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Everything posted by johnnyboy

  1. Problem: Currently if you attach a unit to a vehicle via attachTo, that unit cannot rotate or shoot. But if you attach a turret (mg, grenade launcher, mortar) to a vehicle, the unit CAN rotate and shoot. Solution: A new mod that creates a Man Turret that allows a man class unit to turn and shoot. This would be like the FFV turrets currently on vehicles, except without a vehicle. We could then attach a man turret to any position on a vehicle or object and they would be able to shoot. Ideally, the unit would be able transition from prone to crouch to standing while in this "turret". Then this would be possible: Attach defending shooters to Trawler object. Attach a shooting rider to DBO Horse. Attach shooters to top of any APC. Etc. Maybe this is simple for someone who mods vehicles. You make an invisible vehicle model with a Man Turret at ground level. You could base the Man Turret off of the turret position in an offroad that allows Turn Out (standing). Or make a few different Man Turret vehicles: One for sitting. One for standing. Allow 360 degrees rotation. I'm a scripter, not a modder, so this is outside my skillset. Any takers out there?
  2. That's really cool VD. Note, you can set damage to MOST trees and see them fall. I did that in JBOY_BushCutter for bushes and small palm trees. To prove this out for you, I wrote this test script below. Run it from the debug console and walk up to trees and see them fall. Now there are a few trees on Tanoa that will not fall, so I tried different ways to detect these trees. I was hoping BoundingBoxReal height changed after damage set to 1 and tree falls (but it does not). So I settled on comparing cursorObject to tree found before setDamage to 1. If its the same tree, then the tree did not fall, and you can use your place holder dead tree in that case. I tested this on Tanoa, Altis, and Chernarus. So far I have found only a few trees on Tanoa that do not fall. Note that I like your dead tree substitute solution as is, so no need to change it really. But you might want to transition from fallen tree, to dead tree (after chopping trims off small branches) to wood pile. I have one ARMA complaint about falling trees: They always fall in the same direction! The direction of the tree object has no effect on direction tree falls.
  3. it plays a bark or growl sound from the pack leader.
  4. johnnyboy

    The new beginner is in town

    Thanks Maff. I didn't know about either of these functions. I have probably hardcoded a dozen of my own "guidedProjectile" code snippets to move objects...and could have used this one call!!!
  5. Here's a small fix to an immersion problem kindly reported by @MuRaZorWitchKING. When player nears a dog pack he sees a silly sidechat message: "Independent: Woof! Grrrrrrrr!". To remove this message, make the following one line change. In this script: \JBOY_Dog\JBOY_dogPackLoop.sqf Change Line 84 from: dummy= [_packLeader, 0, _sfx,"Woof! Grrrrrrr!"] execVM "JBOY_Dog\delaySay.sqf"; Change to: dummy= [_packLeader, 0, _sfx,""] execVM "JBOY_Dog\delaySay.sqf"; I'm not bothering with a JBOY Dog new version release for this small change. But it will be incorporated in whenever the next release happens.
  6. johnnyboy

    [SP/MP] Old West - Wild West Map

    I just solved another bad problem with DBO horses. When you mount a horse player gets an action "Release UAV Controls". If you choose this action, your character is frozen, and no controls work. Your mission is now ruined, and you must exit. To solve this, put the following code in your init.sqf. When you are controlling horse, you are attached to horse and cameraOn = Horse object. When you are in stuck condition, you are attached to horse but cameraOn = player.
  7. I just solved another bad problem with DBO horses. When you mount a horse player gets an action "Release UAV Controls". If you choose this action, your character is frozen, and no controls work. Your mission is now ruined, and you must exit. To solve this, put the following code in your init.sqf. When you are controlling horse, you are attached to horse and cameraOn = Horse object. When you are in stuck condition, you are attached to horse but cameraOn = player. This loop senses the stuck condition, and then exits player properly from horse and returns control to player.
  8. johnnyboy


    "It will be late, they said." Just joking man. I'm looking forward to your release. You are a good marketer, as our interest is piqued! And I know how much work it is to publish a working mission, so I'm not surprised if it slips a few days.
  9. Note: I tried the AnimStateChanged EventHandler below and it did NOT work for me. So I am sticking with the OnKilled eventHandler described in previous post. That's all the time I'm willing to give this right now.
  10. The horse is a vehicle, but its based on Man object. He has done some strange thing where he creates a UAV control for riding, so you are not "getting in horse vehicle". But I think this eventhandler could do the trick (we sense the Dead Rider animation change). I'll try that later. this addEventHandler ["AnimStateChanged", { params ["_unit", "_anim"]; }];
  11. I added to all units, because unit might start on foot, and get on horse later. Sure there is room for improvement. I'm just communicating the basic solution. If there is an "attached" or "enter uav" eventhandler that would be better.
  12. Hi VD. Since you are talking about using DBO Horses mod, I thought I would post a fix I found to a problem. Currently when a unit dies while mounted on horse, the dead unit stays on horse and no other unit or player can use that horse. The fix below detaches the rider and he ragdolls. So you can now shoot a bandit out of the saddle and take his horse. I put the following in my init.sqf file. _n = [] spawn { sleep 2; // give time for mod stuff to initialize { _x removeAllEventHandlers "Killed"; _KilledEH = _x addEventHandler ["Killed", { _unit = _this select 0; if !(isNull attachedTo _unit) then { _unit switchMove "amovpsitmstpslowwrfldnon"; // low sitting animation so you don't see dude stand on horse before he ragdolls detach _unit; _xVel = selectRandom [-4,4]; _unit setVelocityModelSpace [_xVel,0,-2]; // Push unit left or right so doesn't fall through horse. }; }]; } foreach allUnits; };
  13. johnnyboy

    [SP/MP] Old West - Wild West Map

    I've been trying dbo horse mod and love it. However, it has a problem when a unit dies while attached to horse, dead guy stays on horse and no one else can use the horse. If you put the code below in your mission init.sqf file you can fix this. So when guy dies while mounted on horse, he then detaches from horse and ragdolls. Looks pretty good. Quite fun to shoot a guy out of the saddle! _n = [] spawn { sleep 2; // give time for mod stuff to initialize { _x removeAllEventHandlers "Killed"; _KilledEH = _x addEventHandler ["Killed", { _unit = _this select 0; if !(isNull attachedTo _unit) then { _unit switchMove "amovpsitmstpslowwrfldnon"; // low sitting animation so you don't see dude stand on horse before he ragdolls detach _unit; _xVel = selectRandom [-4,4]; _unit setVelocityModelSpace [_xVel,0,-2]; // Push unit left or right so doesn't fall through horse. }; }]; } foreach allUnits; };
  14. That is true. I have attached turrets to vehicles, and they still work. I did this in JBOY_LongBoat.
  15. Maybe putting this in the object's init might help. Will align object with surface slant. this setVectorUp surfaceNormal position this; Or, if the objects are just for eye candy, you could disable simulation on them: this enableSimulation false; Or, you can place as small object that won't fall over like a screwdriver object, then attach your larger object to the screwdriver.
  16. Is there a way to createSimpleObject or createVehicle a muzzle flash? How would I find the .p3d file name and path for a muzzle flash for any vanilla arma weapon?
  17. @Larrow I'm trying to re-use that particle effect you posted above, but I want no damage to be caused at position of effect. It causes grenade damage. I tried substituting in various fire effects in the setParticleClass section, but they caused fire damage. Do you know how I can get the same visual effect without damage?
  18. Hi HazJ. I'm working on a Bang Stick script at the moment. When unit strikes with the bang stick I want a nice small explosion effect. I like the one in your flash bang video in first post. Do you have that script? All I want is the fast fire/explosion effect. I don't need the white flash or ear ringing. I'm terrible at figuring out particle effects, so I'm hoping to re-use some someone else has built. Do you have that effects script? Can I use it? Please advise. Thanks.
  19. Hi Chris. See this post: In this post I explain the two scripts you have to modify to add more vehicles for the dog to ride in. You will define the relative attachTo position in the vehicle where the dog will be placed. You need to experiment in editor and tweak that position until the dog looks good (i.e., is not clipping through seats, floor, walls, etc. Good luck!
  20. johnnyboy

    create an explosion effect?

    That looks great dude. Please do post your final solution. You could spice it up by spawning some falling debris objects below the bridge. Maybe cinder blocks, small grey rocks...anything that looks like cement and metal pieces from a distance. If they are physics objects you will get some splashes in the water below.
  21. I'm looking for vanilla weapon fired sound effects (the "bang") to play using playSound3D. The above shows sound effects but not weapon firing sounds. How do I find weapon firing sounds? When I look at the config viewer in the editor I can find a particular weapon and see Dry Fire sound paths, and impact sound paths, but I do not see the weapon firing sound paths. Please advise.
  22. Thanks George. Goode ideas, but objects inside buildings might look funny when exploding, as the objects fly and would probably clip through the building.
  23. Thanks buddy. The script would definitely work on any object. But you probably want to tweak the fire attach to location for larger or smaller objects. Clustering many together (or on the truck) is the most fun, as then you get a crazy chain reaction. 🙂
  24. Hi guys. I'm working on an underwater Bang Stick. YEAH! BANG STICK!!! 🙂 When tip of bang stick strikes, I want to see a very small flash/fire/explosive effect about 3 inches in diameter. How can I create this effect? It doesn't have to create damage, i will handle that another way. Any ideas! Edit: I think a weapon muzzle flash effect might be good. How do I re-use/recreate an Arma weapon muzzle flash?