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Everything posted by Vandeanson

  1. it is the EH that activates the infection of my zombie infection script. the variable stands for ravages zombie ai parent, to define what AI can activate the infection. else any AI that damages you, could trigger the infection
  2. @Mr H. thanks! will play arround with it and see if i get it to work. would this also consider jip players?
  3. Good evening, I have been looking into remoteExec as a mean to create a random loadout generator that would work in MP. This would be the code to execute: The initplayerlocal.sqf file contains this code: From the BI wiki I understood that the target could be an object, so i understand player or player would receive a unit ID and the script would only execute this on the client where initplayerlocal was initialized. I have no means to test this atm (with another client or dedicated server) - could someone advise if i use this correctly? thanks a ton! vd
  4. good hint, thank you for that. I will check! Edit: oddly enough, when calling the script multiple times, it has overwritten the weapon. in general however, the players spaen as survivors, with no gear. cheers vd
  5. good evening @Mr H. The issues keeping me from releasing the mod get fewer and fewer=) In the script version of my project, I had the following in my mission folder: initplayerlocal.sqf and onplayerrespawn.sqf I would like to include this into my mod now, so users do not have to update those two files in their mission. Is this possible? I tried to have both files in the addon folder, but it seems that they wont initialize that way. Would appreciate a word of wisdom here=) cheers vd EDIT: anything respawn related i can do with a Respawn EH i think. and i think i can replace initplayerlocal with a "Init" EH, just not sure how to add a init EH to config:)
  6. progressing with the addon version. i am improving or cleaning up some existing features for this release and i have one new issue that i need to check. right now, all settings from vd_settings have been implemented as a CBA ingame setting, where you open up your mission in editor and go to settings -> addon settings (something like that) an you can adjust a looooot of settings of the scripts to your liking. i am sure, it will be worth the wait:) cheers vd
  7. Vandeanson


    same here:)
  8. Vandeanson


    oh man, how did i not know about this bis fnc! this will be very usefull;) thanks! vd
  9. hiho! it was my idea and expectation that initplayerlocal would execute the loadout script per client indeed. However I got feedback from users, that my loadout script would not work for their partymembers online, hence I assumed that I need to change my code as above. what I personally experienced aswell, is that other players in your game do not get the weapon. is it possible that the issue lies only with this line? [player, _rifle, VD_PLRifleAmmo + VD_PLRifleAmmoAdd, 0] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon; if that bis fnc is supposed to work under these circumstances as well, then i am overseeing something else.. however, this was already a very helpful feedback, thanks! cheers vd
  10. Vandeanson


    @haleks I am a bit late with my 2 cents on the topic, but i think patreon could be a nice idea. however, I am not sure how much extra work that will generate and if arma 3 is still a game in general that can provide a big enough pool of potential users that are then also interessted in survival and ravage. i recently checked arma twitch streams and viewers per stream - the numbers were humbeling. you ve got my sub however. vd
  11. ups! yes that was sloppy:) thanks!
  12. what pierremgi says:) im the latter part it seems that _1stManTeamActTrigger is not defined as it has not been passed as parameter from the code earlier (as you are creating a separate namespace below, that is separated from above code. above local variables are not "known" here.) my proposal would be to change this: ...... //If the distance with the player is greater than 700 the team is deleted 0 = ["_BadGuys","_1stManTeamActTrigger"] spawn { while {true} do { params ["_BadGuys","_1stManTeamActTrigger"]; sleep 3; if ((_1stManTeamActTrigger distance (leader _BadGuys)) > 700) exitWith { {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _BadGuys; }; }; }; also, i beliefe _this should refer to the _BadGuys right? i am not 100% if that works above, i would change it to _BadGuys. written on my handheld, hence my apologies for not putting the code in format and spoilers (no idea how to do this on mobile:() check it with syntax highlighter, but i hope that gives you an idea what the issue might be. check my dynamic spawn script pack here on the forums. in the downloadable file there is a file called VD_NR_Spawner.sqf that is a similar AI hunting script, also with a distance check after player position check. not sure which code is the latest one, the _chicos1 or the _BadGuys version, just apply to whichever it is:) cheers vd
  13. Vandeanson

    Spawning in IEDs via script

    hiho! phronks ied script has a component that sets ieds "friendly" to a specific side that you can set. maybe this is useful for what you want to achieve as well. (in case your version ends up causomg troubles). I used his script as basis to randomly spread IEDs and suspicious trash around bandit camps and hideouts. the occupants of the camp will not set off the IEDs. you can also check out my adaptation, you will find the code in the files VD_BC_Spawner.sqf or VD_HO_Spawner.sqf of the DL in below topic: let me know if this helped or if you need further help extracting the relevant code. cheers vd
  14. @Mr H. thanks a thousand! I have tried to insert it right into the _script of the CBA Settings fnc init params - I assumed it needs to take the "string" VD_Helicopters and turn it into an Array right away, but i get a generic error. Where did you put your code in your script? Again, thanks for your time - getting this to work has been a quite exciting milestone for me so far! cheers vd EDIT: Well this is odd - the first line below - when used in the debug console - i get no error and i get the desired array. ... VD_Helicopters = VD_Helicopters splitString ","; _Helicopter = selectrandom VD_Helicopters createVehicle _SiteSpawn; ... If I put the same line into the .sqf that spawns the helis - I get an error message, that the line VD_Helicopters = VD_Helicopters splitString ","; expected a string, but got an array, which i understand, but funny enough it will still turn VD_Helicopters into an array, despite the error message. EDIT 2: got it;) I am sooo happy right now - thanks for helping me figuring this out! I absolutely agree with your earlier statement - CBA Settings are pretty damn nice - and once the initial hurdles are overcome - it is super easy to set up categories with multiple settings! cheers vd
  15. haha, a pittyfull attempt i know:)) in planned to check in with you actually - is it still ok for you if your scripts are part of the steam updload? credit will be given of course;) also, do you happen to have a summary page with all your scripting work? i tried to find one, but couldnt find it:) cheers vd
  16. Aaalriiight, CBA settings for Eden editor are well on their way=)
  17. @Mr H. that fixed it;) thanks! Sliders are working well. I am now trying to figure out how to set and change arrays. Im trying this with the EDITBOX, the user should enter classnames that are stored in VD_Helicopters. my script (_heli = selectrandom VD_Helicopters createvehicles....) will then spawn a heli. I used your EDITBOX scripts, but i get an error when trying to use selectrandom VD_Helicopters. hint str VD_Helicopters returns "I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F,B_Heli_Transport_01_F" - for an array i think it should return ["I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F,B_Heli_Transport_01_F"]. I am actually not sure, what else the above code should return, other than an array. but since my script suddenly fails now - something must be off =D Any help would be appreciated=) cheers vd
  18. hm i thought i had sent off my reply from my pc.. well the short story is: go to initplayerlocal.sqf and replace the lime woth the player_equipper with: call vd_player_equipper; that will fix it for you. however, the code behind the script is not working properly for any of your friends that might join your server. this issue is currently WIP;)
  19. Vandeanson

    GF Temperature Script - Mod

    Sounds promising George! so with GF_Temperature_Sum_Air, i can get the current air temparature right? and with GF_Temperature_Sum_Sea the water temperature? cheers vd
  20. Hi @Mr H. I am pretty sure along with your examples plus the information in the wiki, I have all the pieces to get what I want to do. Maybe I lack knowledge about some of the basics about how config.cpp works, hence i am still struggling to put the pieces together=D I have the following code in config.cpp: My main addon initializes properly at mission start. (init.sqf) But the example script from the CBA wiki seems not to work. I am pretty sure that I have the structure under class Extended_Preinit_EventHandlers wrongfully adapted to my addon. "CommyMission = " is taken from the CBA wiki - should this represent something relative to my addon or can this be any description? The CBASettings.sqf; contains following code from the CBA wiki example: from the BI wiki entry for CfgPatches, i thought i had the parents and sub folders structure/classes right (i tested quite a couple different variations)- but since it is not working, i guess not =D my addon folder structure is as following: under VD_Apocalypse: Addons (folder) meta.cpp mod.cpp key (empty folder) xyz.jpg (just logos) under Addons: VDA.pbo any .sqf mentioned in the code above is part of the pbo - no further subfolders yet. Not sure if that gives you enough information - but if you can spot where i am going wrong, some advise is greatly appreciated. Thank you and BR VD Edit: ah sh*t, that code in the spoiler must be terrible to read, sorry for that!
  21. there should be an additional addaction for your scrollwheel available after pick up. its only shown when you are infected. so pick it up if it drops from a dead AI and if you get infected and have previously picked up injectors, u should be able to cure yourself. i will look into the timers and damage applied and will see if i need to tweak the effects, thanks for the feedback:)
  22. Hi all, A quick update from my end. Next stop for this script pack will be the release as a Steam Addon. While this is now set up in private mode and ready to launch, I need to dig into CBA to understand how to create Eden Editor settings that will allow the user to customize the features (amount of spawns, timers, ranges, disable/enable features, custom arrays,..). This is important to me, as different map sizes (Altis vs. Stratis), geography (island vs. non island maps) or FPS expectations/PC Power, may require different settings. I have gotten some great help there, but its just a matter of time to properly sit down and learn/try/fail/test/succeed;). It is actually quite rewarding to tick your own Addon in the launcher, load up the game, launch any mission, and see the camps, shipwrecks and so on pop up all over the map without any mission folder tinkering. Hence there is a little shift in priorities. I am now polishing the individual existing features and have some work ahead of me with CBA, before any planned new feature will be looked at. I have also tweaked some of the spawners, so that even if you do not have CUP terrains - core loaded, all features spawn correctly (minus the CUP structures of course). Cheers VD
  23. @Mr H. Thanks for the explanations - I d say I will then benefit from your experience and put my time into CBA;) Much appreciated! cheers vd