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Everything posted by adamjm

  1. This looks really good. I had the same idea but BattlEye kept kicking the Zeus host whenever he tried to do anything creative. How do you get around that with your mission?
  2. There is an entire guide to setting up a dedicated server that explains all this right next to this topic in the forum. I also suggest you direct your most basic computer knowledge questions to google.
  3. If there is no requirement for client binaries that simplifies testing for me since I don't need players to download anything. Would I be able to participate in this performance testing? I think the last time I helped BIS with testing was when Suma switched OFP over from Directplay to their own netcode but I shouldn't be too rusty :) How can I access the 1.32 binaries?
  4. To clarify you need both experimental server and client for this to work? So if I switch my server over to performance binaries people cannot connect without it? Also is access still via beta opt-in + passwords that you give out for a short test duration or is there some long-term stable builds we can use that might be compatible with normal steam stable branch that players have?
  5. Hi All, I have been working on a script for a mission to allow a player to kill an enemy and steal his clothes. ;Uniform steal action by adamjm _deadguy = _this select 0 _caller = _this select 1 _id = _this select 2 ;Get uniform of dead soldier _clothes = uniform _deadguy ;remove whatever player are wearing first ~(random 0.3) ;remove existing uniform removeUniform _caller ;remove headgear too - only works after uniform ~(random 0.3) removeAllAssignedItems _caller ~(random 0.3) ;remove webbing / cargo containers as well - optional ;removeAllContainers _caller ~(random 0.3) ;add dead person uniform _caller addUniform _clothes ~(random 0.3) ;remove clothes from deadguy so it doesn't look like you magically cloned his clothes removeUniform _deadguy ;remove action _deadguy removeAction _id titletext ["You have changed clothes","plain"]; exit Please see youtube demonstration of where I am at and the issue I've encountered. For some reason you can steal their clothes when they are alive, but if you shoot them first (as you would in a mission) you cannot. It seems to me that when a unit is dead it is no longer wearing that uniform name, so the script can't use it anymore. The unit name still can be used because you can still remove their clothes. It is really weird. Any ideas? Thanks.
  6. Thank you for this, this is great. I wonder if I could adapt it to work with addAction and allow players to steal enemy uniforms in a mission. The way you've done it allows for it to be an option for any enemy unit which opens up some interesting mission possibilities for coop.
  7. Thanks, when yous say uniforms are working do you just mean these are the ones that are finished in this release of the Alpha? The reason I ask is I haven't found a way to change uniform at the ammo box.
  8. adamjm

    Wearing clothes

    So dissecting what is happening there does that mean when you drop them on the ground they become "public" ie visible to all on the server and therefore usable? Is there a way to do this with scripting?
  9. adamjm

    Unable to wear enemy uniform?

    You can do it through scripting. It appears to block you through the UI ingame. And I agree with BIS on their reasons, it would introduce some very complex issues.
  10. Yes. Here is how, you will need a tool to unpack PBOs. 1. Go to Arma3\Addons 2. Unpack or open missions_f.pbo 3. Export / extract mpscenarios and showcases to a folder of your choice. 4. Move the .stratis directories and their contents to your player profile missions folder \User\Arma 3 Alpha\missions 5. Load in editor.
  11. Having a look at the new Arma 3 scripting commands I have been trying to discover the same thing. The commands I have found that appear relevant are: addHeadgear addItem addVest and this one - assignItem Assigns existing item from inventory (uniform, vest, backpack) to a correct slot. I haven't figured them out yet if anyone does let us know.
  12. adamjm

    Wearing clothes

    I have had problems with this also. In testing I had limited success when I would walk away from the crate and then remove camo I was wearing first. But then the clothes in the crate would still show red when I tried to drag them across. I'm looking for a script alternative now.
  13. adamjm

    Multiplayer Framework

    Are these functions to do things like prevent scripts executing once for each client and causing lag and such? Is this like the old game logic global form OFP?
  14. adamjm

    We need this to be optimized.

    The game is running extremely well and will only get better from here. I thought I was being a little bit ambitious when the first thing I did in game was crank the settings up to ultra. Nope, it ran smooth as butter. This game is fluid and I think like Arma 2 there will just need to be tweaks discovered to get it running smooth on individual systems. That will take time.
  15. That is nothing compared to the fish that I saw swim onto the land and through the grass.
  16. This works well. Just a note for those wondering this does run headless so you won't have an issue if you don't have a monitor and proper gpu in your server.
  17. I've just started it up and only played for a short time but I completely agree with this feedback. My PC is fairly powerful so I've never had any problems running Arma2 but I thought I was pushing it to crank this to Ultra right out of the gate, but it still runs smooth! Also those combat stances and the really simple way you adjust them are completely game changing. Everything is so smooth. I really must applaud BIS they have done an outstanding job so far and I can't wait to see what else they achieve right up to release.
  18. I think it is fair to say the elements you noted are fair points but in the context of an alpha we can expect some things to be placeholders. They may have only had a certain amount of weapons / configs completed or were holding some back for a surprise. Either way they needed to put enough in Iran's crates to make them playable in scenarios for the Alpha. I'm sure we'll see things get moved around over time as more content is created to fill out Iran's crates.
  19. adamjm

    Can't buy supporter edition?

    I am having the exact same problem. I've kicked off the download on my brothers computer I suppose i'll just try it out on that tomorrow morning.
  20. adamjm

    Can't buy supporter edition?

    I've purchased a copy via steam for my brother to play but I am trying to obtain my supporter code so I can add the product via steam after buying it from bi store. Might be a while but it is 2am and I was hoping to let it download overnight. Anyone know if the Supporter edition on steam is different to the other versions? Ie could I download it then copy it over to my PC once I get my code?
  21. adamjm

    Arma 3 Alpha Steam DirectLink :P

    I tried for an hour straight, was finally successful (at least I thought so) and then when clicking the download link from the order confirmation I got this dire message: No purchase of this product found in your account. Please contact support@bistudio.com Fatal ERROR. Contact support@bistudio.com Their servers must be on fire right now. :)
  22. adamjm

    Arma 3 Alpha Steam DirectLink :P

    I want to buy the supporter edition but the website keeps failing to load.
  23. I've only managed to get the proxy I made myself showing in Oxygen. It refuses to show up in Bulldozer - bulldozer window looks like this - Anyway and at he moment the proxy is causing the gunner to be invisible. It is pretty confusing.
  24. Hi, I am working on converting a model from OFP and I am running into some errors now that I have started on the model.cfg and config.cpp The error occurs when I load ModelConfigEditor and it loads the model.cfg from the root of the addon dir. Please find below my config.cpp and model.cfg config.cpp class hiluxsport: HMMWV class CfgModels { class default {}; class Vehicle: default {}; class HMMWV: Vehicle {}; class hiluxsport: HMMWV {}; }; #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 // type scope #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class CfgPatches { class hiluxsport { units[] = {hiluxsport}; weapons[] = {DSHK}; requiredVersion = 0.1; }; }; // class CfgRadio // { // class AlarmOn // { // name = ""; // sound[] = {\hiluxmg\sfx\alarmon.wav, db-60, 1.0}; // title = ; // }; // class AlarmOff // { // name = ""; // sound[] = {\hiluxmg\sfx\alarmoff.wav, db-60, 1.0}; // title = ; // }; // class Alarm // { // name = ""; // sound[] = {\hiluxmg\sfx\alarm.wav, db-60, 1.0}; // title = ; // }; // } class CfgAmmo { class default {}; class Bullet12_7E: default {}; class DSHKAmmo: Bullet12_7E // machine gun bullet { hit=15;indirectHit=6;indirectHitRange=0.05; minRange=4;minRangeProbab=0.90; midRange=500;midRangeProbab=0.50; maxRange=1000;maxRangeProbab=0.30; cost=25; soundFly[]={"objects\bulletnoise",db-12,1}; soundHit1[]={"\hiluxmg\sound\KORDHitGround1.ogg",0.031623,1}; soundHit2[]={"\hiluxmg\sound\KORDHitGround2.ogg",0.031623,1}; soundHit3[]={"\hiluxmg\sound\KORDHitGround3.ogg",0.031623,1}; soundHitMan1[]={"\hiluxmg\sound\KORDHitMan1.ogg",0.012589,1}; soundHitMan2[]={"\hiluxmg\sound\KORDHitMan2.ogg",0.012589,1}; soundHitArmor1[]={"\hiluxmg\sound\KORDHitArmor1.ogg",0.031623,1}; soundHitArmor2[]={"\hiluxmg\sound\KORDHitArmor2.ogg",0.031623,1}; soundHitBuilding1[]={"\hiluxmg\sound\HitBuilding1.ogg",0.031623,1}; soundHitBuilding2[]={"\hiluxmg\sound\HitBuilding22.ogg",0.031623,1}; hitGround[]={"soundHit1",0.330000,"soundHit2",0.330000,"soundHit3",0.330000}; hitMan[]={"soundHitMan1",0.500000,"soundHitMan2",0.500000}; hitArmor[]={"soundHitArmor1",0.700000,"soundHitArmor2",0.300000}; hitBuilding[]={"soundHitBuilding1",0.500000,"soundHitBuilding2",0.500000}; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Default{}; class MGun: Default{}; class MachineGun7_6: MGun{}; class MachineGun12_7: MachineGun7_6{}; class Browning: MachineGun12_7{}; class DSHK: MGun { //-- ammo=DSHKAmmo; displayName ="DShK 12.7mm"; displayNameMagazine ="DSHK"; shortNameMagazine ="DSHK"; nameSound="mgun"; count=50; sound[]={"\hiluxmg\127.ogg",1.000000,0.97}; soundContinuous=false; reloadTime=0.1; initSpeed=1000; flash=gunfire; flashSize=0.9; dispersion=0.007; maxLeadSpeed=300; // max estimated speed km/h magazineReloadTime=7; aiDispersionCoefX=5; // dispersion used to simulate horizontal burst ffMagnitude=0.5; ffFrequency=11; ffCount=25; recoil=mgunBurst3; reloadMagazineSound[]={\hiluxmg\sound\ZUreload.ogg,db-0,1}; aiRateOfFire=0.1; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=1000; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero autoFire = true; optics = true; }; }; // class CfgVehicles // { // // class All {}; // class AllVehicles: All {}; // class Land: AllVehicles {}; // class LandVehicle: Land {}; // class Car: LandVehicle {}; // class HMMWV_base: Car // class hiluxsport : HMMWV_base {}; // // class CfgVehicles // { // class HMMWV_Base; // class hiluxsport : HMMWV_Base class CfgVehicles { class HMMWV; class hiluxsport : HMMWV { scope=2; side=TWest; crew="US_Soldier_AAR_EP1"; hasDriver=1; hasCommander=false; vehicleClass = "4WD Addons - Vehicles"; icon="\hiluxmg\hiluxicon"; picture="\hiluxmg\hiluxpic"; maxSpeed=300; displayName="Toyota Hilux Sport"; nameSound="HMMWV"; accuracy=0.80; armor=120; cost=5000; //Introduced repair, rearm ability. Adjusted Type=Varmor to make AI shoot it with MG. type=VArmor; //threat[] VSoft, VArmor, VAir threat[]={0.7, 0.5, 0.3}; transportRepair = 200000000; transportAmmo = 300000; getInRadius = 3.5; fuelCapacity=78; transportSoldier=4; // transportAmmo=0; extCameraPosition[]={0,0.8,-5}; irTarget=1; weapons[]={DSHK}; magazines[]={"DSHK","DSHK","DSHK","DSHK","DSHK","DSHK"}; model="\hiluxmg\hiluxsport.p3d"; soundEngine[]={"\hiluxmg\hilux.wav",30,1}; // soundEngine[]={"\hiluxmg\jeepmove.wav",db-15,1}; armorWheels=0.140000; hasgunner=1; turnCoef=1.7500000; terrainCoef=0.450000; damperSize=0.100000; damperForce=20; brakeDistance=7.00; precision=0.02; preferRoads=0; wheelCircumference=2.400; driverCastShadow = true; driverAction=ManActJeepDriver; cargoAction[]={"ManActJeepCoDriver"}; // gunnerAction="ManActJeepgunner"; // gunnerInAction="ManActJeepgunner"; cargoIsCoDriver[]={1,0}; transportMaxWeapons=5000; transportMaxMagazines=20000; typicalCargo[]={"US_Soldier_AAR_EP1","US_Soldier_AAR_EP1"}; class TransportWeapons { class M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo { weapon = M4A1_HWS_GL_SD_Camo; count = 1; }; class M4A1_RCO_GL { weapon = M4A1_RCO_GL; count = 1; }; class M136 { weapon = M136; count = 1; }; class Stinger { weapon = Stinger ; count = 1; }; }; class TransportMagazines { class Stinger { magazine = Stinger; count = 10; }; class 1Rnd_HE_M203 { magazine = 1Rnd_HE_M203; count = 12; }; class 30Rnd_556x45_G36SD { magazine = 30Rnd_556x45_G36SD; count = 16; }; class M136 { magazine = M136; count = 6; }; class 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag { magazine = 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag; count = 16; }; }; class useractions { class MakeRepairs { displayName="Make Repairs"; position="repair"; radius=3; condition="(getDammage this) !=0"; statement="[this, 0] exec ""\hiluxmg\repair.sqs"""; }; }; class SoundEnvironExt { // use soundEnviron as default }; soundCrash[]={"\hiluxmg\crash.wav",db+10,1}; soundLandCrash[]={Explosions\intoground,db-10,1}; soundWaterCrash[]={Explosions\intowater,db-10,1}; soundGetIn[]={"\hiluxmg\get_in.wav",db+10,1}; soundGetOut[]={Vehicles\get_out,db-70,1}; soundDammage[]={,1,1}; soundGear[]={Vehicles\truck_gear,db-75,1}; }; // class SetAlarm // { // displayName="Enable Viper"; // position="cab"; // radius=5; // condition="this"; // statement="[this, 0] exec ""\hiluxmg\alarmon.sqs"""; // }; // // class AlarmOff // { // displayName="Disable Viper"; // position="cab"; // radius=5; // condition="this"; // statement="[this, 0] exec ""\hiluxmg\alarmoff.sqs"""; // }; // class RaiseWings // { // displayName="Raise Wings"; // position="cab"; // radius=5; // condition="this animationPhase ""LeftWing"" >= 0.5 and player in this"; // statement="[this, 0] exec ""\F4E\raisewing.sqs"""; // }; // class Closecab // { // displayName="Close cab"; // position="cab"; // radius=5; // sound[]={"Vehicles\gun_elevate",10.0,1.000000}; // condition="this animationPhase ""Pilotcab"" < 0.5 and player in this"; // statement="[this, 0] exec ""\F4E\closecab.sqs"""; // }; // class Opencab // { // displayName="Open cab"; // position="cab"; // radius=5; // sound[]={"Vehicles\gun_elevate",10.0,1.000000}; // condition="this animationPhase ""Pilotcab"" >= 0.5 and player in this"; // statement="[this, 0] exec ""\F4E\opencab.sqs"""; // }; // // }; // class eventhandlers // { // init = [_this select 0] exec "\F4E\aigear.sqs",init = [_this select 0] exec "\F4E\start.sqs",init = [_this select 0] exec "\F4E\smoke.sqs"; // //gear = "if (_this Select 1) then {(_this Select 0) Animate [""gearWarn"", 0],[_this Select 0] exec ""\F4E\geardown.sqs""} else {(_this Select 0) Animate [""gearWarn"", 1],[_this Select 0] exec ""\F4E\gearup.sqs""}" // }; // }; }; class CfgNonAIVehicles { class ProxyWeapon{}; class Proxytpillbox: ProxyWeapon{}; }; Model.cfg class CfgSkeletons { class Default { isDiscrete=1; skeletonInherit=""; skeletonBones[]={}; }; class Vehicle : Default{}; class HMMWV : Vehicle { skeletonInherit="Vehicle"; skeletonBones[]= { "volant", "", "levy predni tlumic", "", "pravy predni tlumic", "", "levy dalsi tlumic", "", "pravy dalsi tlumic", "", "levy predni zatoc", "levy predni tlumic", "pravy predni zatoc", "pravy predni tlumic", "levy dalsi zatoc", "levy dalsi tlumic", "pravy dalsi zatoc", "pravy dalsi tlumic", "levy prostredni tlumic", "", "pravy prostredni tlumic", "", "levy zadni tlumic", "", "pravy zadni tlumic", "", "levy predni", "levy predni zatoc", "pravy predni", "pravy predni zatoc", "levy dalsi", "levy dalsi zatoc", "pravy dalsi", "pravy dalsi zatoc", "levy prostredni", "levy prostredni tlumic", "pravy prostredni", "pravy prostredni tlumic", "levy zadni", "levy zadni tlumic", "pravy zadni", "pravy zadni tlumic", "ukaz_rychlo", "", "ukaz_rychlo2", "", "ukaz_rpm", "", "OtocVez", "", "OtocHlaven", "OtocVez", "fuel_01", "", "fuel_1", "", "prop_01", "", "prop_02", "", "prop_2", "", "prop_1", "", "damageHide", "", "damageVez", "OtocVez", "damageHlaven", "OtocHlaven" }; }; class hiluxsportSkeleton : HMMWV { skeletonInherit="HMMWV"; skeletonBones[]= { "pravy predni", "levy predni", "pravy zadni", "levy zadni", }; }; }; class CfgModels { class HMMWV //class Car; // External class reference { //class hiluxsport : HMMWV { sectionsInherit = ""; sections[] = {"pravy predni", "pravy zadni", "levy predni", "levy zadni"}; skeletonName = "hiluxsportbones"; class Animations { //class mainTurret { //type = "rotationY"; //source = "mainTurret"; //selection = "mainTurret"; //axis = "OsaVeze"; //memory = 1; //sourceAddress = "loop"; //minValue = "rad -360"; //maxValue = "rad 360"; //angle0 = "rad -360"; //angle1 = "rad 360"; //}; class MainGun { type = "rotationX"; source = "MainGun"; selection = "MainGun"; axis = "OsaHlavne"; memory = 1; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = "-rad 4"; maxValue = "rad 60"; angle0 = "-rad 4"; angle1 = "rad 60"; }; class Dvere1 { type = "rotation"; source = "rpm"; selection = "dvere1"; axis = "osa_dvere1"; memory = 1; //sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 0.1; angle0 = 0; angle1 = 0.58; }; class hiluxsportFrontWheelR { type = "rotationX"; source = "wheel"; selection = "pravy predni"; axis = ""; memory = 1; sourceAddress = "loop"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0 = 0; angle1 = "rad -360"; }; class hiluxsportFrontWheelL : hiluxsportFrontWheelR { selection = "levy predni"; }; class hiluxsportRearWheelR : hiluxsportFrontWheelR { selection = "pravy zadni"; }; class hiluxsportRearWheelL : hiluxsportFrontWheelR { selection = "levy zadni"; }; class hiluxsportFrontWheelRTurn { type = "rotationY"; source = "drivingWheel"; selection = "pravy predni"; axis = ""; memory = 1; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = -1; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "rad 35"; angle1 = "rad -35"; }; class hiluxsportFrontWheelLTurn : hiluxsportFrontWheelRTurn { selection = "levy predni"; }; class hiluxsportDamperFrontWheelR { type = "translationY"; source = "damper"; selection = "pravy predni"; axis = ""; memory = 1; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0 = 0; angle1 = "35"; }; class hiluxsportDamperFrontWheelL : hiluxsportDamperFrontWheelR { selection = "levy predni"; }; class hiluxsportDamperRearWheelR : hiluxsportDamperFrontWheelR { selection = "pravy zadni"; }; class hiluxsportDamperRearWheelL : hiluxsportDamperFrontWheelR { selection = "levy zadni"; }; }; }; }; The only time I don't get CreateSelectionList failed is when I get another error relating to AnimationTypes. I can't seem to win, I fix one through playing with the inheritance then get the other. I would very much appreciate your help as it has been a long time since I made addons and a lot has changed with Arma2 and the new model.cfg and SkeletonCfg. Please let me know if there is any further information that would help. Thanks. :)
  25. Thanks Gnat. I appreciate your help. I used the configs above but no luck. The Oxygen model config editor still shows errors with the classes not being defined. And loading the addon after packing it does not show the addon in the editor. It seems between OFP and Arma the configuration for these addons got very complex. Either that or it was a fluke I got it in the game last time :)