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Everything posted by sarogahtyp

  1. sarogahtyp

    Saros Tweak For Higher FPS On Maps

    New version (v 0.4) released: - changed Input Controler Blocking into Pause Menu Blocking during heavy processing of mod. - fixed a bug which refreshed the whole hiding if a CBA setting was changed which belongs to another mod - fixed a bug throwing an error message but not affecting much
  2. I already wrote what your bad behavior was. No need to repeat it. Not the first thread where you post in a manner I dislike. I promise I will not waste any more time in any way by talking to you...
  3. Bashing all the time. Thats such a boring thing. There is no need to get personal or to put someone in a labeled box just because he mirrored your bad behavior!
  4. Nevermind. The last comment was just mirroring your behavior of bashing someone who tries to help. Therefore I hereby withdraw my last comment.
  5. Idk if there is an easier eden solution but i doubt it. You could script a server side while loop which skips some hours at a specific time. You ll need date to get the actual time and skipTime to skip some hours. In your while u should use a long sleep maybe for 3600 seconds. If you skip 12 hours at 6 p.m. then u ll have daytime forever
  6. sarogahtyp

    WayPoint activation

    do not throw that much information pls. we love to riddle a bit more here.
  7. thats the only important line. Your Server can't find the mission file named "kp_liberation.Takistan.pbo" in the folder mpmissions. Show a screenshot of that folder ...
  8. The purpose of this forum is to impart knowledge to other people. Therefore its very good to post well commented code here. Everyone can decide himself to delete comments but most people are not running a 100+ player server with huge mission files. Most people asking for help here are starting to edit something for small player groups and with small mission files. In those scenarios its completly irrelevant if you use commented code or not. Also the problem which you describe is especially common on servers with large mission files. Those mission file are mostly large because of using huge textures and sounds but not of some comment lines in their scripts. In terms of size, scripts are mostly a tiny part of those missions . EDIT: You yourself have not delivered more than replacing the number 0 with 1000...
  9. sarogahtyp

    Muzzles Names

    Check ur copy-pasted code for invisible characters and show error messages out of the .rpt file but not as screenshot. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Crash_Files
  10. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/dayTime
  11. spawning or teleporting (setPos) the convoy at the right time. ?
  12. will not work if you engage an enemy, this works when put in init field of vehicle: if ( not isServer ) exitWith {}; myWantedSpeedLimit = 100; this spawn { private ["_speed_vector", "_speed_dir"]; private _vec = _this; while {alive _vec} do { _speed_vector = velocity _vec; if ( ( vectorMagnitude _speed_vector ) > ( myWantedSpeedLimit / 3.6 ) ) then { _speed_dir = vectorNormalized _speed_vector; if (local _vec) then { _vec setVelocity (_speed_dir vectorMultiply ( myWantedSpeedLimit / 3.6 ) ); } else { [ _vec, (_speed_dir vectorMultiply ( myWantedSpeedLimit / 3.6) ) ] remoteExec ["setVelocity", _vec]; }; }; sleep diag_deltaTime; }; }; during flight when playing as host you can adjust speed limit by opening debug console and type: myWantedSpeedLimit = 50;
  13. while { true } do { sleep 60; // code here runs every 60 seconds }; but you have to ensure to do it in scheduled environment: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Scheduler#Scheduled_Environment
  14. You could disable the whole scoring by script. you would use this event handler https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#HandleScore in onPlayerRespawn.sqf
  15. sarogahtyp

    Saros Tweak For Higher FPS On Maps

    New version (v 0.3) released: - The change of deletion rate settings does not need a mission restart anymore but players input controls get blocked during the change process now. Changing could take a while cause hiding many objects is much slower if player is spawned already. - Full Singleplayer compatible now. Saving/loading SP games should not break anything anymore. But its in an experimental state.
  16. sarogahtyp

    Saros Tweak For Higher FPS On Maps

    I ll not do those. I spend my time on optimizing the mod.
  17. sarogahtyp

    Saros Tweak For Higher FPS On Maps

    Idk if that really matters. But its planned to restructere the whole thing. i ll do a performance update in a few versions after I solved all singleplayer problems. I hope to have this done tomorrow. After that i start restructering it.
  18. sarogahtyp

    ArmA-3 Server modkeys

    Idk bout that .txt file u r talking bout. But on my dedicated server I use the .bikey file which is delivered by each mod and put it in the keys folder in servers root folder
  19. sarogahtyp

    Condition OR

    Its not fine. every statement in a condition should return true or false.
  20. sarogahtyp

    Condition OR

    Enter every single statement alone in debug console and tell what its returning
  21. what I did not notice was that the endless loop was started after the saving was finished already. Therefore the solution is as easy as it can be: // Add scripted EH to unhide everything before saving occurs in Singleplayer if !( isMultiplayer ) then { [missionNamespace, "OnSaveGame", { // unhide before saving starts [] call saroTweakMapFPS_fnc_unhide_map_objects; // hide again after saving is finished [] spawn saroTweakMapFPS_fnc_hide_map_objects; }] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler; }; Its simple. Code you call in that EH is executed before saving occurs. Code you spawn is just executed after saving is finished. Problem solved, Im happy.
  22. Short question: In a Singleplayer mission I need to detect if a save is initiated by player or automatically by mission and I want to execute a script (by mod) just before the saving occurs. I would be very grateful for any ideas that could lead the way.
  23. sarogahtyp

    Condition OR

    I did not understand what u r doing but i guess u want the result true if taskstate is succeded and one of both trigger conditions is true. There you need some brackets: (Trigger5_Con or Trigger9_Con) && ["Tsk"] call BIS_fnc_taskState == "SUCCEEDED"
  24. displays ... I hate em. Not working: if !( isMultiplayer ) then { [missionNamespace, "OnSaveGame", { [] call saroTweakMapFPS_fnc_unhide_map_objects; _dummy = [] spawn { waitUntil {diag_log "waiting 4 save display"; sleep 0.5; !isNull findDisplay 13 }; waitUntil {diag_log "waiting 4 end of save display"; sleep 0.5; isNull findDisplay 13 }; [] call saroTweakMapFPS_fnc_hide_map_objects; }; }] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler; }; gives me an endless loop logging "waiting 4 save display" I guess I could use some help again...
  25. okay, that scripted EH works very well // Add scripted EH to unhide everything before saving occurs in Singleplayer if !( isMultiplayer ) then { [missionNamespace, "OnSaveGame", { [] call saroTweakMapFPS_fnc_unhide_map_objects; }] call BIS_fnc_addScriptedEventHandler; }; It executes the code right before saving the game. That saves my ass 😉 Now the next problem is around the corner. I'd like to execute next piece of code right after saving is finished. So the question is how can I detect this? Is it possible to detect this saving message which is shown during saving: I guess there is a Display solution but I m really a noob when its about displays ... Edit: Okay seems not to be as hard as I thought. Biki gives a display ID: *SaroGetsIntoTestingMode* ...