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Everything posted by mikey74

  1. mikey74

    I want change player's side

    // Change sides please // Get the player who entered the trigger _player = _this select 0; // Check if the player is a civilian (not AI) if (!isPlayer _player || side _player != civilian) exitWith {}; // Get the total number of civilian players _totalCivilians = civilian countSide (entities [["Man"], [], false, true]); // Get the number of Blufor players _bluforCount = west countSide (entities [["Man"], [], false, true]); // Get the number of Opfor players _opforCount = east countSide (entities [["Man"], [], false, true]); // Check if Blufor or Opfor has reached half of the total civilian players if (_bluforCount >= _totalCivilians / 2) then { _player GlobalChat "You cannot join Blufor as they have reached the limit."; private _group = createGroup [east, true]; [player] joinsilent _group; _player GlobalChat "Your team has been changed to Opfor."; } else { if (_opforCount >= _totalCivilians / 2) then { _player GlobalChat "You cannot join Opfor as they have reached the limit."; private _group = createGroup [west, true]; [_player] joinsilent _group; _player GlobalChat "Your team has been changed to Blufor."; } else { // Randomly assign Blufor or Opfor with 50% probability if (random 1 > 0.5) then { private _group = createGroup [west, true]; [_player] joinsilent _group; _player GlobalChat "Your team has been changed to Blufor."; } else { private _group = createGroup [east, true]; [player] joinsilent _group; _player GlobalChat "Your team has been changed to Opfor."; } } }; // Print a hint message for confirmation hint "Your team has been changed. Check side chat for confirmation."; Create a new text file place it in mission folder. Name it something like MY_fnc_find_proper_side.sqf. Then in your triggers activation put this: _handle = thisList execVM "MY_fnc_find_proper_side.sqf"; Hope this helps. 🙂
  2. mikey74

    ArmA 3 Scripting help

    Hi Trulley, Try https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/forum/154-arma-3-mission-editing-scripting/ and explain what it is you are trying to accomplish. 🙂 Id put in the next comment to ask the moderator to move this over to that forum . 🙂 Happy scripting.
  3. Ambient battle sounds Module WIP Hi this is a new module for Arma 3. I've been using the triggers to give me some ambient combat sounds for missions. SO I create a module so I didn't have to through up several triggers to get a good back ground noise. lol Basically is a module found in the effects category of the module section. What it does is a loop of ambient battle sounds that's already built into arma 3. Its all random. You can set the size of the battle and intensity. Give it a try and let me know if you have suggestions. Ignorant and mean suggestions will be ignored! :p Thanks to Jigsor for a good script to start with. It started on this thread.:) 7/3/15 The new and improved AMBS. changes: Edited distant explosions added Categories for: Volume Pitch and Battle radius 7/14/15 This is a good video of the differences between different selections for AMBS. It still has old sounds, but GREAT presentation. :)
  4. RPT is more than a crash file? Nothing was crashing. Just popping off rounds without me pulling trigger. That said. I was unable to replicate today with or without mods. With the exception of It did shoot my bazoooka before I was aimed. idk its wierd. Only CBA and prairie fire was loaded, and of course I wasn't recording by this point. When I get more time. I'm going to try a few other things like making the same mission using just priarie fire or just standard arma 3. Hopefully in the next few days if it is SPE I'll post my findings here. Thanks for your response. As usual KJU. You do awesome work. IMO worth my hard earned money 😂. 😉
  5. Anyone else having an issue where your player character will unload a clip when spotting enemies without even hitting your trigger? I thought maybe it was the SPE_AI module, but removed it and its still happening. Looks like it may be an AI suppression script that forgot to leave out the players. Mods I am using is CBA, Death hit animations, and ACSTG AI cannot see through grass. I am running a respawn script that does control anything firing a weapon. Thanks in advance.
  6. mikey74

    Land transportation

    Many greater than most have tried and As far as I know the best of the best have failed with coding AI driving to not even be close to perfect and have failed. Not trying to discourage you, but If you figure it out you will be a hero to all Arma fans. no joke. 😉
  7. I ended up placing empty arty on ground, and activating computer. It has min max. Still havnt found the script thats telling the computer what the min max is, but it does have min max in computer screen.
  8. _helo setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _helo setCombatMode "STEALTH"; _helo disableAI "TARGET"; _helo disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _helo disableAI "WEAPONAIM"; _helo disableAI "AUTOCOMBAT"; Helps a lot!
  9. I use this in a re spawning script for single player. It does a few things. 1) Sense I fighting huge battles. I assign a group for the dead then delete that group along with holder group for newly spawned so I can simulate thousands of troops fighting. 2) it waits till the player is a certain distance and a few random seconds to hide the body. You can modify this to suit your needs. I use a killed EH for this script. pierremgi script is pretty great. so here is another option if you want. Always good to learn different ways. Because that one script you disregard I find a lot of time I end up using it else where for different reasons, or parts of a function I am not using. _deadgroup = createGroup [civilian,true]; if !(isNil "_unit") then { [_unit] joinSilent _deadgroup; [_unit] spawn { params ["_unit"]; while {!isNil "_unit"} do { waitUntil {sleep 1; (isNil "_unit") || (_unit distance player > 100)}; if !(isNil "_unit") then { if (_unit distance player <= 300) then {sleep (1+ (random 30 + random 29))} else {sleep (1+ (random 15 + random 14))}; hideBody _unit; if (_unit distance player <= 300) then {sleep 7} else {sleep 0.5}; deleteVehicle _unit; _unit = Nil; }; }; }; };
  10. This works as good as KK's scripts. bob addForce [bob vectorModelToWorld [0,0,0.7], [(random 1),(random 1),-2]];
  11. mikey74

    AI waves problem.

    I'm not very good on scripting for servers. BUT I think if you use: if (!isServer) exitWith {}; at the beginning of your script should keep it on server and not fire on all clients. Hopefully someone with better knowledge of servers corrects me if I am wrong or confirms if I am write.
  12. mikey74

    Counting dead units

    I realize this is an old thread, but If you have a custom garbage collector going. Possibly any garbage collector and already have a lot of killed EH that may delete units quick. Try this. _allDead = allDead; _allwestD = 0; _alleastD = 0; _allIndyD = 0; _time = time + 7; while {true} do { sleep 1; if (!(_allDead isEqualTo allDead) || (_time <= time)) then { { private _dead = _x; if !(_dead in _allDead) then { _allDead pushBack _dead; switch (getNumber (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _dead) >> "side")) do { case 0: { _alleastD = _alleastD + 1 }; case 1: { _allwestD = _allwestD + 1 }; case 2: { _allIndyD = _allIndyD + 1 }; //default { }; }; } } forEach allDead; _allDead = allDead; // Post the results hint format ["BluFor casaulties: %1\n OpFor casaulties: %2\nIndFor casaulties: %3",_allwestD,_alleastD,_allIndyD]; _time = time + 7; }; }; Ooops had a few thread open looking at this. I dont think it was meant for this thread. Probably this one
  13. Semper Fi Marine. Thanks for the like. 🙂

  14. https://www.dropbox.com/s/68atxkce1t51635/annihilate.Stratis.rar?dl=0 Sorry bout that
  15. Try this. Place a trigger. lol It'll be easier just to look at my mission. This Arty script will work with most if not all artillery. https://www.dropbox.com/s/68atxkce1t51635/annihilate.Stratis.rar?dl=0 video
  16. mikey74

    Combat Mode "Go Go Go!"

    Congrats on your release and I love your steam page script!!!! lol!!!
  17. This is pretty good my man! Congrats on the release. 🙂
  18. mikey74

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    In my opinion. As it was during the FOA days. Dodging animation's should be a rarity. BUT Not everyone is of the same opinion. This is why I suggested maybe adding a random percentage option in the addon options. 🙂 So if the player loves it. Should be anywhere between 75% to 100%, or someone like me it should be 10% to 25% of the likelihood a unit will use a dodge animation.
  19. mikey74

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    @mickeymen I wasn't referring to the animation. ;) I was referring to how often they spin on the ground per bullet impact nearby. 🙂
  20. mikey74

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    I was wondering is there a way to tone down the AI rolling around like toddlers high on candy??? <---- I found it. lol I forgot you can configure certain mods in options. That said. Could you add a chance option of them rolling? IN FOA I randomized it a bit so they didn't roll evetime the hitnear triggered. I think it ended up around %25 of the time I would trigger it. If you can add that option. That would be pretty great. 😉 Your turret mod, and suppression mod totally complements my pinned mod. But Danger and Pinned together. lol The AI looks very silly when they are pinned for long periods of time because of the constant rolling.
  21. I definitely feel you. FOA/AISS are no where near as big as JSRS sound mod. I can tell you. I get burned out just thinking of pulling that old mod apart and making it work again. So, I started over with a very simple mod called pinned. Over time this may grow to be as big as My other mods. But I kind of like the ole motto Keep it simple stupid. Start small and slow. Take your time so you can enjoy it. Modding shouldn't be boring work. As we all do this because we enjoy it. So lets try to stay focused on the enjoying part. 😉 Other wise we will suffer the effects of our old pal burn out. 😄 Anyways incase you cant noticed. I'm excited to see you're back. 😉
  22. mikey74

    ARMAHOLIC website not working

    @foxhound This sucks, but is understandable. BIS and its community owes you a debt of gratitude. Thanks for All you did sense 2006! If it weren't for you and supporting the modding community. Honestly doubt I would have made it past OFPCWC. Thanks 🙂
  23. mikey74

    Playing Multiplayer

    I don't know what changed, but why is it so hard to find my son on Arma servers to play prairie fire?????? Used to be easy. Whats changed? We have the same mods. We name our servers a unique name, but never show up anywhere. What gives??? Thanks in advance.
  24. mikey74

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    In reference to the 1st part of your video. Where you were firing fairly close without a suppressor and the AI was standing around waiting to be hit. I used this in FOA/AISS I inserted this in the config using CBA_shot Event Handler. There are a ton of variables in there to which I dont recal why I used them on some of them. As to the stealth aspect. yeh lol You'd have to use a lot of forget targets. 🙂
  25. Hi Never saw a throwable Satchel charge for arma 3. If so my apologies. lol Here it is https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2431971204 Instructions: You can find a demolitions specialist in blufor units men. You will have to scroll through grenades. Then simply throw it, and run for your life. You have approx 14 seconds to get clear. Good for clearing mine fields and good for destroying or disabling vehicles. enjoy! Future updates: Add to Opfor and Independent units. Add groups with demo spec in it. Figure out how to link throwable with bis satchel so you can set timer. Recruit some one who does animations and create an under handed through. Have no clue how to do this. 😞