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Everything posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. krzychuzokecia


    Please, leave it as it is! Phantoms loud footsteps quite often made me notice them, and saved me from being eaten alive. Eaten, or whatever those demented things do to people!
  2. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    @barccy Russian backup has it: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/LqSK/pqnB9aCY6/unofaddons3/CSJontos.rar To download click the blue Ckayatb button, then tick the box, and click Ckayatb again.
  3. krzychuzokecia

    PowerServer & OFPMonitor: Multiplayer without Gamespy

    I see that master.ofpisnotdead.com is responding, so probably crisis averted. However, in case of emergency @mcslavko of [PR] Polish Resistance, had set up a second Master Server at It is hosted on the same server as PR game server, so it should run 24/7. If you're a game server admin and want your server to report to [PR] Master Server, change following value in your server.cfg reportingIP=""; If you're player and want to see servers reporting to [PR] Master Server, open OFP Monitor settings dialog, go to Master servers tab, and click "Add new server domain" (top button). Type and click "OK". After closing settings window press [F5] on keyboard - after few seconds you should see servers reporting to [PR] Master Server, and any other Master Server you have in OFP Monitor list. @poweruser if you see this, you can update your master server list on GitHub.
  4. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    There's UH-1H in Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead. Since it's BIS work, you can safely port it to OFP/CWA, but I'm not sure if you'll like it - it's kinda meh looking when compared even to CSJ's Hueys.
  5. krzychuzokecia

    3CB BAF Weapons

    There's a problem with SIG Sauer pistols in your mod - you can see boolits from the outside! It's especially noticeable when turning or strafing left-right. I'm not sure, but IMO the rear of the slide is invisible/not there at all.
  6. Bovington 600 meters range is busy these days! Captain Miller and Gun Jesus take L85A3 for a test drive That's a lot of Lilt! Someone's going to pop that soda! Addons: RKSL Bovington, RKSL Training Objects, RKSL Attachments, 3CB BAF units and weapons, Gun Jesus, POLPOX's Artwork Supporter, Whiplash static anims, DIREONE's poses, Nikoaton's static anims.
  7. krzychuzokecia

    Cold War Rearmed III

    You're going to have a heart attack, but in original Operation Flashpoint, the tank was called simply "T-72", and was modelled after Czech T-72M4. Funny enough, T-72M4 went into service two years after OFP was released - so it's inclusion in the game was double anachronistic!
  8. krzychuzokecia

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    Excuse my ignorance here, but I was under impression that setting loadout in Virtual Arsenal in Eden should disable BIS randomization stuff? Is it not what's happening in Arma in general?
  9. I don't care if it's not finished - 600 meters range and pistol range is something I wanted to see in Arma ever since playing that free version of UK VBS. I already know that I'm going to spend too much time on this map! Edit: I don't know where to post it, since there's no specific thread for that, but the big red banner target from your Training Objects pack seems to be bugged - it sinks into the ground after starting the mission (looks good in Eden).
  10. krzychuzokecia

    OFrP : Operation FrenchPoint

    As others said: it's a very sad news. OFrP was among my favorite "nation specific" mods in OFP, and also my favorite French mod in Arma 3. It's sad to see you go, but you've already made it into the history of OFP/ArmA modding! Merci beacoup!
  11. Yes indeed, brainfart on my part!
  12. Type this in target init field: this animate ["terc", 1]; When mission starts, the target will spawn with yellow part up, but it will get down after 1/10th of a second ("terc" is the animated yellow part of pop-up targets). You can use it also to make target fall down if it was not hit (just set up triggers the way you want them). In the mission init (it's global variable, affects all pop up targets on map): nopop = true; This will also force targets to stay down after hit. If you want this only for specific targets (with others having default behaviour), then type this in target init field: this setVariable ["nopop", true]; Type this in trigger activation field: this setDamage 0; this animate ["terc", 0]; "setDamage 0" will reset your target health (if it was shot before), while second line will make it pop up.
  13. To be honest, it was over a decade when I read the book, but I think Andreyev's illustration don't really fit into Lem's world. Or at least what I imagined when reading the book. Andreyev's vision is... generic. Reminds me of Spad's DUNE mod for OFP, which IIRC was author's personal vision, not really related (aesthethically) to descriptions from Dune books. IMO going with retro-futurism when depicting Lem's books is the way to go (I always imagined Lem's "technology" looking like from 1950s), but I don't think that Invincible game devs are doing it the good way. Their world is "candy sweet", almost parody, similiar to Fallout or No Man's Sky. While IMO it should be "1950s sci-fi taken seriously": messy, gritty, decrepit and weathered. It needs that "lived in" sci-fi look similiar to first Alien or Silent Running.
  14. krzychuzokecia

    Need help.

    I don't quite follow you - is it not under "Game Logics" category in editor? Have you placed player unit yet? You have to have player on map, to be able to place game logics and objects ("Empty" category).
  15. krzychuzokecia

    Sights are off

    Probably... :D And no, it's not perfectly centered - point of impact is slightly to the right (1 pixel). EDIT: I forgot one VERY important thing! Remember that guns are not "laser beam" accurate - there's always some dispersion. Depending on what RCWC guys did, it may be bigger than what it is usually in OFP/Arma. Let's just say that guns in OFP/Arma series are always more accurate than real-life counterparts.
  16. krzychuzokecia

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP

    Great update as always! I'm especially fond of the "retro" additions like CZ-75, M21, Aimpoint 5000 or M151. While going through new stuff I noticed some, what I believe, issues, but I may be wrong: Pro-Tec helmet requires 2 shots from 9mm pistols to the head to kill - IIRC Pro-Tec was just a bike/sport helmet, with no ballistic protection, so it seems a bit overpowered? As I said - I dunno, I'm not expert on this stuff! M17 pistol sights have weird proportions - rear sight notch is a bit too wide, while front sight blade is definitely too thin (it should have almost square appearance). The way it's modelled now, in real life it would be hard to hit a barn with it. M21 AR-TEL scope - IIRC, in the real thing it had a second focal plane reticle, and range/zero was tied to zoom level (that's how it works in OFP too). CUP version is FFP with manual zeroing. I guess this may be a concious decision, maybe A3 doesn't allow automatic ranging anymore? HK416 and M27 seem a lot less accurate than M4 and it's variants. From what I know, it's the other way - bare-bones HK416 is noticeably more accurate even when compared to accurized M4s. Matter of fact USMC is now taking off Leupold scopes from Mk12 SPRs, and putting them on M27s, which ends up a better combination than SPR. Finally, it may be just me, but a lot of vehicles (mostly US ones) have a very weird colour palette, as if oversaturated. Good example of that is comparison between RACS MTVR and Land Rover - MTVR feels "wrong". Or comparing Abrams vs Leo2 - Abrams camo black splotches seem more like very dark purple. Anyway, thanks for a lot of great stuff to play with, and good luck!
  17. krzychuzokecia

    Sights are off

    1. Are you sure the sights are off? For some reason, in OFP, sight picture is spawned to the right of the barrel, giving an appearence of bullets flying to the left of the crosshair. This is especially evident when using scoped weapons and tracer ammo. However, the bullets hit targets as expected on "regular" distances (over 10-20 meters). 2. If those sights are really off, remember that you may not be able to achieve perfect zero - that's because texture size is always even (power of 2), so the true center/zero is between two pixels.
  18. krzychuzokecia

    [COOP] The Magnificent Seven

    That's... magnificent! :D BTW: I missed following post While semi-auto rifles are indeed overkill, I'd add Bnae's M1897 shotgun ("bnae_m97_virtual", "bnae_m97_s_virtual") and CUP M1911 pistol ("CUP_hgun_Colt1911") - both are associated with late frontier/wild west era (see The Wild Bunch).
  19. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Ah, bummer man, sorry for that! I had it downloaded from there some time earlier this year, but deleted from my HDD, because I was running out of space, and thought that mirror is going to last some time.
  20. krzychuzokecia

    Future plans to continue "The legacy"

    ...which is kind of contradicting with the whole A3 is on life support attitude. There's only small team in Netherlands left dedicated to A3, focused on small bug fixing. So game not only will not get any new official content (creator DLCs are developed outside of BIS, and upcoming Red Cross DLC is... well, also mostly developed by contest entrants), but we can be sure that the most annoying bugs, hidden deep in the game code, will be left as they are, because fixing them is too big of a task for Amsterdam team (and Czech branch with most experienced programmers is working on new unannounced title). 2021 is probably too early for Arma 4, but from purely economic point of view, BIS needs to have something new around 2022 - their flagship titles (A3 and DayZ) are getting long in the tooth already.
  21. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Might not be exactly what you're looking for @lukin86 but it's something: Pedagne+PrepH all-in-one pack.
  22. krzychuzokecia

    SJB Weapons Pack(s)

    When I see Diemacos, I experience exactly the same thing which Messiah is describing in the quote you have in your signature... Do I need to see a doctor? I hope not - Diemacos are magnificent afterall!
  23. krzychuzokecia

    "Cannot Load Material File"

    In Addon Builder go to Options, and then in the first field "List of files to copy directly", add semicolon and then *.rvmat For some reason Addon Builder will binarize .rvmat files, even when you have binarizing ticked off.
  24. krzychuzokecia

    Seinfeld Game

    In a parallel universe this is a thing, and video game best-seller of year 1997.
  25. krzychuzokecia

    [COOP] Seven Samurai

    Since I was the dude who suggested "Magnificent Seven" theme in the Steam comment section, you have no idea how happy I am to hear that this seed may sprout some day! As I said on Steam before: thanks for fun mission, and good luck with whatever projects you're working now!