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Everything posted by Janez

  1. Janez

    Zeus Enhanced

    This should get you started.
  2. Em... this wasn't a subtle hint at all, dude. Look, this is not the place to learn the basics of using a computer but I'll set you on the path regardless. Whatever the operating system you are using, process of finding solutions and learning is the same. 1. Get a competent internet browser like Mozilla Firefox. 2. Go to that browser Settings and select a default search engine such as DuckDuckGo. 3. Whatever problem you have, enter the words into the search bar and hit enter. There is a high probability you will find a solution within first 10 to 20 results. If not, brake it down into smaller pieces. So you can start with something like: "how to search for a file in Linux?" "FSearch for Linux" etc. Good luck!
  3. I mean can't you just do a search through this $HOME folder or even whole drive for .Arma3Profile or just Arma 3? From a quick search for Linux search tools via my favorite search engine shows FSearch or Angry Search to be seemingly popular hits...
  4. According to PCGW, the default location is: $HOME/.local/share/bohemiainteractive/arma3/GameDocuments/Arma 3/ so @sarogahtyp is onto something. 🙂
  5. Hey, can you share that?
  6. Janez

    Infinite Ammo For UAV'S

    If you inserted that into unit's initialization line then yes, you have to either use this as Joe pointed out, or you have to name the unit by inserting something into name field and use that instead of this. You could also insert something like below into init.sqf and have every unit of that type have unlimited ammo: if (typeOf _veh == "B_UAV_02_dynamicLoadout_F") then { _veh addEventHandler ["Fired", {(_this select 0) setVehicleAmmo 1}]; }; Scripting Commands Event Handlers Assets
  7. Janez

    does this game even work yet?

    What? This is kind of a thing with BI though, isn't it. Not cash grabs but releasing broken stuff and killing momentum for the project. Arma 2 (especially German release... but OK, difficult time), Old Man and other game modes, Reforger. Earlier this year, Eugen released Warno and servers were so broken that at some point Red Dragon also went down. Battlefield 2042, dead on arrival, albeit for a lot of other issues as well. In the nostalgia stream last month that had this inked marketing guy, because of course, saying how they want to expand the Bohemia and Arma brand, etc. Now I dunno what is going on in their meetings, how strapped they are for resources and whatnot but are we still learning nothing from our own history on these very forums and other companies that killed their projects just a couple of months ago? When you launch a product, you're supposed to go in on all fronts at once to create and keep momentum and yet there wasn't even a forum entry. So what does even make sense anymore business wise? Look, no one expected things to be perfect, people put up with a lot for things they care about but we are talking about basic functionality here. If you cannot play, then what are you supposed to do, look how pretty the desktop icon is? And before light bulb turns, not everyone is interested in creating something in editor or workbench. That's not playing a game. Therefore, is basic functionality really to much to ask for? Could this really not have been ironed out or at least way better prepared for before release?
  8. Janez

    "Assault Copter' The Mi-28 and Mi-24.

    Is it really? Well, this appears to be of great importance to you since you dug up this nearly six year old thread, perhaps then you could also enlighten us with some factual material. Because wiki for example, states:
  9. Janez

    How do I enable multiple saves?

    There is also a cheat code to save the game. Press Left Shift + Numpad - (minus) and type SAVEGAME. You can use the code as many times you want, it will override the existing save. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Operation_Flashpoint:_Hints_%26_Tips#SAVEGAME
  10. Janez

    What are the best graphic options for modern PC?

    Wasn't there like hardcoded fog at 500m, so why bother with max dd? There is CWA mod for Arma 3 btw.
  11. Have you searched for keyIngamePause[]={1}; or just keyIngamePause? If it's the prior then naturally nothing will show since it's not defined. Theoretically but best to paste the line among other keyX lines. Mine is below keyAimHeadRight[]={}; and above keyMenuSelect[]={};
  12. It's not exactly new but has anyone seen this cringe on official YouTube channel yet? Hahaha, but it's not like weird, woke, E3-esk sh*tshow the likes of Ubisoft tend to do. It's cute, there's seemingly genuine anxiousness and rosiness displayed. There was some charm between the two anchors and the guys didn't choke too much. I like it, CDPR got nothing on you lot. 😄 Hopefully, by the time Arma 4 comes around, we'll collectively move on or back to an era where creativity beyond propaganda is not met with screeching lynch mobs on social media and we'll get a grand campaign made for adults that can draw their own conclusions. P.S.: Marek, it's OK to blink, relax buddy! 😁
  13. Janez

    Arma Reforger - Mission Editor

    Nah bud, you need bunch of pricks for that sort of thing and you can find it only on BIF. Exclusively. I'm so proud of you guys! 💪
  14. Janez

    Arma Reforger - Mission Editor

    Heh, very good. Dude, don't forget all the cynicism they're missing out on over there. I just can't do without.
  15. Janez

    Why is Aiming So Easy

    Pretty much this. You are working your eyes. In Sandstorm, iron sights are more or less default FoV + minor temporary zoom via hold breath mechanic while in Arma 3 we have this quite substantial zoom in and even out. Insurgency is hitscan based and lag can make hitting moving targets at range inconsistent even with a scope. It also has sway on weapon while Arma mostly on camera. All in all, beyond that and graphics settings, like DoF, etc, there is hardly any mysticism about it. With that said, I'm not a fan of making things overly difficult. Sure zoom mechanics could be reworked and there could be more in-depth mechanics like climbing ladders faster or climbing higher walls on account of stamina etc, but difficulty wise, I find it to be at a decent balance. We can always make it more or less annoying difficult through mods or even scripted solutions.
  16. Janez

    Diseases, Plagues, Viruses, & today we actually have one!

    Came across this little doozy in latest episode of New World Next Week. It's from late last year but it's a rather special one. Who says Germans have no humor. German euthanasia group says it will only carry out assisted suicides on people vaccinated against Covid-19 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10257489/German-euthanasia-group-says-clients-vaccinated-against-Covid-19.html
  17. Janez

    Diseases, Plagues, Viruses, & today we actually have one!

    Here we go. While we're concerned with how to embed the latest set of colors into our persona in order to elevate or repress a predefined stance, this thing is being pushed forward. International Instrument on Pandemic Preparedness and Response: https://www.corbettreport.com/globaltreaty/ As always, be sure to check show notes for sources and relevant material.
  18. Note: hovering your cursor over links usually displays it's address in bottom-left corner of your web browser. Links below are to either official program websites, forums or GitHub. Hi friends, I've been using Windows Firewall Control to extend control over default Windows 10 Firewall for quite a while. Despite some mixed comments on various forums since Malwarebytes acquired it, I've had positive experience with it. You can block it's own access, no problem and it was never doing anything on its own. However, Windows 10 update 20H2 introduced a nasty bug that randomly reboots your PC even when a 3D application is running, so instead of downgrading I decided to try and upgrade to build 21H1. This in turn unfortunately broke WFC. I was unable to edit or delete any rules after 21H1 update. Therefore, instead of jumping through bunch of hoops again in order to downgrade back to 1909, I decided to explore and try to find another program that would suit my needs, which were: For program to see all existing rules set in Windows 10 Firewall, including ones that Windows Update and MS Store create. Ability to edit and delete all those rules. Ability to stop programs and applications from changing existing rules and/or creating their own rules. I was NOT looking for a defense suit, only to augment existing Windows Defender Firewall since it cannot do some of the things above. I tried bunch of programs from various "Our mega, ultra, super-duper Top X" lists and results varied from utter WTF is this, just why? to, hmm... not really what I'm looking for. Moreover, most of the programs I tried were trying to ping home more then Windows 10 itself. Finally though, I found pretty much exactly what I was looking for and then some even. On Wilders Security Forums, a character called David is running this Private Win10 open-source project on GitHub. Even the icon is funny little pun. Setup executable lets you either extract a portable version or do a full installation. In addition to it basically being an extension of Windows 10 Firewall, it also provides a GUI for various registry tweaks such as disabling Cortana or managing telemetry (logging and transmission) and it restores those tweaks if Windows overrides them. It can also monitor connections and is able to create rules on the fly for those connections. Naturally, you also have some options like disabling or undoing unauthorized rules and choosing either blacklisting or whitelisting filtering. Which is great because obviously, this whole things was about blocking everything, allowing something rather then the other way around, which is Windows default btw. All in all, this is a great little tool to add to your arsenal. Coupled with StevenBlack's static blacklisting through hosts you can have pretty good system wide, vanilla privacy and ad blocking solution with expected level of defense, all with relatively minor maintenance and ease of use. You can use Unified-Hosts-AutoUpdate BITS/PowerShell based script to easily update the hosts file and adjust it to your needs through ignore and custom text files. For web browser based solutions, see this thread Dark Browser Themes - Stop Burning Your Eyes right here on BIF. Anyway, that's all for today, if you have found any other gems, please share them and remember, your best safety is your trigger finger - don't click shit and you won't get shit.
  19. What? No! Thank God, this is not Ubisoft and unlike Grand Turismo 7 for a recent example, Arma 3 is not always online so you are free to do what you want in single player, editor or even local multiplayer. With that said, you may miss on achievements if you care about that. Not sure, depends on mission, haven't tried. P.S.: you may want to search through official missions section for possible solutions to those missions you are having trouble with.
  20. Janez

    Arma 3 Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting

    Updated for 2.08: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gd22fUdJsM3e4h4zL2xWFrbqLmmpkFTR/view?usp=sharing 20. March 2022 ChangeLog: - added: scripting commands and functions introduced with Arma 3 update 2.08
  21. Janez

    Russia General

    So, YT recommended me a rather lengthy interview that our president conducted. Unfortunately, he presented his take on Putin's speech in a way that made me wonder if we've seen the same thing. Therefore, I just wanted to share a full English transcription of that speech in case you as well are bombarded by such interpretations from people with expected credibility and/or cut clips out of context: https://theprint.in/world/modern-ukraine-entirely-created-by-russia-read-full-text-of-vladimir-putins-speech/843801/ Note that I have no affiliation with the linked outfit above, nor do I have a horse in the race, this was just one of the first hits since official website of Kremlin is currently inaccessible here. There also seems to be a full video available on YT even if subtitles are slightly cut here and there.
  22. Ah OK, as I suspected this is what this is about. You have no argument from me. You dissected that a bit and perhaps I could have worded it better. It wasn't strictly about Arma, I was referring more to generation stuck that hopefully finds joys of life in their 40s and therefore perhaps we outto encourage new parents to equip their children a lot sooner. We weren't quite on the same page yet. Regardless: seems like problem solved then. PS: That is very much true! I wholeheartedly get behind that statement.
  23. Hey buddy, please excuse my assumptions but from your post I kind of perceived that someone you're possibly close(er) to, decided to dish out a lecture or a remark while they themselves may very well be glued to their smartphone and that infuriated you, in which case it seems entirely reasonable and thank you for posting this! So to set up the scene, post WWII generations up to ~1980s, generally did what their elders told them to do, educate yourself and find work so you can provide for you family and if you're luck, you find great joy in what you do. Later generations, let's say millennials, either found their calling or didn't like what they've seen and thought they knew better just to get stuck because they didn't, often into their 40s. Reasons for being ill equipped are many but mainly parents, who meant well but only did what they were told and therefore never knew why, degradation of educational institutions that started in approximately 1960s, depending on where you live and consolidation of media. Now, without making this into a huge wall of text, people who are not gamers simply don't get it, all they see is you sitting behind a computer doing something that does not interest them in the slightest. It would be wise to explain to them with love that this is quite a bit more then what they imagine, game or not, there is passion about it and you have people that have great appreciation for your work, your contributions, your conversations and your dedication to this community. I know I do but even more importantly, that people in a way count on you, I say this even if it sounds like you're being taken for granted. On the other hand, they are right, make no mistake, we may be collectively straight up wasting time here. And forget about "compared-to" perspective. What perspective then? I do not have that answer for you, each and everyone of us has to find that for ourselves. I do not say this as some sort of cliche but truly, one cannot get through this life without taking time to chew on things. OK, so what things, what am I even on about, right? Well, we have these images painted by Hollywood or whatever else in our heads on matters at hand and it is important for us to look into things ourselves, to equip ourselves with at least basic understanding about life, about these things we are being told we are supposed to do. I try not to preach, to tell people what to do in regards to these matters. I like to equip my fellow men and women that walk this earth with me with tools to help and better themselves. Teach a man to fish and all that. Therefore, I will say this. One of the underlying themes of The Holy Bible is balance, to have balance in everything, be it food, work, hobby or whatever else we're doing in life. To be able to listen to your body, your soul and not overdo and force things. It is our greatest resource and a starting point. One outto go through it and see what may apply to them. Godspeed!
  24. No, that was something else or a different/adopted version. Apparently it was released with Marksmen DLC back in April of 2015, so a good year before Apex. Maybe, honestly I'd have to play it thoroughly again to give any meaningful input on exact issues and possible solutions as it was quite a long time ago at this point but an interesting proposition nonetheless. One thing to keep in mind though is that no JIP etc. also means heavy and accurate coms requirement for teams and that is not something you can expect from a public lobby. It's difficult as is in CS for example and Arma is inherently on a much larger scale, even is "CS-like" game mode, although a lot can be done through visual aids and game flow design and tweaking. I suppose, to a degree, one would have to decide who the target audience is and if there even is one, while also not bloating the game. There is? I mean, for example, I personally do not understand the global push for Discord. I see it's usefulness for certain types of conversations but it is not the be-all and end-all "solution" to a "problem" that does not exist nor is it a replacement for a properly moderated forum. Is there a monetary value there? Regardless, I do not resent it's users or their opinions, I simply have no need or desire to open an account there and agree to their ToS and whatnot. I would actually say that it, in a way, is creating a problem because a lot of modding tools and resources for some other games that were once publicly available and open source, are now gated on Discord. Similarly, for someone like me who likes to install mods manually and tends to keep everything overly organized, Aholic was far better solution then Steam Workshop. Also, downloading full installation files from GoG is such a joy in this day and age but OK, if Steam gave BI and easier time updating the game and whatnot, I rolled with it. And to be fair, Steam came a long way in past decade in terms for functionality and is far ahead of anything else. However, again, I do not see why anyone would have something against a user of Steam forums in general. I mean, if someone is being an arse, that is going to be the case regardless of platform. Steam reviews vary from "waaaaa, this sucks!!!" to incredibly elaborate pieces that I truly enjoy going through from time to time, therefore why would forums be any different? So in typical Slavic fashion, after numerous paragraphs :D, I guess my point is that perhaps there is a disdain for Steam itself rather then it's users? But then again, I certainly don't hang out in every corner of BIF so perhaps I'm missing something? I bet! Now with AH dead - RIP, authors around here tend to be accommodating to the likes of me and generally provide an alternative mirror to SW, thanks! So plenty of guys from here are on Steam as well but I also encountered people having the exact same sentiment in regards to something as me, here, as I cannot be bothered to maintain two Steam accounts and I don't want to put things I payed for in jeopardy just because someone potentially doesn't like something, it is the age of professionally outraged after all. Something akin you at least once experienced yourself IIRC?
  25. Yeah, good luck with that guys, I'll leave that to you for now. Thanks to the past decade of 2010s, I'm not sure I want to go through yet another WIP anytime soon. But we'll see, I'll make sure to keep an eye out for any interesting reports, though! 🙂