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Everything posted by EO

  1.  EO


    Yeah man, for sure a gasmask on it's own will give an element of protection. I think the guy over at the Steam Workshop who posed the question knew about gasmask protection, it was gear other than gasmasks he was unsure about.
  2.  EO


    A question arose on the Ravage Steam Workshop regarding uniforms/vests/headgear that give protection from radiation, so here is a fairly comprehensive list of vanilla gear that Ravage uses for radiation protection... Headgear... Vests... Uniforms... Wear any combination of these and you could happily pitch a tent outside No.4 reactor at Chernobyl.
  3.  EO


    Yikes!...that seems like an awful lot of mods guys, is that the norm? I rarely run more than 3 or 4 with Ravage. If there's one thing I've learned playing the Arma series.....mo' mods, mo' problems.
  4. Thanks for the feedback, although it's a little confusing... Sorry, but it does in fact lower base cloud significantly... Default values: cloudBaseKm=2.8499999 Sullen Skies values: cloudBaseKm=0.2
  5.  EO


    Try this... ...I use this setting a lot, you'll only occasionally come across a lone Renegade.
  6.  EO


    Mmm, I don't think the trader shop lists will pick them up as saleable items, even if you allow Respawn Camps via the Loot system.
  7. Bummer, unscrupulous Lifers gotta spoil it for everyone. Hope you can get back on this soon man.
  8.  EO


    @YakBallz, Hey man, it's nice to know that trigger still works. Sorry bud, i'm all outta ideas on how to achieve that. ^^ Just hold tight man, somebody will surely pass by with a solution.
  9.  EO


    There's an option in the Loot System module that adds respawn camp backpacks to the loot system...
  10.  EO


    Bare in mind that solution was tried and tested over 18 months ago with many updates to both A3 and Ravage since then, it's probably worth a wee retest just to make sure it still works...
  11.  EO


    This trigger method should still work for dynamically spawned Zeds... ...and here's a video interpretation of the trigger method... Welcome to the forum man!
  12. A little clarification: Although this pack of retextures have been included in the latest version of Ravage (v161), this is a standalone version for the wider community to use. The version that has been included with Ravage have their own unique set of classnames/pbo's, as does this standalone version, so there is no risk of errors if you happen to load Ravage and Ravaged and Frithified Gear together. For example in the Virtual Arsenal if you ran both mods together you will find the same set of retextures but with different names/icons for each individual asset.
  13.  EO


    ....top to toe Ravage assets too. ^^ Altogether a very cool anniversary update!
  14.  EO


    So cool...
  15.  EO


    Fellow Ravagers!...you can grab a standalone version of "Ravaged and Frithified Gear" over here.....if you so desire. (sorry for the shameless plug, but they simply wouldn't exist without Ravage) Much more importantly I hope your all busy baking survival cake for haleks, Ravage celebrates a birthday in a few days time...
  16. It's just a dirty mock-up to show the idea in game, I placed the crates as the beehive, the bees were spawned in by the Arma 3 Animals Module - Extended, then I added a bee swarm sound effect via CfgSFX, activated by a trigger.
  17. Silly idea no.827....Dynamically spawned beehives!...Gather honey from beehives as a potential food source to regenerate Nutrition or the healing powers of honey could help regenerate Health. ...disclaimer, just an idea, I'm no scripter.
  18. I've informed Foxhound of the release so an Armaholic mirror may follow.
  19. Ravaged and Frithified GEAR: Using the source files generously provided by Lordfrith, this project will re-texture a selection of vanilla assets thus providing additional equipment to complement the original Frith's Ruin mod. Zero background in image-editing so final quality may not be to the highest of standards, but my unorthodox methods using GIMP will be done with love and feeling. Thanks to @lordfrith for inspiration and encouragement, and @haleks, who's Ravage mod has motivated me to go beyond merely playing A3 to creating actual content for it. Going forward, hopefully most of the content will be included in the RAVAGE mod and possibly a separate release too. I'll keep this thread updated as this small project progresses. (some screenshots will include the uniforms from Frith's Ruin, I'll tag each screenshot with the content I'm adding to the mix) The story so far.... Plain Balaclavas. Safari hat. Balaclava and Safari hat. Thanks for taking a look.
  20.  EO


    Here's a bunch of screenshots showing the "Ravaged Gear" I've been working on the last few months, showing various headgear, facewear, vests and backpacks... https://imgur.com/a/NBgTO11
  21. @miasdad, maybe you have a little bug/mod conflict going on somewhere, I've just tested a mission of mine on Winter 2035 using CBA, Ravage, TPW Animals (mod version) and my own A3 Animals Module Extended. All animals spawn and move as intended in both the Editor and exported Scenarios....I'm sorry It's not be a solution/fix to your problem, I'm just pointing out it's not a reproducible bug on my end.
  22.  EO


    What! no Sullen Skies?....you'll be unfriended within the hour.
  23. Sorry, I haven't worked on any gun retextures, maybe you mean the rusty guns from Ravage? I've used a bunch of them for the screenshots...if so those were the work of the gone but not forgotten cosmic10r.
  24. I'd just be guessing if I were to try and describe how the phantoms were scripted, possibly a hidden ghillie suit plus some fancy glass/metal rvmat stuff.....but really I've no idea, all I can say is it's a damn fine creation. Maybe for clarity you could pm haleks for some more info. :-)