev it's just "click: any" - `_pos` is undefined when using `addMissionEventHandler ["MapSingleClick", {`
  5. Saw this on a mission that contained 4x "rhsusf_m113d_usarmy" Non-stop rpt errors and very low server fps: Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff
  6. pabstmirror

    Scripting Discussion (dev branch)

    _p0 = positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 0]; _p1 = positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 50]; lineIntersectsSurfaces [_p0, _p1, player, objNull, true, 1, "GEOM"]; Will throw script error OR sometimes hard crash game. [Version: 1.69.140502] Error position: <lineIntersectsSurfaces [_p0, _p1, player> Error Type Any, expected Bool Seems to be related to the LOD1 ("GEOM") param, either without or with 2 LODs it seems to work.
  7. With v10 performance (running no mods) Place a module in 3den, open it to edit and then hit ok and error pops up. Probably related to Tweaked: Empty namespace variable names are no longer allowed
  8. pabstmirror


    Zeroing on BWA3_CarlGustaf seems to be broken after 1.62 Image: 100, 400, 600 shots all landed at same elevation - http://i.imgur.com/YH10AOj.jpg Running just CBA/BW - testing both HE and HEAT rockets.
  9. pabstmirror

    Release Candidate Branch Discussion

    When launched for the first time from SP Eden, "EachFrame" missionEventHandlers added during preInit are ignored. class CfgFunctions { class a { class b { class c { file = "preInit.sqf"; preInit = 1; }; }; }; }; diag_log text format ["[%1] Start Preinit]", diag_frameno]; addMissionEventHandler ["EachFrame", { diag_log text format ["[%1] EachFrame]", diag_frameno]; }]; diag_log text format ["[%1] End Preinit]", diag_frameno]; Yeilds just But no EachFrame debug. MP does not seem to be effected.
  10. It seems like such a waste to have the server sync variables with `setVariable [x,y,true]` when the data already exists in the sqm that's loaded on all clients. Another possible improvement would be to add a command like `getObjectMissionConfigValue` Which could get an object's attributes from the sqm.
  11. There is a problem with the combo/dropdown box in the 3d editor Cfg3DEN >> Attributes >> Combo Any multi option that has a `class values` entry with a value of 0 will return -1 instead To Reproduce: Place a ModuleTaskCreate_F, sync to player Set owner as "Synchronized objects only" (value = 0) The module does not work. Check (moduleVariable getVariable "owner" = -1) Unbinned SQM also shows `value=-1;` Check a3\3den\UI\Attributes\Combo.hpp attributeLoad: if (isnumber (_x >> 'value')) then { _ctrlCombo lbsetdata [_lbadd,str getnumber (_x >> 'value')]; _ctrlCombo lbsetvalue [_lbadd,-1]; attributeSave if (_return == 0) then { _return = _ctrlCombo lbvalue lbcursel _ctrlCombo }; So if value = 0, _return will initially be 0 but be switched to the lbValue of -1 Ref http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=28031 https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/issues/3339
  12. pabstmirror


    On startup it throws ~1500 lines in the RPT of: Error: Bone cheek_lf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton Error: Bone nose_tip doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton Error: Bone lip_uplb doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton Error: Bone jaw_ls doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton Error: Bone lip_uplf doesn't exist in skeleton OFP2_ManSkeleton ... Which I think are from bad entries in some of the .RTM animations.
  13. pabstmirror

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Try removing AGM_Recoil.pbo and see which you prefer. One of the things it does is "Overhauls the recoil system reducing upwards recoil."
  14. pabstmirror

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    AGM_ModuleInteraction doesn't exist in AGM 0.95 You are going to have to do a little surgery to your mission.sqm open it up in a text editor, and replace vehicle="AGM_ModuleInteraction"; with vehicle="AGM_ModuleLSDVehicles"; save, and then reload in editor. Look for the "LSD Vehicles" module on the map and delete it.
  15. pabstmirror

    Scripting Discussion (dev branch)

    Here's a video of it in action: for debug: player1 constantly copies it's value of "test" into "selftest" To reproduce: 1. player1 setVariable ["test', 11, true]; 2. player 2 JIPs in 3. Kill player1 4. player 2 JIPs in 5. Kill player1 6. Player 1 sees "test" as 11, JIP does not player1 and the JIP see different values for getVariable "test" on the same object even though it was set globaly
  16. pabstmirror

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    tf_no_auto_long_range_radio = true; tf_same_sw_frequencies_for_side = true; tf_same_lr_frequencies_for_side = true; tf_freq_west = [0 ,7, ["31","32","33","34","35","36","37","38","39"],0, nil, -1, 0]; tf_freq_west_lr = [3 ,7, ["31","32","33","34","35","36","37","38","39"],0, nil, -1, 0]; tf_freq_east = [0 ,7, ["31","32","33","34","35","36","37","38","39"],0, nil, -1, 0]; tf_freq_east_lr = [3 ,7, ["31","32","33","34","35","36","37","38","39"],0, nil, -1, 0]; tf_freq_guer = [0 ,7, ["31","32","33","34","35","36","37","38","39"],0, nil, -1, 0]; tf_freq_guer_lr = [3 ,7, ["31","32","33","34","35","36","37","38","39"],0, nil, -1, 0];
  17. http://www.gameupdates.org/ has torrent links for the "2014 10 18 Patch"
  18. pabstmirror

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Your CBA keybind variable could be corrupt. You might want to try reseting it: https://dev.withsix.com/projects/cca/wiki/Keybinding
  19. @kju On dev branch they added reporting on problematic objects In misc_c\config.cpp Removing Land_Fuel_tank_big's transportFuel value eliminated the error message and seemed to fix CTD from map switching, although I still got a crash on exit. class Land_Fuel_tank_big: Land_fuel_tank_small { animated = 0; armor = 50; model = "\ca\misc\Fuel_tank_big.p3d"; icon = "\Ca\misc\data\icons\i_fuel_CA.paa"; displayName = "$STR_DN_FUEL_STATION"; nameSound = "fuelstation"; accuracy = 0.5; // transportFuel = 50000; /*I think this line is causing problems */ destrType = "DestructEngine"; };
  20. pabstmirror

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    class B_mas_AssaultPack_mul_Medic: B_mas_AssaultPack_mul { displayName = "Medic pack multi"; class TransportItems { class _xx_Medikit { name = "Medikit"; count = 1; }; class _xx_FirstAidKit { name = "FirstAidKit"; count = 10; }; }; }; The problem is the backpack is pre-filled and comes with items inside of it, just by doing addBackpack. 10 FirstAidKit which turn into 20 bandages and a medikit which turn into bunch of other supplies. I guess either use a normal empty backpack, or try clearing it after adding the pre-filled one. Not sure how it will work with respawn. Shame because I do like the look of the medic backpacks.
  21. pabstmirror

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Right now, when you load a crate into a vehicle, the crate moves to [-1000, -1000] (check past the SW corner of the map and it's marker should be there) to get it's real pos you'll need a custom getPos, something like this (sorry not tested) _newGetPos = { _theCrate = _this select 0; { if (_theCrate in (_x getVariable ["AGM_Logistics_loadedItems", []])) then { _theCrate = _x; }; } forEach vehicles; (getPos _theCrate) }; if the crate is "loaded" into a vehicle, then use it's pos instead of the cratess
  22. Loving the active street lights, but having a little problem with 2 of them: Land_lampa_sidl_2: http://i.imgur.com/15JOxpJ.jpg (on custom map) Land_lampa_sidl_3: http://i.imgur.com/HumGxyv.jpg (placed on stratis) Both have similar problems: 1. At some viewing angles you can see a glowing ball halfway up the light post. 2. It's only outputing light in a 180 arc (take a look at the pic from stratis, only the north half of the ground is lit)
  23. pabstmirror

    Export from A3 Editor

    Just messing arround I came up with this: _northing = 0; _easting = 200000; _typesToSave = ["Thing", "Building"]; _typesToIgnore = ["Helper_Base_F"]; _objectsOnMap = []; { { _theObject = _x; if (!(_theObject in _objectsOnMap)) then { if (({(typeOf _theObject) isKindOf _x} count _typesToIgnore) == 0) then { _objectsOnMap pushBack _x; }; }; } forEach allMissionObjects _x; } forEach _typesToSave; _ouutputString = ""; { _typeName = typeOf _x; _xPos = _easting + ((getPos _x) select 0); _yPos = _northing + ((getPos _x) select 1); _rotation = getDir _x; _pitch = 0; _bank = 0; _size = 1; _relElevation = (getPos _x) select 2; _ouutputString = _ouutputString + format ['"%1";%2;%3;%4;%5;%6;%7;%8; ', _typeName, _xPos, _yPos, _rotation, _pitch, _bank, _size, _relElevation]; } forEach _objectsOnMap; copyToClipboard _ouutputString; Problem is it will output something like "Land_BagFence_Corner_F";203692;4220.97;0;0;0;1;0; "Land_BagFence_Corner_F";203716;4258.21;0;0;0;1;0; "Land_BagFence_Corner_F";203720;4317.16;0;0;0;1;0; "Land_BagFence_Corner_F";203662;4322.33;0;0;0;1;0; which is close, but TB expects: "BagFence_Corner_F";203692;4220.97;0;0;0;1;0; "BagFence_Corner_F";203716;4258.21;0;0;0;1;0; Land_BagFence_Corner_F is the typeName of the object, BagFence_Corner_F is the p3d name, which TB expects, right now it's not bad to just quick remove all "Land_" in a txt editor