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About h4wek

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  1. And no ansver from BI as always for more problematic (deeper) problems.
  2. I don't get why it is so hard to understand the simple problem: for check this just put on editor object with some moving parts memory point must be part of moving bone named for example CRANE then make hook like : hook = createvehicle ["hook_obj", crane modeltoworld "hookmemorypoint", [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; attach to this for test hook: hook attachto [crane,[0,0,0],"hookmemorypoint",true]; and try if it move with it by for example animate this bone crane animatesource ["animname",0.5]; if this works just connect this hook to crane by rope by simple command _rope = ropeCreate [crane,"hookmemorypoint",hook,"ropepoint",0,["", [0,0,-1]],["", [0,0,-1]]]; and try to not crash your ARMA3 to desktop if you get this to work share with others how you do it. last tested on DEV version 2.17.152041
  3. h4wek

    ~ ArmA 3 Sound Modding 101 ~

    loop = 1 don't work at all, if you have for example radar animation and it goes in very big phase for example 1mln rotations the sound is played one time no matter if you use loop = 1 or termnate 0 or 1, juzst this loop is ignored at all. class rotation_engine { class motor { loop = 1; sound[] = {"sound0",1}; sound0[] = {"HWK_AMS\RADARS\SOUNDS\rotation_engine.ogg",1,1,100}; terminate = 1; trigger = "direction"; }; }; class rotation_wheels { class motor { loop = 1; sound[] = {"sound0",1}; sound0[] = {"HWK_AMS\RADARS\SOUNDS\rotation_wheels.ogg",1,1,100}; terminate = 1; trigger = "direction"; }; }; so only solution is make it on customcontrollers like this for example: class sounds { class rotation_engine { volume = "CustomSoundController1"; frequency = "CustomSoundController2"; sound[] = {"HWK_AMS\RADARS\sounds\rotation_engine.ogg",1,1,100}; }; };
  4. On this class working engine but parameter fuelConsumptionRate is ignored. Why?
  5. with cargo vehicles turet/static guns are not allowed to load them to vehicles (by default in engine) - maybe you know why is that limit (is possibile to attachto those class objects - load vehicles is based on attachto command beacouse when you get attachedobjects from parent vehicle loaded vehicles are in that array) but not load to vehicle cargo by vehiclecargo function why (we not talk about obvious thing like size of object and if can fit inside etc it was checked already)?? BTW I made whole system to load unload vehicles/objects like this: so it is possibile but not with all kind of classes
  6. But there is not a problem of delay - in this way is no matter how offen do the code or how offen spawn objects - the main thing is: command make spawn and after that despawn /delete of this object and then make another repeat of this so if you break this loop sholdn't be more then one object spawned in memory (specially in pause mode) don't you think? If I make operation: spawn object (createvehicle _x) and then deletevehicle _x and do this in serial loop miliard times what should be on miliard + 1 loop in memory ? (or something cause extended memory usage for every spawned object and this is not serial to this commands and when we use deletevehicle command not all of it is removed from memory before next iteration is started?) why it make such strange behaviour on many repeats of this?
  7. mapping on flag_asym_f.p3d is wrong done - it need to be textured from one direction not from oposite sides on both - effect is ok when you have symetric texture but if not like USA flag - not. other problem is on binarisation of flag model without it works fine but with binarized proxy of flag it stay staright - no simulation of wawe shape.
  8. As I see nobody ansver to this topic - I have the same issue on some machines after move buldozer to them and question to all - who is able to use normally X64 version of buldozer , i get problems every time when I try to switch to it. Other problem is that description on wiki page is You can use keyboard and mouse to perform actions: Take note that you can define have a look at the controls from the game (Configure >> Controls >> Keyboard >> “Show” development) I try to change/remove all keybinds in arma config like it is decribed and even after that I had still the same problem and working only keys to rotate model but animation change enter/backspace not, (even when I remove all keys in (Configure >> Controls >> Keyboard >> “Show” development) - so that is not interconnect with arma config files) so question where it is stored? in buldozer.cfg file? rather not beacouse on other machine where it works i didn't found any keys values in it.
  9. So solution is to correct scope entry in orginal config of ARMA or BI should do it to make possibility to choose this type by once not by external fnc (to no use linkitem).? PS: I see that you look for stuff more precisly then others please look for that too ...
  10. What is going on with "g_airpurifyingrespirator_01_nofilter_f" class after place it with hose to backpack - whole ARMA is frozen after this every time when put it by _unit linkItem "g_airpurifyingrespirator_01_nofilter_f"; used in function: player addEventHandler ["SlotItemChanged", {params ["_unit", "_name", "_slot", "_assigned", "_weapon"]; [_unit] call HWK_fnc_CBRN_HoseMP; }]; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HWK_fnc_CBRN_HoseMP is like that: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- params["_unit"]; // Run only on local units if(!local _unit)exitWith{}; _mask = tolower goggles _unit; _uniform = tolower uniform _unit; _backpack = backpackContainer _unit; _backpackType = tolower backpack _unit; _ABC_WEARS = [ "b_scba_01_f", "b_combinationunitrespirator_01_f", "g_regulatormask_f", "U_C_CBRN_Suit_01_White_F", "U_B_CBRN_Suit_01_Wdl_F", "U_B_CBRN_Suit_01_MTP_F", "U_C_CBRN_Suit_01_Blue_F", "U_B_CBRN_Suit_01_Tropic_F", "U_I_CBRN_Suit_01_AAF_F", "U_I_E_CBRN_Suit_01_EAF_F" ] apply {tolower _x}; _sealed = false; switch(true) do { case (_mask in ["g_airpurifyingrespirator_01_f", "g_airpurifyingrespirator_01_nofilter_f"]): { //Show the correct hoses for the backpack combi switch true do { case (_backpackType == "b_combinationunitrespirator_01_f"): { //Switch to APR without filter _unit linkItem "g_airpurifyingrespirator_01_nofilter_f"; _backpack setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "a3\supplies_f_enoch\bags\data\b_cur_01_co.paa"]; _backpack setObjectTextureGlobal [2, "a3\supplies_f_enoch\bags\data\b_cur_01_co.paa"]; _backpack setObjectTextureGlobal [3, ""]; _sealed = true; }; case (_backpackType == "b_scba_01_f"): { //Switch to APR without filter _unit linkItem "g_airpurifyingrespirator_01_nofilter_f"; _backpack setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "a3\supplies_f_enoch\bags\data\b_scba_01_co.paa"]; _backpack setObjectTextureGlobal [2, ""]; _sealed = true; }; }; }; case (_mask == "g_regulatormask_f"): { //Show the correct hoses for the backpack combi switch true do { case (_backpackType == "b_combinationunitrespirator_01_f"): { _backpack setObjectTextureGlobal [1, "a3\supplies_f_enoch\bags\data\b_cur_01_co.paa"]; _backpack setObjectTextureGlobal [2, ""]; _backpack setObjectTextureGlobal [3, "a3\supplies_f_enoch\bags\data\b_cur_01_co.paa"]; _sealed = true; }; case (_backpackType == "b_scba_01_f"): { _backpack setObjectTextureGlobal [1, ""]; _backpack setObjectTextureGlobal [2, "a3\supplies_f_enoch\bags\data\b_scba_01_co.paa"]; _sealed = true; }; }; }; }; if ((_backpackType in _ABC_WEARS) && (_uniform in _ABC_WEARS) && (_mask in _ABC_WEARS) && _sealed) then { _unit setvariable ["ABC_seal_OK",true,true]; }else { _unit setvariable ["ABC_seal_OK",false,true]; }; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and function is working well when is not used "g_airpurifyingrespirator_01_nofilter_f";
  11. Why it not work on static vehicles classes? it is blocked on core side beacouse it is not by exclude list or mass/size of objects - just receive always false,false on transporter canVehicleCargo cargo. What is the reason of blocking that?
  12. Hi guys - I am already on verion 2.16 and this command is bugged for MP use with this argument used in flase state - sound is played only local, only working solution is use remotexec for use it on every client but this is not good solution due to no _ID number of sound to stop it, any other have the same similar conclusion? - work for BI dev department...............(but when A4 is on the way the A3 is forgotten)
  13. I have also problems with this - on activate this hoses by event handlers or even by console on replace player linkItem "G_AirPurifyingRespirator_01_nofilter_F"; by this arma froze and crash WTF??
  14. Additional animations needed (as I heard Bi have super stuff for motion capture) - will be usefull but now missing animations for many scenarios like: - workers animations (diging of hole - for use with tools attached to hands) - workrs anims (using screwdriver, hammer, axe, oscard) also for use with attached thos tools to hands - very usefull for make nice scenes - workers animation (repair of stuff on knee) - workers animation (welding of something on knee or stand) - civilian or soldiers animations (sitting and eating/drinking) - civilians anims of work in field (using digger, rake, or scythe - this last will be nice with small lawnmover effect :) - some pair animated for transport wounded soldier by 2 mans (maybe soem improovemt to engine for that) If someone have other ideas for that please wrote too.
  15. I have strange reaction of vehicles when spawned script what reproduce with special delay damage and force push on incomeing nuclear blast, problem is on vehicles what are even not used used on this spawn function before main script not finished it's work still (other objects on map are damaging or hiding by it so it take some seconds with some 0.001 delays in loops used for that), anyway when main script is runing with this objects hide/damage, those spawned functions on vehicles wait for wave to come or when wave is finish it's impact in time, but even the time of blast is pass vehicles on map are somehow connected to this main loop script, and if someone getin and run engine (car for example) it will colapse to ground by its all wheels and is stacked in this state even after engine off or even after getout of player and even after main loop script end it's job after 30s (stacked forever), other strange thing is that other objects placed near this car are pushed by some force in moment when my car is pressed into ground (this happen even the objects are not used in spawn functions of blast effect). This effect not happen if I wait to end of main loop script ,so for example after 30sec when all objects are covered and it finish it's job i can get in to the same car and normally run engine (of course if I don't try it before) - WTF?? I test it only on SP now but on MP probably will be AAAARRRMAAA effect of ejected into space objects - BTW - shame so many years and this issue of flying tanks and other vehicles are still not solved (is so hard to limit max speed of tank object to for example few m/s, and if is needed to make this speed bigger to manipulate by some variable first - for example _tank setmaxobjspdallow _value )? of course it can be made by event handlers by players but it should be mange in engine already specially in MP). code is looks like that: //function for blast wave effect do on nearby vehicles _push = {params["_pos","_veh","_area","_maxpos","_getposASL"]; if (_veh getvariable ["inwave",false]) exitwith {}; _veh setvariable ["inwave",true,false]; _wavespeed = 300; _start = time - 0.1; _timeup = _start + (_area/_wavespeed); waituntil {sleep 0.1;(isObjectHidden _veh) || (isnull _veh) || ((_pos distance _veh) <= ((time -_start)*_wavespeed)) || (time > _timeup)}; if ((isObjectHidden _veh) || (isnull _veh) || (time > _timeup) || ((_pos distance _veh) > _area)) exitwith {}; _vehsize = ((boundingBoxReal _veh)#2)/2; if (_veh iskindof "air") then {_vehsize = _vehsize*4}; if (_veh iskindof "man") then {_vehsize = _vehsize/2}; _psi = (_area/(_veh distance _pos)); //_agl = _pos getdir _veh; _force = (_vehsize*_psi*6895); if (_force > 1000000) exitwith {deletevehicle _veh;systemchat "del psi"}; if !(terrainIntersectASL [_maxpos, ([_veh] call _getposASL)]) then { _obstacle = objnull; if (count (lineIntersectsObjs [eyepos _veh,_Pos, _veh, objnull, true, 22]) > 0) then {_obstacle = ((lineIntersectsObjs [eyepos _veh,_Pos, _veh, objnull, true, 22])#0)}; if ((_obstacle distance _veh < 10) && (((boundingbox _veh)#2) < ((boundingbox _obstacle)#2))) exitwith {}; _dirV = (AGLtoASL _pos) vectorFromTo (getposASL _veh); _vector = _dirV vectorMultiply _force; _point = [0,selectrandom [random ((boundingBoxReal _veh)#2)/2,random -((boundingBoxReal _veh)#2)/2],0]; if (_veh iskindof "man") then { if ((stance _veh == "STAND") || (stance _veh == "")) then {_vector = _dirV vectorMultiply _force}; if (stance _veh == "CROUCH") then {_vector = _dirV vectorMultiply (_force/2)}; if (stance _veh == "PRONE") then {_vector = _dirV vectorMultiply (_force/6)}; if ((stance _veh == "UNDEFINED") || (_obstacles isnotequalto [])) then {_vector = _dirV vectorMultiply (_force/10)}; }; _veh addForce [_vector, _point]; _veh setdamage ((damage _veh) + (1.25-(_area/(1+(_pos distance _veh))))); }; }; //scan for vehicles in explosion area and prepare them for blast come { if ((_x iskindof "man") && (_x distance _position < _burnareaR)) then {deletevehicle _x}; if !(isnull _x) then { [_position,_x,_lightareaR,_maxpos,_getposASL] spawn _push; }; _hidden pushbackunique _x; }foreach (_position nearentities ["AllVehicles",(_lightareaR*1)]); //........... in later part are loops for scan objects on map (but without those vehicles covered by spawn blast function) _objects = (_position nearobjects _havyareaR) - (_position nearObjects _fireballR); _terrain = (nearestTerrainObjects [_position,_typesterrain,_havyareaR,false,true]) - (nearestTerrainObjects [_position, [], _fireballR,false,true]); _objectsToHDestroy = (_objects - _terrain) + _terrain - _hidden; { if (!(isObjectHidden _x) && !(isnull _x)) then { _dist = (_x distance _position)+1; _x setdamage [1,false]; if ((gettext(configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeof _x) >> "replaceDamaged") == "") && !(_x iskindof "AllVehicles")) then {_x hideObjectGlobal true;}; _hidden pushbackunique _x; }; }foreach _objectsToHDestroy;