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Everything posted by ski2060

  1. It takes more energy to hold the weapon up at a ready to fire level? The new stamina level is TOTAL stamina, not just how far you can run.
  2. So, what are the numerical value ranges for Advanced Fatigue? All default values are 1. How high can they go?
  3. Awesome! I'm going to try to set something up for my unit to test some of this out. As above, will SCAR work in a dedicated MP environment? I have a dedi server that I use for my missions, be they Zeus, ALiVE, MCC etc., so that people can come and go whenever they want to get missions in. Will SCAR work for setting up something like @Zakuaz suggests? Looks like you have a lot of thought put into this module for future work. Don't burn out! We really want to see you put those ideas in practice! This system looks like it would great with VME PLA forces on Tanoa... or maybe Russians on Beketov.
  4. Confirmed. When running ACE3 3.7.0 , the new Stamina settings are overwhelmingly harsh. Can you put in a Parameter setting at mission start so that we can either set to what we want for the ACE Stamina system, or exclude it completely and use just the Vanilla Arma 3 stamina system? Thanks!
  5. Spyder, do you know if there is any work being done on the issue with Asymmetric play on Tanoa? Basically, ~80% of the buildings on Tanoa are indestructible. They have NO destroyed models or states, so you cannot take out Asymmetric HQs, IED factories, or anything else inside one of those buildings. This makes Asymmetric warfare on Tanoa impossible in ALiVE missions. Maybe a simple item spawn inside these placements that can be destroyed to satisfy the mission requirements?
  6. Yep. Currently I'm working on a Pacific Pirates faction utilizing Syndikat troops. So far I've just built up new infantry groups under the Pirate name, added some more ground vehicles to give them a bit of depth (ATVs, Technicals, Offroad trucks), and added to/ reorganized naval and air assets. After getting that working as a proof of concept, I think I'm going to move on to swapping vanilla weapons and equipment with RHS Russian weapons for them. Maybe add in some heavier assets to represent them finding or stealing gear from elsewhere.
  7. So far so good this evening. Group of guys playing for several hours with no lag outs or server freezing. Couple of issues. The new ACE stamina system appears to be horrendous in the mission. Is there any way you could possibly put in a mission Parameters screen or settings for people running ACE to adjust the new Stamina system to their liking? Also, the fog is horrendous at times. Any plans on limiting the duration of the fog? Or is our only hope just passing time at the base until fog is gone?
  8. ski2060

    Zero Dark Zero

    Woo! Will give it a try Monday. Working my ass off this weekend to include a double on Sunday. None of the others have been updated recently have they?
  9. Looking at the New Medical Bandage matrix on the wiki. It seems that Field Bandages and Packing Bandages have the exact same efficiency down the line. Also, Packing bandages show a lower efficiency versus Elastic regarding avulsions, when historically they had a higher rating. IS this a mistake on the new numbers?
  10. ski2060

    Zero Dark Zero

    Great news! So SCAR is goofed up. I'll hold off on messing with that for a bit then. Don' burn out, we'd like to see this new stuff :D
  11. So, server/mission lockup is still there? I just want to clarify.. with new mission version is the Arsenal supposed to start empty? I uploaded the mission and started fresh last night. The arsenal has NO weapons unlocked in it at all. Is this supposed to be the case?
  12. ski2060

    Zero Dark Zero

    Get Both? :D I like the idea of that.. faster iterations on Armaholic etc, while complete, easy updating from Steam. More people would be exposed via Steam, so the mod would get out there. You could always include links to your documentation on the Steam description pages and make sure it's in GIANT SCREAMING BOLDFACE about where to download the documents. Edit: Looking at my install Dir> F:\Steam_DIR\steamapps\workshop\content, the Workshop folders that hold downloads DO have both Readme files, as well as full PDF instruction books for different mods. Firewills' AWS and F16 mods both come with PDF's from Steam. Check through your own Steam install directory, you may be able to find reference Docs like I did.
  13. Ah Hah! Yeah I was just mistaken in it's usage. I was thinking of using it as a sort of Staging area that the team could then use to decide how they want to infiltrate the target area on the map (basically like the off site center, just during MP play with respawn turned on). I can just build a spot and place down items with your code for using the SUB for that stuff I guess. Thanks for clearing that up.
  14. ski2060

    Zero Dark Zero

    @Von Quest: Holy shit! Sounds like you've been very busy. I can understand getting burned out on coding if every time BIS breaks your shit for a while ;) I really hope you can get your lost files back, or at least get things to a state you like for a release. ESPECIALLY for MP! My unit has a couple different servers, and I co-run our Experimental server for trying all kinds of new mods out. For example, I run the ALiVE missions and other persistent style stuff (Antistasi), and all the /shit that's cool lets try that!/ type mods and maps. The other servers are our Zeus Operations, usually up for any members to get on and put together a mission at their leisure. I really look forward to your upcoming stuff, as we tend to run more Spec-ops style games. Actually putting together some missions that will require stealth, coordination, team-play and less Rambo would be awesome! I am particularly stoked to hear that you are incorporating Pooks SAM pack into your work! We just started to evaluate the mod for inclusion in our missions now that he removed CUP dependency (we use RHS for the most part). Having actual SAM and RADAR sites to contend with while doing either HALO drops, or player Aircraft activities would bring a great depth to missions. On that tangent: How does the SAM/RADAR interact with your Static Aircraft drop? It seems that when I am running a tester mission with HALO, the aircraft is in a static position at the drop site. Will SAMs fire on this static drop vehicle? Will the radars cause troops to be alerted in the mission area if you are spotted? IF you need any more testers I would love to help out. I can provide a dedicated server for testing any time you might need one. Absolutely love the direction your work is headed, and I can't wait to integrate it into some persistent mission play if at all possible. I have an idea for a Tanoa mission- small inserted ODA that is there to disrupt and or destroy the Syndikat forces that are helping smuggle arms and drugs to the Phillipnes/Indonesia etc. Can't send in a full scale NATO or US force due to PLA/CSAT influence in the area.. so clandestine forces with very limited re-supply is it! Maybe throw in a Pooks SAM site or 2 to discourage NATO aircraft in the vicinity... I'm getting a little giddy... :D
  15. So, I was re-visiting the Spookwar stuff to see if I can get something going for my unit. Instead of starting at the Offsite OpCenter, I was thinking of using the small campsite start with laptop to set missions and choose either HALO or Sub insertion. Is this doable? When I attempt to use the random campsite, it spawns a laptop, but the laptop has no menu items attached to it. No way to spawn missions or anything. Am i just mistaken in what the Campsite is supposed to be for? Or am I missing something regarding setup to use HALO/SUB/ Mission setup from there?
  16. ski2060

    Zero Dark Zero

    Any updates Von? Would love to see anything you've improved or fixed with your system.
  17. Spectacular work! This will be a great map once it is released for the masses.
  18. Good to know. Waiting to see some more updates on your stuff. We really want to integrate some of your work into our MP Zeus ops.
  19. IS that Dropbox version a newer version that on Steam at the moment, Rekkless? And has Shay updated MCC to the new version he was working oo with the updated GUI and such?
  20. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Yep, I was going to post that I found placement was much better in the few minutes I had to test before going to get my car from the shop (damn wrecks!) . Launcher placement is better, moving them away from or clearing out trees somehow (MAGIC!) Also, I was engaged damn near immediately after taking off from the Airfield we are using for the test.
  21. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Uploading to my server now. I'll try out the test mission and see how things play out. I'll try to get it recorded and see if there are any errors or if things are playing as expected. Thanks!
  22. ski2060

    The new unit system replaces squad.xml?

    Quick question: Does the Units function generate an XML file for members or is it linked some other way for inclusion to the Launcher? I am attempting to ad members to my Alive War-room information and it includes the ability to import via XML. I would like to just use our Arma 3 Units page to do this if possible.
  23. @Barbolani I found one of my client RPTs from the other night. Near the end it has several mission resets that occurred when we had the issue and it persisted across Mission reset with persistent save. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4CmmU0JFMEkbnZ4R05weG5FcWs/view?usp=sharing
  24. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    HCPookie, From what I understand, you don't really play Zeus operations. Those of us that do, generally have a blank map or a map with limited assets pre-placed. We will have our people gather on the server, and one or 2 mission operators will build a mission "on the fly" as it were. Depending on which unit members are available will dictate our approach to the mission. If we have pilots available, we will try to integrate them into the mission and challenge them. If not, we give the players ground assets and challenges. Also, Zeus allows ANYONE in the unit to build missions on the fly while in a live environment, not just the few of us that actively build missions in the editor. If you've never seen his stuff, I'd suggest checking out Luetin's work doing Zeus ops (both public vanilla and Modded Unit missions) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8RfCCzWsMgNspTI-GTFenQ I get what you're doing with the IADS sites, and applaud your work. It provides a much needed balance ability to deal with Player Aircraft in a more realistic manner. If you can look at it this way, sometimes we don't want an entire site. Maybe the area we're hitting is underfunded, rebels with seized equipment, or just plain damaged from previous strikes and there may only be one or 2 IADS weapon systems left to deal with. Spawning an entire site to get your script behaviour would then require us to somehow destroy all the spawned assets we don't want at the beginning of the mission instead of them just not being there. One of our pilots/Zeus operators pointed out, he would like to be able to drop individual units down and be able to sync them to the Radar units (Via Zeus or with a placed module such as Serjames' idea) to build sites that take advantage of whichever map we are using more realistically. Not just in a scripted radius, but having the ability to utilize nearby terrain for cover and optimal placement. IE Urban placement, mountainous areas. (Beware giant run-on sentence) Being able to put maybe 1 or 2 launchers with an aging radar that rebels have kept running with hope and duct-tape, or a couple gun emplacements on a ridgeline connected to a mobile radar, or a couple mobile vehicles with BVR ability tied to a Radar (looking at you, Russian backed Ukrainian rebels that shot down an Airliner) would bring just that much more immersion to missions I believe. And yes, I know the mobile vehicles wouldn't actually be mobile due to your scripts, just placed. Just had a though: if Zeus modules, or Zeus spawned sites that use the BVR scripting are off the table, can you make spawnable sites that include lesser numbers of weapon systems? Anywhere from 1-3 of the AD systems that a full site would have?
  25. I will see if I can get any of my players to cough up an RPT from their client. Where is an RPT stored at client-side, anyway? It's almost like the mission reaches a critical mass at some point in play, and even when persistent saved it stays. When we hit that point and try to save, then restart the server it is still acting up. Like there are too many calculations or save points or something for the AI/Logic.