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Everything posted by johnnyboy

  1. Shooting vanilla ARMA fish is boring and looks stupid because dead fish just freeze in place. But now we can MAFGA--Make Arma Fishing Great Again--with JBOY_SpearGun!!! Features: Converts SDAR into a SDart gun! SDAR shoots fish with a small spear/harpoon (big thanks to @BadBensonfor the harpoon .p3d object!) Fish bleeds, squirms for awhile, and sinks Fish can be be taken by player, and a fish count variable is maintained for the shooter. This fish count variable can then be used later by other scripts for player to eat fish (for a survival scenario), or sell or trade fish as an item (if someone else wants to modify their trade scripts to include these fish). No Mods required! Works on ambient fish and fish created via script (createAgent) Does NOT work on turtles. I don't know why. But only jerks shoot sea turtles anyway! :) Does NOT impale AI units. When AI goes ragdoll, mempoint positions no longer mean anything, so its impossible to make harpoon stay impaled in a unit. Which is sad, because we would all love to turn an AI diver into a pin cushion! Access the Fish Count variable for a unit: If you are scripting a survival scenario, or a trade scenario, you can access the number of fish the player has as shown in following code snippet. _fishTaken = player getVariable ["JBOY_FishTaken",0]; hint format ["You have %1 fish.",_fishTaken]; Credits: @BadBenson for cool barbed harpoon object. Thanks bro! (Sorry I took so long to publish it...) @HallyGfor awesome blood effects script. Thanks HallyG! I use your scripts in a lot of my stuff, and really appreciate the help. Sample mission to put in Editor: ZipFile of mission directory Steam Link to play demo mission: Demo Mission Enjoy!
  2. johnnyboy


    I've released the new JBOY Fish School script now. It includes the latest version of JBOY Spear Gun. I will support the Spear Gun script under the Fish School thread from now on, as I don't want to maintain 2 versions of the script in 2 sample missions.
  3. johnnyboy


    I just discovered this...man I really dig it. So many great ideas and features to spice up firefights. Definitely gonna take it for a spin. Is it a good thing or a bad thing when a civvy calls you a carpet muncher? I'm a little confused on that point. This stuff is really worth the effort dude, thanks! Tanks leveling fortified buildings Civvy reactions Panic AI firing RPGs out windows Skill adjustments Adjusted camo for trees, shade, buildings And so much more!
  4. Behold: JBOY Longboat. The first of many scripts to be released as the mission series Last Tango In Tanoa progresses. This script converts an assault boat into a Tanoan civvie long boat. Great for fishermen, pirates and insurgents. You can see this boat in action in my new mission Last Tango In Tanoa - Episode 1. Please try that mission and rate and comment on steam. Your comments and ratings motivate me to finish the next episodes and create more scripts. How to use this script: Place an empty assault boat object Place a call to this script in the object's init line. Here's some sample calls: // Converts assault boat to an empty longboat _d = [this,""] execvm "Scripts\JBOY_LongBoat.sqf"; // Creates an empty longboat, with no mounted weapon _d = [this,"B_HMG_01_F"] execvm "Scripts\JBOY_LongBoat.sqf"; // Creates an empty longboat, with a mounted weapon on the front // Converts assault boat to a longboat with crew already on board: _d = [this,"B_T_Static_AT_F", units group player] execvm "Scripts\JBOY_LongBoat.sqf"; _d = [this,"B_T_Static_AT_F", [unit1, unit2, unit3, unit4]] execvm "Scripts\JBOY_LongBoat.sqf"; Download demonstration mission: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qn8jsuxmkj3u59b/JBOY_Longboat.Tanoa.zip?dl=0 Crew Size: If longboat has a mounted weapon, then maximum crew size is 4 (driver, 2 passengers, gunner). If longboat does not have a mounted weapon, then maximum crew size is 3 (driver, 2 passengers) Types of Mounted Weapons supported: B_HMG_01_F B_GMG_01_F B_T_Static_AT_F B_T_Static_AA_F Script:
  5. johnnyboy

    JBOY Longboat [Release]

    Hey @Blackheart_Six. After thinking about this a bit more, once you have found an EOS spawned assault boat, you could do something like this (where "spawnedBoat" is an EOS spawned boat object that has a spawned crew): _units = crew spawnedBoat; {_x leaveVehicle vehicle _x;} foreach _units; _d = [spawnedBoat,"B_T_Static_AT_F", _units] execvm "Scripts\JBOY_LongBoat.sqf"; You need the units to exit the vehicle, so my script can assign them to the allowed slots in the Longboat (because some of the assault boat positions are locked in LongBoat because the positions do not look right in Longboat.). I can imagine two potential problems though: 1) Spawned boat has more crew than is allowed in Longboat. You might have to modify my script or the above snippet to delete a few crew members. Maximum is 3 units for longboat without a mounted weapon. Or 4 units for longboat with a mounted weapon. 2) Does EOS also give spawned boat crew move waypoints? Will those still work after we force units out of boat and back in? Hopefully their waypoints still work after they are remounted in the hidden assault boat.
  6. johnnyboy

    JBOY Longboat [Release]

    Hey Blackheart. I'm pretty sure you can make it work. You just need to detect the spawned boats, and then run my script on them. I am not familiar with EOS so I don't know how to find his boats.
  7. johnnyboy

    [Release] MIL_Mirror

    G'day and good on ya mate. Here's how goko does broken glass effects if you want to add that in. https://github.com/the0utsider/ballistic-impact/blob/master/addons/goko_BI/functions/fn_particleEffectsOther.sqf
  8. johnnyboy

    Creating particle effects on hit

    At the link provided by Pierre there is a github link where you can find functions for meat particles: https://github.com/the0utsider/ballistic-impact/blob/master/addons/goko_BI/functions/fn_particleEffectsBlood.sqf So its all doable. If you make a little meat effects script please post your solution here.
  9. Thank you Pierre. This is very impressive set of tools for the mission maker. You have made many different tasks much simpler. Merci, mon ami!!!
  10. Great job on this guys. I have a similar need where I want the two turrets on back of CUP landing craft to point to the rear so I can attach crates/etc. to the craft and hide the turrets (turning it into a civilian craft). This script will work perfectly for that. So thanks for this! Also this thread is a great example of cooperation that makes this community great.
  11. Thanks nomad. That is a very smart addition to this script. Who would use a flashlight with NVG on? Thanks bro!
  12. Hey @pvt. partz Its probably best to ask Rydgier. Its a matter of calling my scripts when a group is spawned, and I don't know how he does that. So once that spawn script has created a group, you call my scripts: dummy = [SPAWNED_GROUP_NAME, 60] execVM "Scripts\JBOY_PatrolChatter.sqf"; // 60 is number of seconds to wait between speaking dummy = [SPAWNED_GROUP_NAME, 60, 5] execVM "Scripts\JBOY_LightsOnOff.sqf"; // 60 is duration light is off, and 5 is duration light is Just replace SPAWNED_GROUP_NAME with whatever Rydgier's spawn scripts call a newly spawned group. Find Rydier's spawn scripts and it should be easy to add this in.
  13. Very nice @GEORGE FLOROS GR. Thanks.
  14. Both your solutions look good to me. Just try them. If they don't work tweak them until they do. Just do your testing with an empty mission where you just add a few groups until its working. Then you can add it to any mission. You can do it bro!
  15. You could absolutely do all that fairly easily. I'm not familiar with unit spawners, so not sure where to put the code for that. But here's and example of how to run these scripts for all groups at mission start: { dummy = [_x, 60] execVM "Scripts\JBOY_PatrolChatter.sqf"; // 60 is number of seconds to wait between speaking dummy = [_x, 60, 5] execVM "Scripts\JBOY_LightsOnOff.sqf"; // 60 is duration light is off, and 5 is duration light is on } foreach allGroups; It would be simple enough to modify JBOY_LightsOnOff to exit if no units in group had a flashlight on their weapon also. So its all doable, it just depends on how motivated you are. Sorry I don't have time to do it myself.
  16. johnnyboy

    Best way to have conversation

    I don't know about the "best way", but for dialogue with no forking options, I script it like example below. I'm using CustomRadio, because it shows the name of who is speaking and shows text from radio sounds defined in description.ext. You could also use Say3D combined with TitleText or globalChat to show the text. Note that this example waits until player (valdez) is near the NPC (paramedic1) before starting conversation. And I use " [0] call BIS_fnc_cinemaBorder;" to prevent player from walking away until conversation is finished. JBOY_Lip is a function I wrote to encapsulate the few lines of code to start and stop lip movement for a # of seconds. In this example you also see globalChat lines commented out. When first making mission I use globalChats (text only, no sound), until I get the conversation working the way I want, then I add the voices in later, and comment out the globalChats. Here's a snippet from description.ext for some of the voice sounds used in above example: And here is my JBOY_Lip function: And here's another example, where I wanted the conversation to be in the final scene (movie), rather than an NPC conversation that occurs during the mission. In this case I use say3D and cutText to show the text at bottom of screen (similar to TitleText).
  17. I need the code for this function: BIS_fnc_EXP_camp_guidedProjectile I looked for it in Functions viewer in Eden Editor, but can't find it. How do I get this?
  18. I figured "All" meant "All", and you wouldn't have to use the secondary filters. That would be too logical for ARMA though...haha.
  19. Thanks HazJ! I don't know why I couldn't see it in my function viewer... <scratches head>
  20. About 4 or 5 days ago, my debug console code box got much smaller (about 10 lines). And the next/previous buttons are missing so I can't use previous script snippets I typed in to debug console? What happened? I thought it might be mod related, but I just ran arma with zero mods loaded and have same problem. Please advise.
  21. johnnyboy


    Fair enough. Its your artistic choice of course. You may lose some potential subscribers though.
  22. @7erra Ahh! Thanks man. I usually have that loaded.
  23. johnnyboy


    I agree. @fin_soldier, please consider enabling saves. We all have only so much time to give to ARMA...
  24. Look at all these busy little minions! I'm too lazy to build that. I think I will have a picnic on the over-watch hill in my ghillie suit and watch these guys work. When its done, I'll snipe them all and move in!