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Everything posted by Valken

  1. Playing with the current Dev build so I wanted to ask if there would be plans for a 64 bit version of ACE now? I hope so... can't play ARMA with out it yet want the benefits of new memory access to the game.
  2. Did anyone receive a new update on the DEV 1.67 branch today? I am not sure if something updated or not (Steam does not say what was changed) but now I cannot launch ARMA with RESHADE under DX11. arma3.exe The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000009a) If I remove or rename the dll to something other than DXGI.DLL (DX11) then it works. I checked and unchecked BattleEye. Its not BE. I can play ARMA 3 without this mod but now it looks terrible again. Just wondering as it was working 24 hours ago!
  3. Valken

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Hi Lord Jarhead, Love your mod and one thing I would wish for in an upcoming update would be compatibility with LAxemann's Enhanced Soundscape to enable 3D environmental sounds. I believe your mod has version of it built in but when I tested other sound mods with the above mod, it felt more 3D. You can experience this in Tanoa with headphones on. But I love your sound mod. It makes ARMA so much more immersive. Firefights feels like I'm in the middle actual battle scenes from the movie 13 Hours. Hopefully you can tap into the new sound resources built into ARMA 3 and make it that much better.
  4. Hi Lord Frith, I was wondering if there was a CUP/RHS conflict with your mod? I had it loaded then tried to play these scenario with the current 1.66 release and 1.67 DEV builds but the game would not start or get stuck on the introduction. Only when I unloaded your mod would it work. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=733988822&searchtext=13+hours http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=741274430&searchtext=13+hours http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=732881736&searchtext=13+hours http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=698293368&searchtext=13+hours Yes, I just finished watching the movie 13 hours and tried to jump into a game with my current mod selection and only when I unload your mod would it work. It seems to be a CUP and RHS conflict. It would be great to look into it.
  5. Your cycle looks nice.Those flowers totally rock! Maybe you can use some of Alias Cartoon's scripts to make the world more alive with different weathers such as dust storms, thunderstorms, volcanoes, and meteor showers. It would be cool to see some of those events since we assume it is an alien planet.
  6. I love this mod. I use it along with UI Sounds Mod and it works awesome. Keep up the great work.
  7. Foxhound - I have the same problem today. My !workshop folder has not updated since October 31st 2016 and the A3L does not show any new Steam Workshop Mods. But I fixed it temporarily by pointing the A3L to ADD the following folder : X:\Steam\SteamApps\workshop\content\107410\ A3L will then add all the mods that were d/l from SWS. It will duplicate the list but you can tell what mod was added as the folder name will have a number in brackets or the name of the mod will show properly if a mod.cpp file is in that folder. You might need to add the mod.cpp file to a mod folder if the mod name does not show up.Easy to fix - just make a copy of the meta.cpp file and make sure within the file it is typed in as follows: Name = "mod"; Note the quotes. You must have for A3L to show the mod properly as some authors forget this. PS: I am on the current DEV 1.67 build. Previously I was on the RC and 1.66 release build but A3L still did not properly create the workshop folder file names for a long time now so I used the above directions to use A3L.
  8. When you launch ARMA 3, goto your personal settings and make sure the difficulty mode is at normal or harder. If you have it set at EASY, it will always be a full stamina. I personally have most of the my hud settings fade out/off or turned off in running/first person mode. I use TPW hud and vehicle huds only.
  9. Anyone testing this mod with the current DEV 1.67.xx version? In a coop missing, I am getting error messages regarding twp_bleedout line 194. It appears to be trying to turn off in coop/mp mode. I am playing some coop missions via LAN mode (basically SP by myself) and it takes over the hud for long time. I will try to copy the coop/mp pbo to the MISSION folders and try it as a SP game if possible but thought others might have experienced this.
  10. Valken


    VBS3 Blue looks very impressive but not available to the consumer audience right? Its special interests only? With TitanIM, I believe it will be available to gamers. And with open mod support, over time it can be very good.
  11. Hi Zabb, You can actually only load up OPTRE and just place the buildings onto any existing ARMA map with the editor the save the mission. Then you can pass the mission PBO out for players to create missions. For example, you can add OPTRE buildings in Tanoa Georgetown or pick a place near the water and create. Even with CUP maps or any other maps. I think we only need a good map with coast to create Tokyo. Or use the CUP DESERT MAP (only load cup core and cup maps mod), then place buildings into the map, save as a mission. Remember to add at least one user playable character to test walking around.
  12. Valken


    I was making a lot of assumptions with that city screenshot based on ARMA 3 and the Manhattan New York map as a reference: It is to scale or game scale You can go into the buildings Buildings have open floors per level Buildings can be destroyed City is interactive I have a hard time playing on the Manhattan map in ARMA 3 already (Ultra settings) so seeing that MANY tall buildings in a dense city got me excited. I wish someone would put together a "Capitols" mappack of large cities like NYC, L.A., Tokyo, Hong Kong, Paris, London and etc... relatively game scaled and be able travel back forth between them in ARMA and interact in those cities. Basically a scaled up GTA with more military behind it. That would impress the hell out of me.
  13. Valken


    If they can really pull this off with 60 FPS and no lag with many >300 active AI, then I will be impressed:
  14. I think using OpTRE buildings on any maps would make a great 2035 Tokyo.
  15. Hi Jasin, Inside of your ARMA 3 folder, usually located at : X:\Steam\SteamApps\common\ArmA 3 Where X is your Hard Drive, there should be a folder/directory named USERCONFIG. In the TPW_MOD folder, there is also a directory call USERCONFIG. You need to copy that folder to the ARMA 3 main directory OR the contents of X:\Steam\SteamApps\common\ArmA 3\@TPW_MOD\USERCONFIG into X:\Steam\SteamApps\common\ArmA 3\USERCONFIG. Then it should work fine with no errors for the mod version. Note you have to usually update the userconfig for TPW MOD with each new version. Check the release notes. USERCONFIG
  16. Maybe make Motoko's er.... the Major's hair more "fuller" such as : or add an arm patch "公安9課 - Public Security Section 9" : Last request: Appleseed Duenan Hair style / face only so we can add her to the group as a bonus? Similar to either classic Manga style: Or OVA Style:
  17. You can set the Dino's to spawn using it as an "enemy" or even the green faction under the userconfig: tpw_skirmish_resistunitstring = "BB_Raptors"; // Custom string to select resistance units from config Use the correct faction names.
  18. With this mod we don't even need Chernarus Plus anymore! Great job!
  19. OMG Could seriously "consider" kissing you and Bad Benson! Thank you!!!
  20. @ Zabb - Agree to not copy directly and I only showed that picture for inspiration. The GITS Anime Series 1st GIG and 2nd GIG looks like the above picture. VR suit plus vest accessories so I thought it would be easy to make it look close. Looking forward to your own designs. Maybe we can see other Shirow Masamune designs!
  21. Sugoi! Can you use the VR Suit and color it so you can make the squad look similar to this:
  22. Ever since APEX we have a new START MENU with QUICK PLAY, PROLOGUE and EDITOR in the middle of the screen. Is there a way to disable that since the menu is already moved to the top? I can't find the settings to do this in the launcher or ingame profile or game settings.
  23. I would like to request someone create some clown masks?? Can be simple such as Bozo hairs, red nose and maybe a few retextures in clown facepaint skins for default heads. Would be great for a horror scenario.
  24. Valken

    Arma 3 Science Fiction Map

    @ Variable - OPTRE team advised the following on regarding their gridlock map using grasses: Perhaps you can figure out the compatibility issue between this map and Gridlock for the next update.