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Everything posted by Tom_48_97

  1. Not for the moment. This is one of the reasons why I reworked fileAssoc ;)
  2. Tom_48_97

    Object Textures for Heli DLC

    The Taru textures are included as well ;)Ps: You can also simply run Arma 3 tools from Steam, then, click on View (top menu) >> Open samples
  3. Tom_48_97

    Bulldozer Font Problem

    This is "not buldozer", but Arma 3 started without any package. I recommend you to have a look at the Buldozer Manual, the -buldozer parameter must be missing ;)
  4. Poseidon 0.82 is out! Change log: WARNING: A fresh install is required because of some issues from the previous release. Added: some data have been move to "%userprofile%\Documents\Poseidon Tools\", called PTDocs Added: Hot backup feature (ALT+SHIFT+B). It creats a copy of the current file into PTDocs\Exports\ (each backup is unique) Added: Export to HTML (ALT+SHIFT+P). The exported file is stored into PTDocs\Exports Added: Properties for Arma configs (Sea, weather, latest additions etc...) Added: Arma 3 new commands (version 1.39.129031) Added: Arma 3 new functions (version 1.39.129031) Added: Placeholder for user defined snippets Changed: Recent Projects menu now contains the 15 last opened projects Changed: Default syntax for .hpp files is now "CPP Arma" (instead of "ext format") Changed: Updated version of FSM editor Changed: Updated TexView 2 compiler Tweaked: Regular expression used for Arma 3 Functions Tweaked: Loading of some modules Tweaked: Status bar information Fixed: Missing "Do" in the ForSpec snippet Fixed: Some snippets had an incorrect format Fixed: "Step" in the ForVar snippet Fixed: Some snippets were available from wrong file-types (e.g. basic CfgSounds from config files) Removed: Links to the french documentation (because it's no longer available) Full change log: http://tom4897.info/projects/poseidon-tools/changelog/ Known issues: The installer will mark the version to install to 0.80, just ignore it. Download: Download page
  5. I checked all the data and it looks like you just need to verify the integrity of the cache from Steam, in order to force it to execute the installScript and add the missing registry keys. :) Can you provide me the command line used?
  6. Could you, please, be more specific because I don't think the tools are in cause because we don't touch to sign tools since months. Have you tried on a different server? Can you provide the given key (or generate a new one)?
  7. Hello, Could you, please, provide me a diagnostic? (Run Arma3Tools, then hit "Diagnostics") How do you define your path to P?
  8. Indeed, more or less. Are you using Development or Stable branch?
  9. I'm not sure to get the issue. Anyway here some details: Arma3GU will always ask for Administrator rights, simply because it's needed to write in the registry and it needs to write into to define the moddir of the Arma 3 copy to run, then, to restore the initial path.
  10. Time has come, enjoy it: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?179347-Tools-Development-Branch-Changelog&p=2858177&viewfull=1#post2858177
  11. You're welcome. Regarding the community updater, it's because the installer of Poseidon is not handled (yet, one day... perhaps), it'll be downloaded if you populate your local depot, but not installed.
  12. Hi, Glad it fixed your issue. I'm going to optimize that, performance will be better on next release ;)
  13. I see, sorry, I had forgotten about BuldozerConfigurator. About the issue itself, could you give a try with this version? http://tom4897.info/?attachment_id=2747
  14. Sorry Tankbuster, I had not seen your message, this was fixed on the fly the same day of the release but I guess you've re-downloaded the latest version :) R1CO, this issue comes from the server, currently, I'm hosting Armaholic mirrors and Arma3.fr infrastructure, then, the server is often overloaded. I'll work on a solution as soon as I have some time to do so ;)
  15. Hi, the config file you want will be part of the release of FSM Editor for Arma 3 Tools. About the release, I cannot tell you when it will be, but it's in the pipe, just a matter of time. ;) "Fixed!"
  16. Hello, This is the first time I read about a such issue. Have you tried to sign the license from another application, I.e. BuldozerConfigurator or FontToTGA?
  17. Outlawz is right, it exists ;) https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Arma_3:_Functions
  18. Tom_48_97

    DSCreateKeyGUI.exe Error

    Hello, It looks like licenseMgr.dll is missing from \Arma 3 Tools\DSSignFile. Please check if it's present, if not, you can copy the licenseMgr.dll from the installation directory into the DSSignFile directory.
  19. Tom_48_97

    Localized versions

    Hello, I invite you to send a PM to Jelly, including your email address, he will give you all relevant information;) Thank you :)
  20. Tom_48_97

    Dependency set-up for Addon Builder

    I confirm, you read it wrong :)
  21. Tom_48_97

    Community Tools Updater

    Yes, this is still coming. Fact is I don't have enough time for now :(
  22. "\xF6" is the "ö" you have in your installation path and is the problem. If you change your installation path for something without this character, it should work ;)
  23. Yes, this is normal for now, it's because of that. Meanwhile, documentation is here: http://tom4897.info/projects/poseidon-tools/
  24. After the TECHREP 17, it's now time to update your "Poseidon Tools" :) Change log: WARNING: A fresh install is needed. Added: Config properties needed for animations Added: Config properties needed for sounds Added: Config properties required to implement the FFV feature Added: Most of the properties needed for interfaces Changed: "class" keyword is case sensitive and must be in lowercase Changed: Scrollbar aspect Changed: Scroll speed increased (+20%) Changed: Binary files are now openned as Hexa file (temporarly) Changed: Minimap, improved view of the current view Changed: Status bar is more thin than before Changed: Color of the inactives tabs Fixed: typeOf was missing from the Arma 3 script commands Full change log: http://tom4897.info/projects/poseidon-tools/changelog/ Download: Download page
  25. Tom_48_97

    Community Tools Updater

    Note: After some hours offline, the CTU is finally back at full power :cool: