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Everything posted by LondonLad

  1. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server The 'Port Forwarding' section should hold the answers :) --snippet-- (This is entered into your server configuration file) // STEAM steamport=8766; steamqueryport=27016;
  2. nkey, Just a heads up - Not sure if its intentional but you have 2 version of the server keys (and bisign keys) for both [4] & [5] in the latest update.
  3. LondonLad

    AI Configuration - feedback

    Brilliant - Thank you for the information :)
  4. LondonLad

    AI Configuration - feedback

    Thank you for the reply. So to clarify and ensure I'm totally clear on this.... My dedicated servers (& clients, if they control AI) '<name>.Arma3Profile' which contains the following lines (within the various sections of the file): skillFriendly=0.40000001; skillEnemy=0.40000001; precisionFriendly=0.18000004; precisionEnemy=0.18000004; ...can be removed entirely as they are now obsolete? The above values are replaced with the following: skillAI=0.45000002; precisionAI=0.2; Note: I'm aware the values are dependent to each individuals taste.
  5. LondonLad

    AI Configuration - feedback

    Are these changes only in the Development Branch, or has it now moved into Stable since the original posting (I don't have a system to check from here at work)?
  6. Hats off to the ALiVE team :) I'm looking forward in seeing the 16AA British Milsim group use ALiVE in the future :)
  7. LondonLad

    strange error in rpt.

    Its been in the RPT since ever I can remember. I'm sure BIS are aware of it - I know I've mentioned on the Feedback Tracker & to Dwarden via a skype PM some time back.
  8. Great work there fella - No more trawling through the pages. I'll be an avid reader of this thread - Much appreciated :)
  9. Brainfart - Been a long several days (even weeks) - Not with it at all. Thank you for the clarification LordHeart - Will keep an eye out for the news/release of the next update :)
  10. Seen the same errors: File task_force_radio\anprc152\anprc152.ext, line 84: '/anprc152_radio_dialog/next_channel.action': Missing ';' prior '}' File task_force_radio\anprc152\anprc152.ext, line 94: '/anprc152_radio_dialog/prev_channel.action': Missing ';' prior '}' File task_force_radio\anprc152\anprc152.ext, line 103: '/anprc152_radio_dialog/increase_volume.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\anprc152\anprc152.ext, line 113: '/anprc152_radio_dialog/decrease_volume.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\anprc148jem\anprc148jem.ext, line 96: '/anprc148jem_radio_dialog/next_channel148.action': Missing ';' prior '}' File task_force_radio\anprc148jem\anprc148jem.ext, line 106: '/anprc148jem_radio_dialog/increase_volume148.action': Missing ';' prior '}' File task_force_radio\anprc148jem\anprc148jem.ext, line 116: '/anprc148jem_radio_dialog/decrease_volume148.action': Missing ';' prior '}' File task_force_radio\rt1523g\rt1523g.ext, line 91: '/rt1523g_radio_dialog/rt1523g_channel01.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\rt1523g\rt1523g.ext, line 101: '/rt1523g_radio_dialog/rt1523g_channel02.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\rt1523g\rt1523g.ext, line 111: '/rt1523g_radio_dialog/rt1523g_channel03.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\rt1523g\rt1523g.ext, line 121: '/rt1523g_radio_dialog/rt1523g_channel04.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\rt1523g\rt1523g.ext, line 131: '/rt1523g_radio_dialog/rt1523g_channel05.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\rt1523g\rt1523g.ext, line 141: '/rt1523g_radio_dialog/rt1523g_channel06.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\rt1523g\rt1523g.ext, line 151: '/rt1523g_radio_dialog/rt1523g_channel07.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\rt1523g\rt1523g.ext, line 161: '/rt1523g_radio_dialog/rt1523g_channel08.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\rt1523g\rt1523g.ext, line 171: '/rt1523g_radio_dialog/rt1523g_channel09.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\anprc155\anprc155.ext, line 95: '/anprc155_radio_dialog/next_channel155.action': Missing ';' prior '}' File task_force_radio\fadak\fadak.ext, line 62: '/fadak_radio_dialog/next_channel_fadak.action': Missing ';' prior '}' File task_force_radio\fadak\fadak.ext, line 72: '/fadak_radio_dialog/previous_channel_fadak.action': Missing ';' prior '}' File task_force_radio\fadak\fadak.ext, line 81: '/fadak_radio_dialog/increase_volume_fadak.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\fadak\fadak.ext, line 91: '/fadak_radio_dialog/decrease_volume_fadak.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\mr3000\mr3000.ext, line 72: '/mr3000_radio_dialog/mr3000_next_channel.action': Missing ';' prior '}' File task_force_radio\mr3000\mr3000.ext, line 82: '/mr3000_radio_dialog/mr3000_previous_channel.action': Missing ';' prior '}' File task_force_radio\mr3000\mr3000.ext, line 121: '/mr3000_radio_dialog/mr3000_channel_1.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\mr3000\mr3000.ext, line 131: '/mr3000_radio_dialog/mr3000_channel_2.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\mr3000\mr3000.ext, line 141: '/mr3000_radio_dialog/mr3000_channel_3.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\mr3000\mr3000.ext, line 151: '/mr3000_radio_dialog/mr3000_channel_4.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\mr3000\mr3000.ext, line 161: '/mr3000_radio_dialog/mr3000_channel_5.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\mr3000\mr3000.ext, line 171: '/mr3000_radio_dialog/mr3000_channel_6.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\mr3000\mr3000.ext, line 181: '/mr3000_radio_dialog/mr3000_channel_7.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\mr3000\mr3000.ext, line 191: '/mr3000_radio_dialog/mr3000_channel_8.action': Missing ';' at the end of line File task_force_radio\mr3000\mr3000.ext, line 201: '/mr3000_radio_dialog/mr3000_channel_9.action': Missing ';' at the end of line Sorry to be simple here but I'm new to TFR - Where do I grab the update?
  11. I suspect as the issue is related to a crash-to-desktop (CTD), these take a high priority is terms of bug fixing, due to the type of issue that it is.
  12. LondonLad

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Useless bit of info but I've had my torrent running for the past 24 hours. In that time I've uploaded/transferred 96.8GB of data to peers.
  13. LondonLad

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    I'm not experiencing that issue, and it seems to be fixed in my case (Double-check your passwords have been set correctly) :)
  14. Hi Tonic - Would that be related to this missing semicolon? http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16954
  15. According to MCV Magazine (Issue 770, Friday 10th January). £20 Million in revenue was made in shifting 1 Million Dayz copies in the first 4 weeks of being on sale.
  16. LondonLad

    Arma 3 Headless Client

    Thanks for the heads up (Noticed it was also mentioned in todays DEV changelog)
  17. LondonLad

    Harbour Games MP - Play with the Arma 3 Devs

    I spent a short time on here as I was using my work PC *cough* *cough* for a quick game. I wish I had my keyboard setup from my home system at hand, as I was all over the place pressing the wrong keys (because of the default settings), and doing things that I wasn't expecting :D Enjoy the session folks :)
  18. LondonLad

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    There is for the 1.0 version (someone posted a link several pages back) but nothing for the 1.1 or patch file versions (to my knowledge).
  19. LondonLad

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    I've kept my seed open for the v1.0, and in the past 20 hours I've had it up its uploaded (to you folks) around 60.5GB
  20. As Kremator has said - Computer specs, via a DXDIAG report would be useful for the folks who want to assist you further.
  21. I'd appreciate it if the known 'incorrect password' issue was also fixed for the Headless Client (HC) with these 'test' builds :)
  22. Unless BIS are also their own publisher (which I don't know) then it won't be them but possibly their publisher/distributor who sets the price. The point is, complaining to the side that 'develops' the game will likely go nowhere, as it's NOT them who handle pricing. You need to find & contact the publisher with your grievance in the hope they understand and can possibly action your concern.
  23. BIS won't be setting the price in each region, but it's the distribution/retail sector that will be.
  24. LondonLad

    Headless client enquiry

    Can confirm the HC (Headless Client) doesn't connect to the 1.08 dedicated server exe when a password has been set... HC Console.... '<time>...Cannot join session. Wrong password given'