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Everything posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    1. Noted. 2. Frankly I don't see any problem here - could you highlight on picture what's bothering you? As always - thanks for report!
  2. krzychuzokecia

    HotKeyMod (HKM) - announcement

    1. Heckler und Koch ain't gonna like it... 2. The video is worthless without Faguss' voice.
  3. krzychuzokecia

    15th anniversary patch for OFP/CWA

    In current state of things, I hope not.
  4. krzychuzokecia

    Forum Errors

    Not random. As Grezvany13 noted it's all related to tags. It's very easy to check in OFP forums where only few threads have tags attached - these won't open, while every other is ok.
  5. krzychuzokecia

    15th anniversary patch for OFP/CWA

  6. krzychuzokecia

    An open letter on basic ARMA:CWA support

    Not gonna happen, and TBH that would be a pretty shitty solution (nobody knows when community master server will die, not even members of the community). I could even live with switching to Steam (afterall it's now Bohemia's platform of choice), but I don't see it happening at all - Bohemians are completely not interested in this. CWA is now just a cheap interactive ad for A3.
  7. krzychuzokecia

    15th anniversary of OFP/CWA

    Once again you forgot the best one :P Screen by Zhangpengs
  8. krzychuzokecia

    14th anniversary of OFP:CWC

    Care to elaborate? I guess you're talking about Arma: Cold War Crisis (and not some A2/A3 mod as the rest of your post implies). If so then are you using Steam or non-Steam version? The non-Steam indeed had some troubles on release (though not the kind you're reporting) but it was patched several times - this page have a one-stop updated mirror.
  9. krzychuzokecia

    An open letter on basic ARMA:CWA support

    It doesn't work at all and lack of any information/feedback thread on official forums makes me wonder if this update is not just some bored dev with access to Steam database. :P Some particular Irishman got you covered.
  10. krzychuzokecia

    Operation SHOCK (Full Mod + Campaign)

    The government hides the truth! And... He who controls the caffeine controls the modding scene
  11. krzychuzokecia

    Operation SHOCK (Full Mod + Campaign)

    No more pizza man? We'll miss him... I'm more concerned with that subliminal message in very last frame of video though... :)
  12. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    Great to see you back Apoc! I'm sure that soon you'll put some quality stuff. Good luck!
  13. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    Unfortunately Apocalypse have dissappeared. He never released any other missions from his campaign, apart from the one you can already play.
  14. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    The BAS H-60 plugin is discontinued - since EXT 1.0 all Blackhawk variants use models ported from ArmA. Legacy classnames are still there so you shouldn't have any problems with running missions using this plugin (but on the other hand 1.0 changed a lot stuff so it's up to mission maker to fix any existing problems).
  15. krzychuzokecia

    Change ECP's default models

    Actually this was answered bazillion times, but oh well... It won't hurt to answer this one more time, wouldn't it? First thing: WW4 already contains ECP+WW4 config, search for it in bonus folder, it may suit you well. If it is still not enough for you, then make some preparations. Download Notepad++, and Kegetys' cpbo - this second tool allows you to open .pbo archives to check where your models are. Open ECP config file. As you may already know, it's called config.cpp and it is in @ECP/bin/ folder (if you don't have config.cpp file, but binarised config.bin then download unbinarised version from Faguss' OFP Aspect Ratio pack - it comes with useful feature of adjusting CWA GUI to modern widescreen monitors). What you're looking for are entries in two categories: CfgWeapons (contains... duh, weapons of course!), and CfgVehicles (here you will find machines but human units too). You'll soon notice that guns and units are hidden under various classes included in these two categories. You will also notice that not every class contains playable content - some of these classes (if not the most) are various base classes defining values that other classes can inherit from them. If you'll read carefully through two Config Reference documents I linked earlier, you will find out how to recognize which is which. However, for your comfort, there are already classname lists of playable weapons, infantry and vehicles. Now, what you're looking for in every class is a model value. It looks like that (non relevant entries ommitted): class BMP:APC { model="bmp"; }; "bmp" refers to bmp.p3d model file which can be found in data3d.pbo archive (and this is in /dta/ folder). data3d.pbo contains (almost) all vanilla models from OFP/CWA - but since we want to replace them with something else, we are not intersted in content of this archive. WW4 models are archived in ww4_wpn.pbo (weapons) and ww4_trp.pbo or ww4_rpl.pbo (infantry - _trp contains modern style units while _rpl a 1980s era look-a-likes) files. Open them with cpbo (after proper installation it works after double-clicking on every .pbo) and find models you want to use. Going back to config, we need to replace model value with proper path for WW4 models. It looks like that (again non relevant entries ommitted): class SoldierEB:Soldier { model="\ww4_rpl\easoldier.p3d"; }; Repeat for every unit/weapon you want to replace.
  16. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    It's here. Package contains both hotfixes - for main EXT and for Arctic. And since Kenoxite may be away for a while, and I'm otherwise unable to change first post in this thread, consider our ModDB page as a main source of latest updates (note that I'll still post them up here, just I can't list them in first post).
  17. krzychuzokecia

    Operation SHOCK (Full Mod + Campaign)

    You got me here, for a moment... :) Good luck!
  18. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    This probably have been answered a thousand times, but since BIF search tool is not quite working as expected... Does anybody have Blackblood's SCARs WIP 2 version? Thanks!
  19. krzychuzokecia

    PR MOD - total replacement WW4

    ... until I'll release another final version! :D
  20. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    1. Scope zeroing and backup sights - for the moment I only know that enabling Personal Menu makes actions for these two features disappear. Without PM both work as intended. 2. Bleeding - isn't this gore enough? And no - we haven't introduced any additional bleeding effects like ECP did (there's a hit shock effect that will force you to prone when you've been hit by rifle big enough, but that's it). 3. Disembark problem - this is probably OFP/CWA being OFP/CWA during MP games with AI team mates. It happened to me a lot with various addons/mods (BAS and FDF recently). In such case two things can help - killing AI pilot, or pilot disembarking from vehicle when he's player controlled.
  21. krzychuzokecia

    1985 Real Soviet Army Modpack

    Download times are so long here... :D
  22. krzychuzokecia

    PR MOD - total replacement WW4

    Virtual Store. Oh, and since you're using W10, read this. It's common issue with Windows operating systems from 8 and above. If you encounter this remember that's not Slavko's or Faguss fault.
  23. krzychuzokecia

    PR MOD - total replacement WW4

    Ahhh... Now I know what you've done wrong. You've replaced config.cpp and resource.cpp from @ECP/Bin/ folder with the ones found in OFP Aspect Ratio package. Don't do that - these are files for vanilla ECP configuration, so it doesn't contain Slavko's edits. If so - just re-extract @ECP folder and don't mess with it again. It's already rigged to work with Faguss' Aspect Ratio. You just need to extract Aspect_Ratio.hpp to game main folder, and then edit it along with your user.cfg file (as described in Aspect Ratio readme).
  24. krzychuzokecia

    PR MOD - total replacement WW4

    First reinstall your whole game - from your description you probably replaced game original files with modded ones (which is a bad thing to do). Second - extract @ECP folder into main folder of your game installation. That's it - you've installed the mod. Run it as described above.
  25. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Nevermind, I was blind the whole time...