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Everything posted by da12thMonkey

  1. da12thMonkey

    Placing specific weapons/Magazines/Vests/uniforms

    Depending on the object. You don't really have to do anything special with regards to making models of weapons and items. Of course if no model is assigned, nothing will show. But you only really need to make a special separate ground model for uniforms. For them to be selectable from the props list from the editor though, you do have to create your own weaponHolder vehicle classes (e.g. something derrived from Item_Base_F or Weapon_Base_F) with appropriate editorCategory and editorSubcategory definitions. Old vehicleclass definitions for the 2D editor don't work for displaying props in Eden (because the old 'Empty' faction is effectively gone now, there is no category for them), but old vehicleclass entries do work for creating subcats for playable vehicles.
  2. da12thMonkey

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I wouldn't get too excited by the peli cases. They're from the Helicopters DLC
  3. da12thMonkey

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Full res version of the above image: http://i.imgur.com/q9MQ9zq.jpg Ed:- there's a version of the biki with less twitter compression: https://community.bistudio.com/wikidata/images/0/06/3den_promo_2.jpg
  4. da12thMonkey

    Smooth problem

    Those faces look pretty small. I'm fairly certain there's a bug in O2/Object Builder where it will not smooth edges on some faces with small surface area - they automatically harden upon saving the mesh after import and wont smooth out It effects these screws on my LDS scope model and I believe it also effects the corners on your Glock 17's slide PuFu Can check and see if the edges didn't get split somehow by selecting all of them and clicking \Points\Merge Near\ with an appropriately small threshold value to wld everything together if it is indeed split. Then see if you can manually smooth the faces out by selecting the affected faces and tapping [I] shortcut. If they cannot be smoothed at all, I figure it's this small faces bug.
  5. da12thMonkey

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Yep, just 1-2 FPS loss with HBAO+ for me too, and my GPU is frankly archaic
  6. da12thMonkey

    Release Candidate Branch Discussion

    Massively. Thank you. I really appreciate that there's a parameter to set it manually with weaponType, in addition to detecting it from the ammunition's simulation. Should provide a lot of flexibility.
  7. da12thMonkey

    CH-46 Knight

    Fantastic work on the panel line weathering. Not sure if it's just the render/viewport settings, but the darker camo paint looks like it could do with being a bit more blue for a USMC helo. Federal Standard colours used officially on the "tactical scheme" in the USMC and Navy are apparently FS 36375 and either FS 35237 or FS 36320 on the topside
  8. da12thMonkey

    RKSL Attachments Pack

    The one that comes with ACE was made by one of their members. I don't think it has been updated for V2.0 of the attachments pack to include any of the new stuff. AFAIK it only adds sight adjustment (windage and elevation) to the 3-12x50 PM II but the click values are something unrealistic like 0 to 22 mils of elevation, where the particular model of that scope that I made should only have -1 to +12 mils (0-22 would be the dual-turn turret version rather than my single-turn turret). So it will conflict with the settings in rksl_pmii_ace.pbo if you run them together, but will probably not interfere with rksl_pmii_525_ace.pbo or rksl_lds_ace.pbo During development, I did put forward my configs for the original V1.0 attachments to be merged as optional ACE files (to add things like the LDS PiP optics). However, they said it was best that I just distribute them myself, since the compat .pbos distributed with the mod are only intended as examples rather than ACE compiling a library of their own compat .pbos. As such ace_compat_rksl_pm_ii.pbo is kind of obsolescent unless you really want more elevation for that one scope, and I can't guarantee it'll continue to work 100% in future if I make changes to the mod. Bonus: WIP for next version of the pack
  9. da12thMonkey

    Release Candidate Branch Discussion

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Eden_Editor:_Object_Categorization CfgEditorCategories and CfgEditorSubcategories classes merely contain displayname = "Some Text String"; parameter for the title that appears in the editor lists. Whether a cfgVehicles class shows up in them, is dependant on setting the editorCategory = "Class from CfgCategories"; and editorSubcategory = "Class from CfgEditorSubcategories"; parameters for that vehicle. According to the documentation above. If none is set, it will use the defined faction = "class from CfgFactionClasses"; in place of a category, and vehicleClass = "Class from CfgVehicleClasses"; in place of a subcategory; much like the old 2D editor.
  10. da12thMonkey

    Helmet Addons

    The cfgModels class name (in the model.cfg) has to be the same as the name of your .p3d file So class Helmet: ArmaMan { }; needs changing to class Phase_II: ArmaMan { };
  11. da12thMonkey

    Getting digi skin on unarmed Wildcat

    Can also use the vehicle customisation output from the virtual garage: [this, ["indep",1], true] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle; https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Vehicle_Customization_(VhC) And if you ever wanted the plain green skin for for the armed Wildcat, it is: [this, ["green",1], true] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle;
  12. da12thMonkey

    Arma 3 sale

    There's a sale on BI's store now. 50% off Arma 3: https://store.bistudio.com/category/february-sale Ed: Jackal got there right before me
  13. da12thMonkey

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    You can select the alternative textures though the Attributes menu of your chosen vehicle, and drag and drop crew live in the editor. The only function of the garage that Eden doesn't have is the parts customisation/animation menu.
  14. da12thMonkey

    Shoulder Sleeve Insiginia

    Since 1.54, Arma 3 has native support in cfgVehicles for that function of XEH (was referred to in the patch notes as "nested" eventhandlers). https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgVehicles_Config_Reference#EventHandlers..._Class So you just do something like class EventHandlers { class TAG_setInsignia } init = "[(_this select 0), '111thID'] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia"; }; }; And it shouldn't overwrite anything
  15. da12thMonkey

    Multiple Inheritance ?

    Just write a macro set if you don't want to have to constantly write the same parameters: Make a .hpp with some macros e.g weapon_macros.hpp #define _556_MAGAZINES_ magazines[] = {"30rnd_556x45_EPR","30rnd_556x45_SOST"} #define _add_special_pointer_ \ class WeaponSlotsInfo {\ class PointerSlot: PointerSlot{\ compatibleItems[] += {"special_pointer"};\ };\ } Then include them in your config.cpp via the PreProcessor: #include "weapon_macros.hpp" class cfgWeapons{ class modB_weapon_m4a1: modA_weapon_m4a1{ _556_MAGAZINES_; }; class modB_weapon_m16a4: modA_weapon_m16a4{ _556_MAGAZINES_; _add_special_pointer_; }; }; https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/PreProcessor_Commands
  16. da12thMonkey

    Arma 3 sale

    Judging by his signature and the fact his name's CraigSA, I'd say he's from South Africa
  17. da12thMonkey

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Depends on the version really. There are several different models of the AN/PAS-13 by different manufacturers: The PAS-13B by Raytheon, the PAS-13C by BAE Systems, PAS-13D by DRS and PAS-13E by Raytheon again. The B/C/D/E are all available in different weight classes too: The (V1) lightweight for rifles, (V2) medium weight for MGs and the (V3) heavyweight for CSWs and sniper rifles. There's a also a clip-on PAS-13G(V1) by Insight Technologies (they also made the SU-232/PAS clip-on thermal sight). IIRC, only the AN/PAS-13B(V2) and AN/PAS-13B(V3) types were around to begin with, and the (V1)s and other manufacturers came later. Apparently the modern PAS-13E(V1) weighs just under 2lb, where the older AN/PAS-13B(V2/V3) weighed more than 5lb (all inc. batteries). One is obviously better suited to the M4 than the others.
  18. da12thMonkey

    Release Candidate Branch Discussion

    That explains how the weapons are grouped for the vehicle's control scheme, but what parameters does it use to determine whether a particular cfgWeapons class (or maybe it's the cfgMagazines class) belongs in WEAPONGROUP_CANNONS or WEAPONGROUP_MGUNS etc.?
  19. If you're using attachto to connect the gun models to the ship, they will not draw "inside" the viewPilot LOD since they are part of the environment rather than the vehicle itself . The viewPilot LOD is rendered on top of everything else in the scene rather than existing within the game environment. In the view LODs at least, the turrets need to be modelled as part of the vehicle somehow. And as Goat said, you can use proxies for this rather than attachto.
  20. da12thMonkey

    Japan's first stealth fighter unveiled

    Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries (IHI) are building their own engine for X-2/ADT-X. They previously developed their own turbofan for the P-1, but most aircraft in Japan do have license-built engines (various Pratt & Whitney , General Electric and Rolls-Royce/Turbomeca engines manufactured by IHI or Kawasaki usually). Since the 1990s, the Japanese have produced a lot of their own missiles though. Recently we (UK) signed an agreement with them to develop a version of the MBDA Meteor with a Japanese AESA radar seeker, similar to the one they developed for their AAM-4B missile. So far AESA seekers are only found on the AAM-4B and the Russian K-77M (which AFAIK isn't fully in service yet since it's for PAK-FA), so Japan was way ahead of the game on this (F-2 was also the first operational fighter aircraft with an AESA radar). Pairing Meteor's kinematic performance from its ramjet, with the accuracy of an AESA seeker should make it a phenomenally potent BVR missile.
  21. da12thMonkey

    Japan's first stealth fighter unveiled

    Yes, plenty. Since WW2 they license built F-86 Sabre, F-104 Starfighter, F-4 Phantom, F-15 Eagle and P-2 Neptune and a few others (helicopters etc). They've also built a wide variety of domestically developed aircraft like F-1, T-4, PS-1/US-1 and US-2, C-1 and C-2, their new P-1 and the F-2 which is an enlarged F-16 developed specifically for Japan by Mitsubishi and Lockheed Martin.
  22. da12thMonkey

    RKSL 3 - A new start... Discussion

    Saudi Arabia - 10th Squadron RSAF. Also done one for 3rd Squadron. 80th Squadron didn't have theirs applied to the jets when they were delivered from Warton last year (they only had the 80**/Ù¨Ù ** serials on the tail), so I have no idea how it should look yet. Keeping an eye out for photos, including following some Saudi defence-bloggers on twitter just in case. Oman's Typhoons are still being built so I can't know exactly what they'll look like yet either. However, they usually paint all their fighter jets the same (F-16, Hawk 200 etc.): Grey with only the blue crest on the tail and the 3-digit eastern-arabic serial numbers, and no distinctive unit markings or wing roundels.
  23. da12thMonkey

    RKSL 3 - A new start... Discussion

    No... and more (the number decal set I showed before was for Italian Typhoons for a start)
  24. Is there an alpha channel in the texture? What are you using to convert to .paa? According to this thread, sometimes viewPilot objects go funny if they're using DXT5 formatted .paa: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/79098-view-pilot-lod-weapon-problem/ Named property forceNotAlpha = 1 might resolve it if you object does need an alpha texture (scope models usually have this property)
  25. da12thMonkey

    3D editor opens as 2D

    Everyone has the issue - BIS know about it - it's written at the top of yesterday's changelog.