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Everything posted by kiory

  1. I guess it would be morning, so good morning all. I'm a man of my word, so here's my tribute for Bushlurker, I'm aware that there are others out there now and I'm happy to see people felt as strongly as I did when hearing of the passing of Bushlurker, it just downright sucks. I felt that just saying Rest in Peace wasn't good enough. Paul "Bushlurker" Pelosi, recently passed away. It's been and will be a huge detriment to the modding community for years to come, he was absolutely the go to guy for terrain modding. Chances are that if you've worked on any sort of terrain, then Bushlurker has helped you, he certainly helped me and many others I know. So with that said, this is for you buddy, I didn't know you too well, but you certainly deserve this tribute, I hope you're happy in your bushes somewhere, rest in peace mate. The idea behind this piece was that Bushlurker is building the world beneath himself, with hammer in hand, the legs represent the elemental aspect of terrain building, rocks, trees etc. I'm uploading the source files just in case anybody wants to embed this into their maps rather than having to place it via the editor, You'll find the placeable monument located in the Altis structures sections, under historical. With that said, here's the addon from Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c7cq0cr99ulbv6i/%40Kio_Monument.rar?dl=0 Alternatively you can grab it from Steam here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=843661230 And here's the source files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/62ifny2uj7xin5d/Kio_Monument_Source.rar?dl=0 I don't really have much else to say, it's a sad time, but lets celebrate this wonderful man for all the good he did. Later folks!
  2. All hat's contain the original diffuse textures and source files, go nuts! Warm Hat Capital, like a sir! Yarrrgh! I'ma steal yer boat! "Am I a pretty girl? :o" Tacticool Santa Hat Spinning Hat (warning: doesn't let you fly, yet!) I'd actually like to know if it's possibl to get this thing damn spinner to rotate inside the model config, it contains remnant code from my attempts, but I've given up, spent way too much time on it. It's a shame as Scooby has prepared a lovely little flying script for it... Wouldn't seem right if I can't get it to spin though. You ain't seen cool like this before! Consolidated all files into one rar, @Kiory contains the PBO's, Source files contain everything else. http://www.multiupload.nl/BA0M12324E :Update: Added the new Capital hat. :Update 2: Added the new Pirate hat :Update 3: Added Spongebob's Number 1 hat :Update 4: Added Tacticool Santa Hat (Took way longer than I'd like, was playing around with different techniques for the fur.) :Update 2 Million: Added Spinning Hat (which doesn't spin, yet) :Update Twenty past: Added the Afro hat
  3. Hey guys, I just released a set of batch files that will convert TGA files into PAA and FBX into RTM files with a right click function. Not really a mod, but useful none the less. You might be thinking, so what? Well it's faster than waiting for AddonBuilder or PboProject to automatically convert textures, much faster. With regards to FBX to RTM, it will only work with certain rigs set up for the FBXtoRTM workflow, so my latest rig definitely does that, and BI's motion builder rig would also work, I'm unsure of the blender rigs, but I'm sure someone can work that out. https://gumroad.com/l/ozGyc (Psst, it's free, just enter 0 and check out) Here's how it looks: Anyway, hopefully someone will find some use for this. Regards, Kiory. :EDIT: I actually posted this in the wrong place, if a mod could move this to community made utilities, that would be more appropriate I think, cheers!
  4. Hey guys, I've just finished up a guide and new rig for Arma 3, it uses 3DS Max, so unfortunately anyone using other software are out of luck. It completely omits Object Builder and uses FBXtoRTM instead, I'll let the guide explain all, cheers. https://gum.co/KAOLj (Pst, it's free, just leave it at 0)
  5. Hey folks. I don't spend much time here anymore, pretty busy with work and what not, but occasionally I come with treats for you all, and today is no exception. This is thanks to Rob|Homesick, just a little boy with a dream, a wish for a panda helmet, and I delivered! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1632653995
  6. kiory

    Tactical Panda Helmet

    I'm glad everyone is having some fun with this, even if it did start out as a joke. :D
  7. I'm not sure this is a bug, but intentionally done to "optimize". It would be cool to see certain objects retain their geo though.
  8. You just called out Lexx for being arrogant, yet you're stating your opinion like it's a universal fact, like M. Glade's opinion means fuck all? Talk about arrogance, your opinion is yours, and M. Glade has his, just because you don't hold the same opinion doesn't mean you can be disrespectful.
  9. I can't speak for infringment/copyright etc, but I'll just echo what Pufu said with my own thoughts, it'd probably be easier and better for everyone to follow suit with BI and create something new and unique (even lore friendly) based on real things, hell, who wants another M4 or AK at this point? I mean, there's interest there, not to toot my own horn but the KKiv I made was pretty popular on steam, it doesn't exist and tries to follow BI's steps in that it's based on several real world rifles, and turns it up a notch. On it's own as it is now, I don't think it would sell, but if there were several different variants with a few accessories, then yea, I can see people buying that. I personally prefer working on things that don't exist, gives me more freedom, I mean who doesn't want to buy a railgun tank?
  10. Hope you're not crediting me with work that wasn't mine, unless I read you completely wrong? I dunno, sounded a bit iffy, I had nothing to do with Resist, I was on the Epoch team at the time.
  11. BI will have some hand in the QA department, developers would get extra tools (according to their statement) to further tweak and optimize and make their new addons the best they can be, and then BI will presumably step in, examine the work and assist with quality assurance, their own words. All of this stuff will be DLC released under BI's name, do you honestly think they will be accepting and releasing any old crap? I don't think BI would take a gamble on something that wouldn't sell nor be popular, they're looking for actual quality work here, something that impresses them and something they can make a profit from and potentially work they would create themselves. Jets DLC must of been successful for them, otherwise this wouldn't even be a consideration, it's clearly worked and they're looking to expand their horizons and take us along for the ride, and it's about time too :). I know for me personally, yea, I'll be taking a shot at this, and a lot of people will hate me for it, and anyone else that does it, consider us sellouts, which yes technically we would be, but I know for me personally, I'd love nothing more than to create addons for Arma all day and all night, but it's not financially viable. With this on the horizon, well that has the potential to change that for me, you're damn right I want to make money while doing my favourite thing, money is what puts food in my belly, keeps a roof over my head, I don't have parents to pay my way and look after me anymore, I'm a big boy now.
  12. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T127003 I've finally managed to pin point my issue with the turret and hatch animations, it's a bizarre one but hopefully someone can help.
  13. Hmm, I hadn't considered the posibility of inheritance in the config.cpp causing it, it's inheriting from B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F, perhaps I should try another class, thanks for the lead. I kind assumed it would of worked considering it's still TankX. :edit: So I've just double checked, tried inheriting from B_MBT_01_cannon_f as well, no dice, I have no clue what's going on, because it was all working on stable.
  14. Having issues with turrets and hatches, (for a custom tank) mine worked fine in stable, but for some reason they won't animate in Dev branch and for the life of me I can't work out why, there doesn't seems to be any fundamental changes to how they work, unless I'm missing something?
  15. Hello again! Tis' I, here again with another ridiculous addon. I want to get my thanks out of the way first and foremost. First to @Nirrti for his extensive field testing and constant pushing to make everything correct, he is also responsible for this piece existing, so you also have him to thank for that! Also a shout out to @laxemann for helping me iron out the sound issues I've been having, huge help and wealth of knowledge, thanks bud! With that out of the way, let's get down to it. "The 25 KKiv 2035 rifle is a 25mm payload rifle designed for sabotage and long range operations where you need the accuracy of a 12.7mm or comparable caliber, with the capabilities beyond the characteristics of such calibers, falling in between the niche of 12.7mm rifles and light anti-tank weapons. Being lighter than it's contemporaries (M320 LRR .408 and GM6 Lynx), and being able to reach comparable ranges with its 25mm payloads, the rifle is capable of firing two different rounds; the HEDP rounds are useful for soft targets and infantry, while the APFSDS rounds are designed to punch through hard targets such as armored cars (for example Hunter, Ifrit, or Strider), or even IFVs (like the Gorgon, Marid, or Marshall), though care and foresight must be applied when targeting such vehicles, as shots must be carefully placed into weak spots, such as engine or fuel tanks. Some rumours circulating among the men is that it might even be capable of damaging Main Battle Tanks, though through testing these rumours have been found unsubstantiated." If you would like to try this beast out for yourself, click the rifle below! Alternatively, grab it from the Steam Workshop: NOW WITH CBA - JOINT RAIL SUPPORT NOW WITH ACE3 SUPPORT If you prefer not to use steam, you can grab the CBA patch on dropbox here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lpemwmss7b7dlpt/%40Kio_KKiv_CBA.rar?dl=0 And you can grab Ace3 patch here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8vh38hbmdbotgu3/%40Kio_KKiv_Ace.rar?dl=0 Please report any issues you encounter with the rifle here and I will try my best to fix them ASAP! Here's a couple of promo shots showing it off in game: Sorry if the images are too big. I am also available for modelling commissions as well, serious offers only, no charge for Arma III implementation if required. Thanks for taking the time to check out this mod, if you find value here, consider throwing me a few bucks, it won't kill you and it certainly will help me.
  16. So, for the longest time I was sick of the shadow resolution in Arma, I know I'm not the only one. I came across some juicy info whilst searching through some configs and discovered that the settings are on a config level, seriously 3 minutes of work and I was done. Here's a video showing off what it does. You can download the Pbo and config.cpp here https://www.dropbox.com/s/au331uq4t7hpmy8/Kio_videosettings.rar. I added the config.cpp as there is a lot of settings you can change, but all I wanted was high res shadows and I achieved that and then some, feel free to make your own configs. Anyway, enjoy! Oh, and for the record, I have no idea of the performance issues or any other issues (there was very little for SP) for multiplayer, it's untested, I can't be held accountable for any botch ups, it's your choice to download this file.
  17. kiory

    Star Wars mod, what is going on?

    What nice job? They didn't do anything but take work that we've done (in a hypothetical sense), mashed it up with some other addon and then re uploaded to steam, there's no work involved in that, you clearly have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and are making yourself look like a fool.
  18. kiory

    Star Wars mod, what is going on?

    What? So we're throwing shit away now, first I've heard of it. Also, I'm not sure you're aware, but they're using content stolen from other games, and the assets look worse, not better, nothing has been improved or made more interesting, but made worse. Alright, so how would you feel if someone had gone into your cupboard, taken something you made, cherished, on display and just... rubbed their smelly diseased cock all over it, just made your hard work smell like a fucking cheese wheel, how would that make you feel? I'd imagine you'd be quite displeased with your new, offensive, mutation of whatever it is you were hiding in that cupboard. Our addons are our property though, legally, so by every definition, they are stolen when someone uses our addons without consent. A pretty fucking moot point, every modder out there piggybacks on a pre existing game, did you think you were being clever when you wrote this? It makes you look rather stupid. We don't work for anyone but ourselves, many people do this for hundereds of different reasons, none of which have to justifiable to the likes of you, you are clearly someone who has not made anything they can call their own and be proud of.
  19. kiory

    25 KKiv Model 2035

    Added new links for Ace3 support, I have no idea if they are perfectly accurate and I don't even use ACE, I could barely hit anything, so I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, I don't have time to go into any in depth testing, so if there's any issues let me know and I'll make amendments.
  20. kiory

    25 KKiv Model 2035

    Try updating whatever you're using to unpack it, whether it be winrar or 7zip etc.
  21. kiory

    25 KKiv Model 2035

    @foxhound @kecharles28 Hey guys, seems you have used the incorrect file to upload, it's actually a separate PBO. Here, for your convenience: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lpemwmss7b7dlpt/%40Kio_KKiv_CBA.rar?dl=0
  22. kiory

    25 KKiv Model 2035

    Hey guys, just released a patch for CBA support. Added a workshop and dropbox link in the original post. I'm very busy right now, but I'm hoping to fit in Ace support as well in the next few days, I haven't touched it yet so I'll have to figure out what I'm doing, but if you guys have any idea in what you'd like to see, give me a shout and I'll see what I can do.
  23. kiory

    25 KKiv Model 2035

    For now, just remove the dickish and condescending text, and change the picture, as much as I love my sexy face. I'll have a patch out when I have time, maybe tonight for CBA. And don't make me fucking regret this.
  24. kiory

    25 KKiv Model 2035

    Well there you have it @Covfefe Remove your patch, and when I can get around to it, I'll work one in for everyone, but I'm very busy right now with work, so please be patient.
  25. kiory

    25 KKiv Model 2035

    I have no respect for the community? Really? I'll refer you to Project Argo, where recently BI contacted me (and I'm very greatful to have something I have produced go into Arma, again) to use a monument I had created for one of our most prestigious modders, who was tragically lost to us. I would also like to mention the countless people I have helped over the years, and the many hours I've put into my own work for people to enjoy. My mods typically are open source and are free to do with what you please, but this is a special case as the client who comissioned the model to be made doesn't want ACE support, and he is well within his rights (I am sorry to throw you slightly under the bus @Nirrti) Don't assume you know anything about me, you've already said you don't care about nor know me personally. This wasn't deceit, it was a need to know basis, and nobody needed to know.