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Everything posted by Spatsiba

  1. Spatsiba

    [Tutorial] The Randomize Function

    I've noticed that at least one of the BIS_FNC_selecRandom or selecRandom tend to favour former values. So if you have 1, 2 ,3 and selectRandom you'll have a higher change of getting 1. Use the CBA counterpart if possible in my experience.
  2. Spatsiba

    Need some Scrip Help

    Bags don't work with attachTo. You'll need to create another object then replace it with a bag. Alternatively if this is just for a still picture you could place the bag where you want it and just take a screenshot without ever attaching the bag.
  3. Hey! I've been trying to add compatibility between the OP4, BLUE4 as well as GREEN4 radios using the TFAR mod. Looking at NKEY's (Author of TFAR) website I came up with this: /* NAME: TFAR_Compat_fix.sqf INIT: execVM "tfar_combat_fix.sqf" */ _Encryption = tf_west_radio_code; tf_guer_radio_code = _Encryption; tf_east_radio_code = _Encryption; It should find the encryption code of BLUE4 and set it as the code for GREEN4 as well as RED4, however this doesn't work. Tested on dedi btw. If anyone have any info regarding this or could offer any help that'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)
  4. https://bitbucket.org/zorrobyte/zbe_cache/downloads/ Only working dl link for me. Can't use the one you provided.
  5. Spatsiba

    Ingame 9Liners & Notepad

    I have the latest version with the correct keys installed. It only allows people to connect if running serverside. Are you 100% sure it's clientside *ONLY*?
  6. Spatsiba

    Ingame 9Liners & Notepad

    Any older versions of this from when it was clientside only?
  7. EDIT: _ammo" is not an ACE item. Does not exist. EDIT: Didn't work. Should work but doesn't. I've tried several different ways. Seems like it's being init but missing something? EDIT EDIT: adding "_Ammo" to the end of the classnames DOES work. Thanks for the help JDwang.
  8. Appreciate the help. Did not work however. Tried playing around with it. Seems like nothing fixes it.
  9. Spatsiba

    Project OPFOR

    This looks really good. I like it so far. The only issue I see is that it uses RHS which already has some of these factions. This makes for double factions. For example the Chedaki and the UN forces are duplicated as well as Novoryssian and CDF. Waiting patiently for something like Talibans and Generic Religious State of Iraq, Syria and the levenant. ;)
  10. That'd be lovely if someone could fix this. :)
  11. Am I the only one experiencing issues with this mod and dropping weapons? When I drop a main rifle I will get stuck in a "Removing optic" animation sometimes for almost a minute.
  12. I like the idea for water bottles and MRE's. There was a mod like this in ArmA2 which added some more depth to logistics etc for week-month long ops but I've not seen anything like it released for ArmA3 yet. I know one person in the current ACE3 group had something similar but scrapped it. Like it so far though! :)
  13. Hi! I've been thinking about making a script for snipers wearing ghillie suits to remain undetected if they're laying down completly still. My idea is to make a very basic version then build from there. The only issue is that I've not done any arma scripting for years and I'm not too experienced with what's local/server etc. So far what I thought of is this: standStill = False; //Sets the variable that checks if player standing still to false layDown = False; //Sets the variable that checks if player laying down to false _unit = player; _minSleep = 1; _maxSleep = 3; _waitSleep = (random (_maxTime - _minTime)) + _minTime; //Randomly picks 1-3 seconds to sleep Snipers = { //Names of snipers "Dingo1", "Dingo2" }; //Checks if player is whitelisted for stealth if (_unit in _snipers) then { _snipers = true }; //Checks if the player is standing still _CheckStill = if ((speed (vehicle _unit)) == 0) then { standStill = true } else { standStill = false }; //Checks if a player is laying down _CheckDown = if (stance player == "PRONE") then { layDown = true } else { layDown = false }; //Makes player civilian to enemy if laying down and standing still _ActivateStealth = if (standStill) and (layDown) then { sleep _waitSleep; _unit setCaptive true } else { _unit SetCaptive false }; It's a bit messy but I've just started. Would appreciate if someone a bit more experienced could help me out both with writing this and implementing it in-game. One of the issues I have is whether I should even use (server/client)Init.sqf to run it and how. I remember execVM being needed for certain things but can't remember for what etc.
  14. Thanks for the feedback. I don't have much free time with work, school and other personal stuff. Especially during the holidays coming up but I'll definitely not give up on this. It's for a mission I'm doing for me and my friends. Behind enemy lines sniper mission taking down HVT using ACE etc. So we don't have a time frame at all. As for you suggestions I was thinking "if isServer" to run the script and "execVM" to launch it so thanks for clearing that up for me. I'm looking into camo coef and knowsabout as of now and playing around with it a bit. If you'd like to help out optimize it or just making it hit me up with a PM! It would be highly appreciated since I don't have much time. I have absolutely 0 experience with FSM's. I tried looking into it, checking if vehicles are blown up etc but I never understood it fully. How it works I mean. Thanks for your input though! :)
  15. Good point. It'd need some kind of check to see if the sniper has been spotted and then do a timer of maybe 5 minutes before you can hide again. I'll look into the whole unitTrait. Didn't know it existed. Thanks! :)
  16. Do you have any experience with camouflageCoef? Will it work for enemies going straight by you? I've tried my current version (slightly edited from current state) and it worked pretty well. The idea is to allow snipers to lay down and not be spotted even if the enemy is walking straight over you.
  17. Setdirection and force him to do the normal walk animation (might need some looping and patching together different anims). Then make an invisible object and attach to. Then move the invisible object with setvelocity to where you want to go. This should work.
  18. They should've just let us keep the Ambient Civilians, Ambient Animals, Ambient vehicles and Ambient Combat modules. This way mission makers would decide what is a performance killer and not do this half assed solution.. All ambience is local only.
  19. Can't you set the side to independent for civilians after joning? You'll keep it the same and the only issue with civies not using drones is that the drone has to have the same side. Alternatively set the drones side to civilian?
  20. Thanks! I was thinking about this for 30 minutes, made a post. 10 minutes later I remembered that eventhandlers exist and came back to edit and saw your post. I guess it might help people in the future? :P
  21. I'm having trouble checking if a vehicle's engine JUST turned on. What I'm asking is if someone know how to check if an engine turned on, not if it's on/off. Something that could check when you turn on your engine but wouldn't run if the engine is already on. I've thought about making it check if engine is off then on and that might work. I'm asking if there's a better way to find out if someone has 'turned on the ignition' or 'just started the vehicle'. So, does anyone know if there's a way to check when a vehicles engine is turned on (not to be confused with if a vehicles engine IS on)?
  22. PM, forum threads, stalk him and get his adress and show up on the third tuesday of the month at night?
  23. binarizationWanted=0; addons[]= { "A3_Boat_F_Gamma_Boat_Civil_04", "A3_Structures_F_Ind_Transmitter_Tower", "A3_Structures_F_Exp_Industrial_SugarCaneFactory_01", "A3_Structures_F_Exp_Civilian_Accessories", "A3_Structures_F_Exp_Industrial_DieselPowerPlant_01", "A3_Structures_F_Mil_Barracks", "A3_Structures_F_Bootcamp_VR_Blocks", "A3_Structures_F_EPC_Dominants_GhostHotel", "A3_Structures_F_Naval_Piers", "A3_Structures_F_Exp_Walls_Pipe", "A3_Structures_F_Exp_Walls_Railings", "A3_Structures_F_Exp_Industrial_Port", "A3_Air_F_Heli_Heli_Transport_04", "A3_Structures_F_Exp_Commercial_Shop_City_05", "A3_Structures_F_Exp_Commercial_Market", "A3_Structures_F_Exp_Walls_BackAlleys", "A3_Structures_F_Exp_Walls_Tin", "A3_Structures_F_Exp_Naval_Piers", "A3_Structures_F_Mil_Radar", "A3_Structures_F_Exp_Infrastructure_Airports", "A3_Structures_F_Exp_Infrastructure_WaterSupply", "A3_Structures_F_Exp_Naval_Canals", "A3_Structures_F_Ind_Pipes", "A3_Structures_F_Walls", "A3_Structures_F_Exp_Infrastructure_Pavements", "A3_Structures_F_Heli_Items_Airport", "A3_Structures_F_Ind_ReservoirTank", "A3_Structures_F_Ind_ConcreteMixingPlant", "A3_Structures_F_Exp_Industrial_Stockyard_01", "A3_Structures_F_Exp_Commercial_Warehouses", "A3_Structures_F_Mil_Cargo", "A3_Structures_F_Kart_Mil_Flags", "A3_Signs_F", "A3_Structures_F_Exp_Commercial_FuelStation_02", "A3_Structures_F_Ind_Crane", "A3_Structures_F_Ind_Factory", "A3_Structures_F_Ind_DieselPowerPlant", "A3_Structures_F_Ind_AirPort", "A3_Structures_F_Ind_Tank", "A3_Structures_F_Mil_Bunker", "A3_Structures_F_Naval_Buoys", "A3_Structures_F_Ind_WavePowerPlant", "A3_Structures_F_Civ_Lamps", "A3_Ui_F", "A3_Structures_F_Dominants_Lighthouse", "A3_Boat_F_Boat_Transport_01", "A3_Structures_F_Heli_Ind_Machines", }; class AddonsMetaData { class List { items=17; class Item0 { className="A3_Boat_F_Gamma"; name="Arma 3 - Boats and Submersibles"; author="Bohemia Interactive"; url="http://www.arma3.com"; }; class Item1 { className="A3_Structures_F_Ind"; name="Arma 3 - Industrial Structures"; author="Bohemia Interactive"; url="http://www.arma3.com"; }; class Item2 { className="A3_Structures_F_Exp_Industrial"; name="Arma 3 Apex - Industrial Structures"; author="Bohemia Interactive"; url="http://www.arma3.com"; }; class Item3 { className="A3_Structures_F_Exp_Civilian"; name="Arma 3 Apex - Civilian Buildings"; author="Bohemia Interactive"; url="http://www.arma3.com"; }; class Item4 { className="A3_Structures_F_Mil"; name="Arma 3 - Military Buildings and Structures"; author="Bohemia Interactive"; url="http://www.arma3.com"; }; class Item5 { className="A3_Structures_F_Bootcamp"; name="Arma 3 Bootcamp Update - Buildings and Structures"; author="Bohemia Interactive"; url="http://www.arma3.com"; }; class Item6 { className="A3_Structures_F_EPC"; name="Arma 3 Win Episode - Buildings and Structures"; author="Bohemia Interactive"; url="http://www.arma3.com"; }; class Item7 { className="A3_Structures_F"; name="Arma 3 - Buildings and Structures"; author="Bohemia Interactive"; url="http://www.arma3.com"; }; class Item8 { className="A3_Structures_F_Exp"; name="Arma 3 Apex - Buildings and Structures"; author="Bohemia Interactive"; url="http://www.arma3.com"; }; class Item9 { className="A3_Air_F_Heli"; name="Arma 3 Helicopters - Aircrafts"; author="Bohemia Interactive"; url="http://www.arma3.com"; }; class Item10 { className="A3_Structures_F_Exp_Commercial"; name="Arma 3 Apex - Commercial Buildings"; author="Bohemia Interactive"; url="http://www.arma3.com"; }; class Item11 { className="A3_Structures_F_Exp_Infrastructure"; name="Arma 3 Apex - Infrastructure Objects"; author="Bohemia Interactive"; url="http://www.arma3.com"; }; class Item12 { className="A3_Structures_F_Heli"; name="Arma 3 Helicopters - Buildings and Structures"; author="Bohemia Interactive"; url="http://www.arma3.com"; }; class Item13 { className="A3_Structures_F_Kart"; name="Arma 3 Karts - Buildings and Structures"; author="Bohemia Interactive"; url="http://www.arma3.com"; }; class Item14 { className="A3_Signs_F"; name="Arma 3 - Signs"; author="Bohemia Interactive"; url="http://www.arma3.com"; }; class Item15 { className="A3_Ui_F"; name="Arma 3 - User Interface"; author="Bohemia Interactive"; url="http://www.arma3.com"; }; class Item16 { className="A3_Boat_F"; name="Arma 3 Alpha - Boats and Submersibles"; author="Bohemia Interactive"; url="http://www.arma3.com"; }; Try this?
  24. Spatsiba

    Hot Air Balloon

    Alright dude. :) I love the new posibilities we have with PIP and FFE now. Sling loading and a better (and worse) physics engine. ArmA3 truly was a step backwards that lead us forward, if that makes any sense. :P
  25. I'm trying to find a way to do this as well without loads of disgusting loops. Don't want to hijack your thread but felt like we had the same issue. Getting AI to spray. I'm trying to make them spray with their kalashnikovs a lot more with low accuracy and long firing times. I'd make a few dummy targets at the beach around where the machinegunners would shoot. Then make them change target every 1-2 seconds between those and just loop fire/doFire. That way the machinegunner will spray left, right, up, down (Might stop between it but if at a distance you probably wouldn't notice). That might simulate a really nice d day style scenario without making the AI gun everyone down with 1 shot 1 kill MG's like snipers.