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Everything posted by LSValmont

  1. Hello Guys, I was wandering if there was a way we could use a particular ACE 3 Framework completely stand alone from the other components. For example the Interaction Menu Framework. https://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/interactionMenu-framework.html Lets say that the Interaction Menu (Bare bones, all items added manually) is all I want/need for a particular mission as a mission maker. And then customize it to the mission's needs. Would that be somehow possible?
  2. It looks like LAxermann's mod, but vSuppress is in script form meaning that it requires a little bit more of editing/scripting knowledge and it is up to the mission makers how they implement it in their missions. Other differences with LAxermanns include: - Suppression visual effects in vSuppress do not last longer than 3 seconds so enemies need to continuously fire at you to keep you permanently suppressed and even then the script has measures to prevent an excess of suppression. - vSuppress is much lighter (in terms of performance it is about 5 times faster) and it has additional (optional) suppression sounds. - With the script you can control which Ai units can suppress. - The script version can be customized to the mission maker's desires and objectives rather than having the client/player set the parameters. This makes it easier for the mission maker to set up the mission "mood" and "feel" without requiring the players to do the tweaking/config/mod installing. Actually trying the DEMO MISSION is the best way to see the script's performance and effects and the file is super small so give it a go, you won't regret it if you want suppression effects in Arma 3.
  3. Version 1.1 of the vSuppress Script Audio-Visual Suppression effects for Arma 3 by Valmont and George Floros has been released! vSuppress Main Features: - Easily add Suppression effects to your missions. These audio visual effects will trigger on players when Ai Units' bullets land or pass near them simulating the "Fear Effect" of being shot, the anxiety caused by being pinned down or just general combat stress. - Fully Multiplayer Compatible! - Extremely lightweight. The script was conceived with performance in mind and on testings with 60+ Ai units shooting at a single player resulted in a meagerly 2 FPS negative impact. - The Suppression effects are purely cosmetic and will not cause any other effects on players such as decreased stamina, stats etc. - The sounds and the visual effects can be easily tweaked and disabled inside the script. - Players cannot suppress other players, only Ai Units who have the script/EH running will be able to suppress players. - The suppression effects are quite minimalist and fast in nature to keep Arma 3's gameplay unchanged while adding an additional layer of immersion to the game. vSuppress version 1.1 DEMO MISSION DOWNLOAD LINK: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NLZx5lH_G5p6ubcK73xvwwgYVqCWpdvL For more info check the first page!
  4. LSValmont


    Remember that you can use my Boss Ai Script to make these new creations of yours quite resilient. Also, does this means we can mix Contact and Ravage content to create the ultimate mission maker suite! All we need now are custom apocalyptic textures for vehicles. EO is amazing for that. You know, something that makes default arma vehicles like these: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=933985898
  5. OMG it is finally here!!! Thank you so much phronk!!! Downloading now!
  6. Just why to add : case(_tgtDis < 20) : {_rdmExit = true;}; }; if (_rdmExit) exitWith {}; Well if you are too close to the enemy then you are no longer scared of being shot but of being knifed! 🤣😅 Actually the Ai's shots will be so accurate at < 20 distance that you will be perma suppressed and that is something that goes against gamplay. (That is the only reason). Make a new thread and release it! I like the GF_LSV release idea and in fact I toast on having lots more stuff released like this! Here is a demo mission WITH SOUNDS for you! https://drive.google.com/open?id=1jCnQE-lAD4JTkqvQhUJNhSMV5y4UXGIo And the final version of the script: Just modify your effects in the init.sqf I just left the Chrom. Aberration in the DEMO since I did not want the effects to be too overwhelming for my players but you can add what you wish for the release. Cheers!
  7. You are going to fking love me George! I've done it! The EH now pseudo creates "virtual bullets" and we can get their hitPoint at almost free resources! So no need to actually check all the bullets. The key was this: _hitPos = (_start vectorAdd (_unit weaponDirection currentWeapon _unit vectorMultiply _multi)); But without further due, here is the script: aiSuppressEH = { params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_vehicle"]; _target = assignedTarget _unit; if !(isplayer _target) exitWith {}; //target not player if (isNull _target) exitWith {}; //no target if !(isNull objectParent _target) exitWith {}; //player in vehicle cannot be suppressed if ((currentWeapon _unit) isEqualTo (secondaryWeapon _unit)) exitWith {}; //sideArms cannot suppress. _tgtDis = _target distance _unit; if ((_target distance _unit) > 1000) exitWith {}; _rdmExit = 0; switch true do { case(_tgtDis > 600) : {_rdmExit = random 10 > 1;}; case((_tgtDis >= 400) && (_tgtDis < 600)) : {_rdmExit = random 10 > 3;}; case((_tgtDis >= 200) && (_tgtDis < 400)) : {_rdmExit = random 10 > 4;}; case((_tgtDis >= 100) && (_tgtDis < 200)) : {_rdmExit = random 10 > 6;}; case((_tgtDis >= 50) && (_tgtDis < 100)) : {_rdmExit = random 10 > 8;}; case((_tgtDis >= 20) && (_tgtDis < 50)) : {_rdmExit = random 2 > 1;}; case(_tgtDis < 20) : {_rdmExit = true;}; }; if (_rdmExit) exitWith {}; _start = ASLToAGL eyePos _unit; _pos0 = getPosASL _unit; _pos1 = getPosASL _target; _pos1b = [[[_pos1, 2]],[]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _multi = _pos0 distance _pos1b; _hitPos = (_start vectorAdd (_unit weaponDirection currentWeapon _unit vectorMultiply _multi)); if (suppressDebug) then {drawLine3D [_start, _hitPos, [1,0,0,1]];}; if(_hitPos distance _unit > 10)then{ _list = _hitPos nearEntities ["MAN",2]; { if (isPlayer _x) then { _null = [_x] remoteExecCall ["SppEffects",_x]; }; } forEach _list; }; }; PS: I couldn't have done it without you! Thanks! PS2: Of course you can release this under GF_Suppression!
  8. That looks good! Specially the effects and it is quite efficient! Quick question: Will the: _Target = assignedTarget _unit; Still fire even if the player takes cover? Or it returns ObjNull as soon as the player hides from the Ai? Because I am afraid it might not suppress when the player is hiding even if the Ai bullets are hitting near. On the other hand it might suppress even if the Ai bullets are landing very far... I haven't tested it yet that is why I am asking... but the command might work great too...
  9. LSValmont

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 2

    whiztler, first I want to congratulate you for the amazing amount of content and specially the fun all your missions bring to the community. Second, I wanted to ask if there is any way we could get our hands on a clean slate of the ADF 2.14 framework (or whatever the latest version might be).? I've searched Github and other places but only found old versions and I am really looking forward doing a mission using the incredible ADF framework for my latest mission. PS: Also wanted to specially thank you for adding better support for Hosted missions. Not all players can/want to deal with Dedicated Servers.
  10. I am also very interested in profiling and measuring the impact of my scripts/code. I there any documentation, additional software needed or anything that can guide us though the process? Also, thanks for taking your time in making all these things clear to us!
  11. WOW!! That was the definition of out of the box thinking! Didn't knew about the assignedTarget command! This is obviously SUPER FAST! The only problem is that the suppression effects will fire even if the Ai bullet hit the sky... we must find a way to know if the bullet did hit near the assignedTarget. We are very close, I can feel it! By the way this is the latest version of my first script (I added the comments to the recent changes):
  12. This is the same as my first script but without the waitUntil. The problem with your approach is that: _pos = getpos _projectile // only checks the bullet position when the EH fires and not when the bullet looses velocity (impact point). So what you are doing is checking the near objects at the moment the bullet is leaving the gun. So far the first approach is the only one that works... and even if it expensive (Because of the spawn and the waitUntil) it is still far less expensive than the current suppression mods out there and the ONLY script.
  13. Check this out: aiSuppressEH = { params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_vehicle"]; _start = ASLToAGL eyePos _unit; _endPos = (_start vectorAdd (_unit weaponDirection currentWeapon _unit vectorMultiply 100)); drawLine3D [_start, _endPos, [1,0,0,1]]; if(_endPos distance _unit > 10)then{ systemchat "_shot > 10"; //[_unit,_endPos] call bulletImpactCheck; //[_Target] call GF_ppEffects; _nearHumans = nearestObjects [_endPos, ["man"], 15]; { if (isPlayer _x) then { _null = [_x] remoteExecCall ["GF_ppEffects",_x]; }; } forEach _nearHumans; }; systemchat "Fired"; }; It should work the problem is the _endPos... since the vector is multiplied by 100 then the endPos is further but if you test the script I added red lines to check it and it should work with more tweaking! We are very close to something COOL!
  14. How about using this https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/weaponDirection Instead of cursorObject.?
  15. got it to work! Check my previous post I updated it!
  16. Ok I got your approach to work... Seems to be a good alternative! Do you know if it will work in MP? Since mine uses remoteExec it surely works. Also the other advantage of my approach is that it can suppress more than one player if the bullet landed near them. Also another advantage of my approach is that it fires even if you are hidden from the Ai. But yours is probably a lot less resource intensive. (Any Idea how we can test the fastest one?)
  17. Doesn't cursortarget only work for players? It also works for Ai? Never though it would since Ai Units have no "cursors" 😃 But if you tested this and the Ai bullets are causing the systemchat to fire then I guess it works. If it didn't I would suggest https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/lineIntersectsWith instead of Cursor Object.
  18. I am adding sounds to the script now, but I can give you a preview version: Just place this on your Init.sqf and place a enemy named badguy and your playableUnit. I suggest a VR map and add something you can use as cover.
  19. 99% of regular server owners don't wan't to deal with Headless Clients too but the feature is there. Of course you can just leave it off. Perhaps it should be OFF by default and only server owners that want the feature have to turn it ON.
  20. LSValmont


    Thank you Haleks! Never thought insomnia could be such a good thing 😃 PS: is the Light sources disabling feature something we can enable/disable or tweak % wise in a module? Is it a loop or a script that only runs once?
  21. Shut it off? How about just adding more/better customization parameters to it so the feature can be adapted to all needs?
  22. LSValmont


    What about doing a mod version but including the new assets into ravage? So if you have ravage you also have access to contact stuff in the EDEN. (I don't think Contact assets weight that much anyway do they?). The thing is... most mission makers who try ravage no longer do missions without it. Even if you don't use the zombies or the other modules, the furnitures alone make ravage a MUST for all my missions.
  23. I got the Fired EH to work. Will release the full script after testing 😉
  24. It would if we could increase the range from the unit firing to the player that the FiredNear checks... but I don't think that is possible. There was an approach of having a loop on the player checking for nearby bullet impact effects but that could be performance intensive I think. Our best bet is perhaps checking the trajectory of the bullet and if the trajectory ends up close to a player then the effects fire. johnnyBoy suggested https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_inAngleSector but I have no idea on how to use it. Nor could I find a script using it.