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Everything posted by Andres97

  1. Hi. Key Frame Animation was released on the last update, lacking any pointers from bohemia as of now, I'm wondering... did anyone get it to work, or has figured out how exactly you have to configure it? Any help is appreciated! Wiki page: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Key_Frame_Animation
  2. I don't think I'd be able to handle something like that. My heart would just explode.
  3. Andres97

    USP Gear & Uniforms

    Impressive work on those PVS. Keep it up!
  4. He needs to know the classname of the radio assigned by default to NATO Riflemen.
  5. Send me a PM in spanish I can translate.
  6. Great news! Happy to hear this.
  7. Looking great! Can't wait for the update.
  8. Which commands should I use to spawn these modules via script, or do you recommend instead to use the .sqf files from the Open Source version?
  9. Andres97

    Scope Mod A3

    You sure do have a set of very specific requests. Firstly, doubt you'll have any luck, since the thread has been inactive for well over a year now. Second, according to the rules, you should post addon requests here. Third, there are plenty of scope addons for snipers in this same forums. Fourth, I really doubt you'll need so much scopes. Cheers!
  10. Andres97

    Key Frame Animation

    Any progress in making this MP compatible?
  11. Removing doMove and Move commands from the infantry patrol one makes the group move with a normal column formation. Whats the reason behind this commands for infantry?
  12. Very small detail, but this: Is making me go crazy. This happens when using Zen_SpawnGroup or Zen_SpawnInfantry and Zen_OrderInfantryPatrol, the second man is too close to the first one. Have tried with setFormation and setWaypointFormation, doesn't seem to be the problem. Any ideas? Also vehicles tend to drive too... erratically, even though they are set to 'SAFE' and 'LIMITED'. Cheers! EDIT: Lazy me. Found the source. Lines 76, 77, Zen_OrderInfantryPatrol.sqf. Now a question. What is the motive of this two lines? @Zenophon Isn't it enough with the waypoint?
  13. Check all clients are running VCOM. If server is running vcom and client is not, or server is not and client is, at times the mission won't load 100%, you'll get stuck before getting to the map.
  14. Very cool! Will test this out for sure!
  15. You should create one in your mission folder. You do not have to modify the mod, simply by adding code to your mission init.sqf you can change the parameters.
  16. CBA settings is not showing up in the addon version. EDIT: it does show up but only inside the mission, not 3DEN editor. It would be nice if you could edit the parameters before the mission launch via CBA settings. Thanks for the update by the way!
  17. Lately I've been messing around with the new Keyframe Animation modules introduced last month, and decided to include it in a mission. Basically the idea is a stone temple gate opening with these modules after the player does certain actions. Thing is, system works a-ok in singleplayer, but does not work properly on dedicated, which is where ultimately the mission will be played. Why doesn't it work properly? The wall instead of smoothly opening, just jumps to the end position and then to the initial position again, basically it has no animation, something similar to what happened with the moving target scripts when executed on dedicated. Has anyone also tried this? Has anyone found a workaround? Am I missing something? Thanks in advance! PS. Yes I did try remoteExec, to no avail.
  18. Andres97

    Key Frame Animation

    You can start via trigger a timeline using a bis fnc. Can't remember the exact name though. You can search the functions viewer inside the editor, its there.
  19. Since last update T8 is showing a lot of 'undefined variable' script errors. As far as I could check, the script still works normally, but just in case it would be nice if someone could check thoroughly.
  20. Andres97

    Keyframe animation system in DEV.

    Okay, so I did a few tests with this in dedi. First try, a mission already made, with lots of things, animation "wouldn't work" object skipped to end position after timeline was completed. Second try, tom's example mission, it "worked" but it skipped certain points, what I mean is that the animation wasn't fluid, it skipped pieces of the 'track'. Thanks for you help. Is there a not to complicated way to do this? Hope I'm not asking for too much.
  21. Andres97

    Keyframe animation system in DEV.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but this does not work on dedicated and multiplayer, right? I tried to use it to animate a big temple gate opening and when testing in dedi it just skips the animation.
  22. Andres97

    Keyframe animation system in DEV.

    Wow I feel like a dork, thanks for the info r3vo.
  23. Andres97

    Keyframe animation system in DEV.

    Maybe someone can contact Bohemia via twitter to ask for further info? :P