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JD Wang

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Everything posted by JD Wang

  1. JD Wang

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Not sure if I've asked this before, but is there any chance you could add a way to change skill levels via faction? That way if I make an ALiVE mission I can for instance have Russian OPFOR who are higher skilled and more dangerous than the Independent rebel forces. Even if it's a case of a multiplier, eg West = 1 East = 1 Independant = 0.8 or something like that
  2. PCML = NLAW http://saab.com/land/weapon-systems/support-weapons/NLAW/ which as far as I know is kind of a dumbfire missile in that the system predicts where the target will be and fires to that point. The missile has no sensors, and doesn't "home in" but merely flies to the point the system believe the target to be at and explodes. I could be wrong, but that's how I understand it.
  3. Wow that works perfectly, thank you!
  4. Is there a way to connect/disconnect a player from the support requestor based on gear? Eg I would like my JTAC to only be able to request support if he's wearing a specific backpack, but then if he takes off the pack and gives it to someone else, he loses the ability to call support, but the person he gave the pack to can now call it
  5. Pretty sure it's a CUP thing. I know some of the jungle maps like Song Bin Tanh have the same issue, it's that model of tree I guess.
  6. JD Wang

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Ok that's got to be what it is. Since the SW update I won't have added in the optional PBO's Any chance you guys could add those to SW as another addon like the RHS ACE compatability ones? Makes it easier to explain to newbies (and dumb vets who forget like myself) Thanks again for your patience and help
  7. JD Wang

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Nope I must be doing something wrong. I loaded up the game with JUST the 3CB stuff, CBA, and ACE Placed a coyote down and the logistics container (even tried a normal container with the module sync'd) and also the ACE cargo settings module just to be safe. The EOD box is 100% vanilla What about the first aid box, should that show FAK's or ACE bandages? Maybe I'll try re downloading the mods just to be safe
  8. JD Wang

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Thanks Nick I'll check it tonight when I get home from work. Hopefully it's not a mod clash that caused it, I posted in the equipment thread that with the 1.0 beta of TFAR all the 3CB radio packs go missing from the arsenal. Hopefully there's not something else like that playing up. Will report back with results Thanks again for your help
  9. JD Wang

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Hey Nick, thanks for the reply, that sounds awesome thank you. However I'm 99% certain I had ACE loaded, and modules on the map, and I still had vanilla gear in the EOD crate. Is there any difference between using the Logistics object and the module?
  10. JD Wang

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Hey guys, really appreciate all the work you put into your mods, more than any other you can tell your stuff is made by people that make missions. All the little bits and pieces that you add like the gear randomization and logistics modules, they're amazing, thankyou. On the subject of the logistics points though, is there a way to customize the crates available? Or more importantly the gear inside? I just noticed if I load up an eod/demolitions crate from the logistics point it just contains vanilla gear. Is there a way to edit these so they contain ACE equipment too? Things such as the 3CB/ACE mine detector, a clacker, defusal kit etc? It would be great we could define custom crate for instance in the init or something. Also is there a way to add vehicles to the list of those that work with the logistics point? Mostly I just want to add the foxhound etc until such time as you release the updated versions. Thanks again for all the work and testing you do.
  11. JD Wang

    3CB BAF Equipment

    Just starting a new mission build today and come across something weird. It's more of a TFAR 1.0 issue but just as a heads up, I've noticed if I have TFAR 1.0 (the official beta from SW) loaded then none of the 3CB radio packs appear in the arsenal. Again I realise this is more a TFAR issue, but thought I'd plonk it down here in case anyone else is having the issue and wondering why.
  12. You could try using this https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd Although it requires you to hold the button for as long as the download runs
  13. The way VCOM works it spreads intel about you to the other AI. (you can set a limit to the distance at which others will come to reinforce) It basically simulates a dicker jumping on the phone and calling up mortar support. Once you clear the area the mortars stop. The good thing is they're not super accurate, and they seem to fire a smoke round first to range (I assume that's what it is, we'll see smoke and then a few seconds later boom)
  14. I use VCOM AI for all the missions I make for our group. If I place an AI mortar then they definitely use it. However I do have to manually place them. Also be careful, 1 mortar team in the middle of Takistan (Up by Feruz Abad) will reach all across the map, and they will keep shelling you until you kill the enemy nearby. It can be both very exciting, and at times very frustrating
  15. JD Wang

    Project OPFOR

    Just place the units you want to know the class names/faction of in the editor, right click on it and go to log and you'll be able to log the individual classname of the unit, or the faction (for ALiVE) to your clipboard. The just paste it into the ALIVE module and remove any brackets or quotes.
  16. JD Wang

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Are Burnes vehicles being included in this update? (Foxhound etc)
  17. Have you ever thought about updating the RG31 (again) as part of the EOD mod update (hint hint) Would be great to see an RG31 with working gyrocam at the same level as your other work. Oh and did I mention the EOD mod?
  18. I built a compound in Takistan the other night for an HVT capture mission and made the mistake of making the building (a villa) a simple object. None of the door would open and the AI would not path find their way through the building, instead a bunch of the chose to walk off the edge of the roof or out through walls. So while making building simple objects is much better for performance, it's not so great for functionality.
  19. Oh believe me I'm very good at being wrong. But that seems to be the only thing I could pin point. I could not drive into Zargabad until I switched that off. Same car, same clothing etc. Still a great script though.
  20. Says the guy with a ton of amazing scripts in his signature
  21. Just a wee heads up, it seems like the scripts don't register Zargarbads roads properly. I was having all sorts of trouble driving anywhere. Seems like even on the road you count as "off road". Once I set the off road check to false I can now drive around just fine.
  22. I've been using Enigma's civilian script instead. That and his traffic script do a pretty good job of populating towns.
  23. Are you talking about the clients mod list, or the server one?
  24. I'm sure I've seen that a bunch of times in the server logs, never seen it cause an issue though
  25. Great script, really well done. Do you know of any way to turn off unit insignias based on the mission? Kind of spoils things a little if I get into a civilian car while undercover and all of a sudden my NZF insignia appears on the side of the car. i could always get the guys to untick the unit in the launcher, but if there was a way to do this via script that would be amazing. Thanks again for this great work