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Robert Tyburne

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About Robert Tyburne

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    Private First Class

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  1. Robert Tyburne

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hello once again mighty Vdauphin! Group has been having a hard time with prisoners. We'll take captive an enemy AI that's been downed, heal them up, bring them back to the logistics point to process them for a ticket. Sometimes though, the enemy AI can't be processed for a ticket. The system will state there's no alive prisoner present. Releasing the enemy AI will reveal that they're no longer opfor, but have become blufor. Any insights on what's happening?
  2. Robert Tyburne

    CBRN Script

    Had the same issue come up. Fire Support Plus was causing the mayhem for me https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2699465073 Not suggesting you need to make a fix for it, but wanted to put this out there for those that also were experiencing sudden explosions using this sweet script package.
  3. Robert Tyburne

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    I'll test that out to see what happens. The other question remains on how to get the framework to see my hideouts as the objective hideouts.
  4. Robert Tyburne

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Over a year and a half later and I'm having a hard time not using Hearts and Minds as a starting point for all my mission needs. I'm going to be starting a new one in the next few weeks, and one of the things I'd like to do is manually set up the hideouts in preselected spots. The random location generation has been great, but this campaign I'd like to assume direct control. Placing stuff down in the editor is easy enough, but what I need help with is telling the mission that the places I have made are the hideouts to be destroyed. Which to be more specific, since an ammo box is the hideout destroy objective, is there a way to assign that variable manually to an object and disable the hideout generation scripting?
  5. Robert Tyburne

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Did you first uncomment the script (remove the /* and */)? Additionally, the newer safe area scripting looks like Where the area defined needs to overlap the zone(s) nearby to prevent the area from being created as a legal zone for AI to spawn. So for your base, check the distance from the center of the marker you're using for your safe zone to the nearby villages/towns/cities/airports that are going to create zones for AI to spawn. You can use the debug tool in parameters to see where zones are populating on the map.
  6. Robert Tyburne

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Anyone else experiencing trouble attempting to use H&Ms lifting system to grab stuff from underwater, with a sub or boat?
  7. Robert Tyburne

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    The actions are not getting assigned, hence why I'm asking the questions I am 😀 I rock density to max, but there are two things I think that are preventing population given how the H&M script is set up, and why I'm using an alternate script to augment the number of civilians. First is that the map I'm using, G.O.S. Al Rayak, has several large cities which cause civilian spawns to clump up. I'm pretty sure this is a result of the location getting pulled, then the distance for positions of where those civilians like to hang out just not being that far out in relation to the city. I've tried expanding the zone in the H&M script, but to no avail. I'm aware that additional locations can be defined within the framework, but I would rather not go that route unless I really, really have to. Second is what the H&M script thinks is a house. The cities on the map I'm using I don't think fall into the usual category of house, and thus don't provide the script with meaningful data for creating the civ population. If there's a means of adding to the definition of 'house', or including additional object types found on the map that can tell the script that it's a legal entity to take into consideration for spawning the civ population, I'd be all sorts of interested in learning that. As for the interactions not spawning on civs, I'm not sure what to say. The civs I'm spawning with the script are not getting the actions they are supposed to have. I have the ability to run code on them, which is why I'm asking if there's an array to add them to or variable to assign them in order to force those actions.
  8. Robert Tyburne

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Civilians: I'm using another script to augment the number of civilians present in the scenario, however they are not gaining the same ACE interact options for asking reputation and information on the whereabouts of the insurgents. So there's a function, variable, array, or combination of the three I have to apply to new units being created, and I'm asking what that is. Similar to how creating a contaminated object outside of the task framework was done, where the object was put in an array then the object was broadcast across the network publicly with 'publicVariable'. I'm not sure how practical that would be with potentially a dozen or so civilians, but I'm eager to give it a shot. Opfor insurgents of the same faction config do from what's picked inside the parameters.hpp, which has worked out great. But, I'm looking to include units from other factions as well to add some diversity to the insurgent side. I'm just unclear again on what variable or array needs to be applied to get the intel and interrogate options on the other NPCs that are not of the same faction config as that which is chose in the parameters.hpp. The workaround for opfor insurgents where I'm including additional members of other factions has been to bump the 'actual' faction from the paramaters.hpp intel drop chance to 100% so they're always giving the players info. But I'd like to be able to apply those ACE interactions across the board instead.
  9. Robert Tyburne

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Thanks for the help! Unrelated to chemical stuff, there's two additional systems I'd like to apply manually to other units. First is the civilian interaction. Specifically how to add reputation and info asks. Is this something I should be able to apply via their init? I've tried pulling out the various parts of the unit create sqf, but to no avail. And then for opfor units I have, adding intel interaction to them. Thanks!
  10. Robert Tyburne

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Yep, that's done the trick. Many thanks! Follow-up, I'm imagining the reverse for decontaminating an object, just removing it from that array? Reason I ask is that my unit makes extensive use of helis, and the big vehicle shower isn't exactly designed for a helicopter to pass through. If I can engineer say a trigger area that removes it from the array, that should decontaminate the heli?
  11. Robert Tyburne

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hey @Vdauphin, hope you're well in these times. I'm looking to set up some persistently contaminated zones, but I'm unclear on what I need to call in order to get an object set up as being contaminated. setVariable btc_chem_contaminated being set to true or 1 didn't seem to do anything. Is there a variable that can be set or function we can call? EDIT: Additionally, is it possible to apply the effect to a marker or trigger area?
  12. Trying to use GRAD to save a variable, which is to be referenced after the mission is restarted to be used as part of an if-then statement to simply delete the zone since it's already been cleared by players. The effect I'm going for is simple, which is a progression of clearing sectors by deleting marker areas (EOS zones) and planting a flag marker saying it's secure once the players destroy an object (like a transmitter). That so far has been simple enough: I'm attempting to set a public variable in the missionNameSpace, as that's what I think GRAD wants in order to save it properly. GRAD Config: For reference, the config is saving vehicles, containers, and markers created during the mission. Player position and inventory is also saved, in addition to credit count as I'm also using GRAD money menu. I use a remoteexeccall to get the save function to go, which hasn't failed yet with all the other data. Once the mission restarts, the following code is run from a separate .sqf called from the initServer.sqf I've also tried combinations of "safyrahnorth" == 1 and safyrahnorth == 1, but the error is that the variable is undefined. If I run the same scripts in the same session, it all executes fine. It's as if the variable "safyrahnorth" is getting destroyed as soon as the server shuts down, which makes me think I'm not executing the GRAD variable save correctly. I'm unclear on where I'm going wrong, and some extra eyeballs would be greatly appreciated. Or suggestions on approaching this differently.
  13. Robert Tyburne

    [Release] Simple Weapon Shop System

    Gotcha, so all the saving is actually being triggered specifically on player disconnect. Is there a way to call those saves through say an addaction script instead? I have a save script that's calling the particular save functions of two other systems that I'm using, and being able to save Simple Shops vehicles through that same way would make for better flow to ensure all the things that need saving are synced in some way. Ideally without using the garage at all, as I'd like to physically limit the amount of space in the motorpool. For instance, if players clear a place then disconnect but forget to hit the save button back at base, and the server restarts, I wouldn't want their vehicles to stay in what would be an active AO again.
  14. Robert Tyburne

    [Release] Simple Weapon Shop System

    Looking to use this system in an upcoming campaign, but I don't know how the persistent saving is called. I'd like to use the profle save type since I don't have to fiddle around with an external database. Is there a function I can call manually to save Simple Shops stuff? EDIT: Specifically looking to ensure that bought vehicles that aren't stored in a garage are saved where they are currently sitting in the world.
  15. Robert Tyburne

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    I'm pumped for all the new additions, especially the chemical and electronic stuff! Here's one for V and the masses. Is there a way to put the side mission request on a NPC? I'd like to instead have players speak to a NPC, say a ranking officer in the AO, through an add action to receive a side mission.