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Everything posted by samatra

  1. _weapons = ["hgun_P07_F","arifle_MX_F"]; (_this select 0) addWeaponCargo [_weapons select floor(random(count(_weapons))), _numWeapon];
  2. samatra

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    I'm not sure if there will be enough players with AiA to populate the server.
  3. 10 seconds is period of R3F scanning for objects around the player to see if new objects were spawned to make them interactive. Small freeze when this happens occurs for some players and doesn't occur for others (it doesn't for me for example even though I have low end PC).
  4. wrap your entire script into if(isServer) then { ... your stuff here ... };
  5. Yes you can. I would advice to spawn several soldiers in one group instead of single soldier in each group (there is group number limit in the game by the way) Also instead of while you can use for for "_j" from 1 to i do { _group = [getMarkerPos "mark1", EAST, ["O_Soldier_TL_F", "O_Soldier_F", "O_Soldier_F", "O_Soldier_F"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _wp = _group addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "mark2", 5]; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; }; i = i + 1; hint format ["Level %1", (i - 1)]; This will spawn group of 4 soldiers (1 team leader, 3 riflemans) "i" times. or if you want "i" number of soldiers in one group _units = ["O_Soldier_TL_F"]; for "_j" from 2 to i do {_units = _units + ["O_Soldier_F"];}; // This will add soldiers only when i is >= 2 _group = [getMarkerPos "mark1", EAST, _units] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _wp = _group addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "mark2", 5]; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; i = i + 1; hint format ["Level %1", (i - 1)]; This will create group OPFOR group of teamleader and (i - 2) number of soldiers
  6. samatra

    flooding stratis

    Yes, it should be possible with addon.
  7. samatra

    flooding stratis

    There is no such object, you can't tweak sea level, there is no way to create flooding at of now.
  8. Tested this code in editor and it works fine: soldier spawns and walks to mark2. Make sure you have both markers.
  9. Never really used triggers but you can do that with the script _count = 0; { if(side _x == blufor && ([4000,4000] distance _x < 100)) then { _count = _count + 1; } } forEach allUnits; hint format ["_count is %1", _count]; This will count all BLUFOR units that are within 100 meters radius from [4000,4000] position.
  10. _group = [getMarkerPos "mark1", EAST, ["O_Soldier_TL_F"]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; _wp = _group addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "mark2", 5]; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; how about this?
  11. players = ({isPlayer _x} count playableUnits); Should properly count players. You can debug the value with systemChat str(players); to see what value "players" has at certain moment in your script. (will output value into chat) Also if you use this variable just once you can simply avoid using variable completely: if(({isPlayer _x} count playableUnits) > 5) then { //something }; Or use it in equation: _number_of_ai_to_spawn = (({isPlayer _x} count playableUnits) * 5) min 10;
  12. samatra

    Weapon variable space?

    Maybe he just checks weapon class name or something?
  13. onPlayerDisconnected code block receives _uid variable, you'll need to store these things somewhere (public variable array) under their uid and then search the array for their data when player leaves\gets kicked out and do wanted manipulations with this data.
  14. Yes it is (at least it certainly was in A2). It actually triggers when losing connection results in being kicked by battleye (A2) or steam (A3), not losing connection itself (which might not really kick the player and he will continue playing)
  15. samatra

    Weapon variable space?

    Weapons are objects, but they are not accessible through scripting.
  16. (!(alive Player1) || (Player1 in Vehicle)) && (!(alive Player2) || (Player2 in Vehicle)) && (alive Player1 || alive Player2) maybe like this? What is does: 3 required conditions: 1) (!(alive Player1) || (Player1 in Vehicle)): Player1 should be either dead or in vehicle 2) (!(alive Player2) || (Player2 in Vehicle)): Player2 should be either dead or in vehicle 3) (alive Player1 || alive Player2): At least one of players should be alive
  17. Inventory items are being duped even when you don't do anything.
  18. 5 inventory bugs with full repro in one ticket: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=8937 Please vote it up. Most serious one which lets you dupe anything on video:
  19. samatra

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    Hi, I've looked into the situation and appears that they were going through debug functions and spawned civilian NPCs into their group and sent them somewhere so they could die. Definitely violation from their part, I'll do something about it. Speaking of unbreachable walls, these canal walls are really indestructible and there is nothing can be done about it, its just how they are configured in the game (not even setDamage 1 destroys them). Unlimited ammo is probably result of items duping that is going on in ArmA 3 at the moment, nothing can be done about it, stuff dupes even when you don't want it, because of how buggy ArmA 3 Alpha inventory is.
  20. Thanks for the green light, we will do our best (already have several repros documented). ---------- Post added at 13:22 ---------- Previous post was at 13:13 ---------- Anyone else noticed freezes on all clients when new player joins the game and shows as "connected" in the chat? We started to notice it since last public update, it might have something to do with new spawn.
  21. I wonder how much devs are aware of tons of bugs with inventory system? Currently its a huge gamebreaker for loot-driven missions (where conserving ammo, saving good guns is key part) Stuff dupes even when you don't really want it, as well as disappears or simply unaccessible by anyone. I'm not even sure if its worth it to submit these bugs with repros, everything is so broken that it feels that it will be easier to scrap everything and do complete rewrite of inventory system. Can somebody enlighten me about current state of things with inventory fixing process? Thanks.
  22. samatra

    [MP/Team] Sa-Matra's Wasteland

    Skyline, unfortunately there is barely any tools in A3 to counter cheaters at the moment so admins had to guess who was the real cheater and kick you, sorry for that.
  23. Please email to ws@arma.su with server specs, server geo location, how many servers you plan to host and description of your community. We are not sharing the mission yet, but your email will make us keep you in mind when we will. Thanks. Hi. Saves has been discussed from day 1 of Wasteland, we came to conclusion that they simple do not fit into our vision of the mission (evading death by leaving, server jumping is big concern here as well), but we going to implement base saving eventually so you will be able to join any server from our network, gather people up and load your base to use it and continue building. Few other things going to be persistent as well but I don't want get into details yet. Thanks.
  24. Why did BIS remove different Quad bike color textures that were included in soft_f.pbo in previous versions? Now I'll need to include 20 megabytes of textures into my mission that were originally in game or get rid of color customization. I ask to bring these textures back.