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Everything posted by Devastator_cm

  1. that also depends on ship :)
  2. Just small input CIWS hit probability is depending on the CIWS itself and incoming missile. For example harpoons are easy to hunt as they are old world missiles. Russian KALIBR missiles are harder to intercept. Same goes to CIWS, Turkish MEKO has Zenith which is weaker than Russian Kashtan So the probablity to hit or miss really depends on the CIWS and target missile
  3. Hi Guys, based on the vanilla artillery I made a new artillery setup but somehow the ballistic computer is not able to hit the position which I pick. Ammo is falling almost 100 meter away from the point which I pick. Any idea what can be the issue?
  4. Devastator_cm

    Artillery Config - misses the shot-

    still had no success with Laser Guided arty shells. Is there anybody who built in this universe or any other parallel one LG arty shells in Arma 3 successfully? Another point which I have as open at the moment is, normal shells are not that accurate.. Which factors (which config parameters or any p3d model related thingies) are impacting the accuracy of arty guns in Arma 3?
  5. We are trying to follow RL values in design up to an extent. Arma is realistic but not totally. The maps are not able to reflect the RL battlefield size for air or naval combats. So giving totally realistic lock distance, speed etc. will make the game totally no fun. Imagine that you are taking off from a friendly airbase but right after your wheels leave the ground you hear lock sound as maps are small and any enemy at other side of the map can lock you easily if RL missile lock is used. Same goes to our naval mod. Missiles are not traveling in their RL speeds to give player chance to react. Never the less, In next release you will see RL torpedo speeds and ranges but sonar will not be 10-20km long to give some surprise factor and possibility to hide. Now when it comes to the situation which you wrote that you give correct gps but missile passes by the enemy ship, I would like to see that case via a video if possible, as it is does not sound normal. Are you sure that enemy ship is not too much on side of the missile? I think I set the lock cone of harpoon to 40 degrees as far as I remember. So if your missile travels to the location and activates its radar, the enemy ship should not be let's say at 90 degrees of the missile at that time.
  6. Devastator_cm

    HAFM NAVY v1.5 Release

    Yes there will be TFAR long range vehicle radio at ships
  7. Hi Guys, is it possible to access an attribute value from another one? Somehow I couldn't make it working to get an EDIT fields value from the combo box attribute to use it. My situation is following, I have predefined texture paths and for them there are combo box entries. One of the entry is "Custom" and if that one is selected I want to get from the edit field the path and use it to set the texture
  8. weather conditions are not effectinng the GBU bombs at the moment is that correct or am I lucky to hit the lased target when it is raining?
  9. Devastator_cm

    JSRS SOUNDMOD - CE.20.0419

    Hi LJ, in the past there were issues with your RHS mod in dedicated. Are the issues solved? Is it working now fine with dedi like your base mod?
  10. Devastator_cm

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Problem with that is, you need AI pilot. It would be nice to have action menu item to start the static line jump(so forcing all players out) with parachutes inside the airplane inventory (so possible to use steerable or not steerable chutes based on wish). It will again open the chute right after person is out like in real static line jump p.s. I will try to code something after my holiday for this
  11. Devastator_cm

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    now the holiday became pain :) I wonder how the new version is and there is no video yet to relieve my pain Congratulations for the release RHS Team :)
  12. Is there anyway to restrict the weapon loading unit to let player to load only some predefined weapons and with some predefined amount? Goal is to set which weapons are available in the mission and how many of them are stored in storage. So pilot need to pick carefully what he needs as there is not unlimited resources
  13. Is there a way to hide some vehicles from f-16s HUD? In mission start the enemy vehicles are already spawned far away from AO but F-16's hud still able to detect them. I want the detection happens only when the vehicles come to a certain point...
  14. Hi Guys, in a mission I have opfor tanks on field and somehow when mission starts, CTAB is showing them as blufor on screen. Any idea what is causing this issue?
  15. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    One of my old mission is broken with following message http://prntscr.com/ke0dp1 Which version I should use to open this mission and how to fix? I assume I need to unbinarize the mission and delete some entries after I manage to open it...
  16. Devastator_cm

    Artillery Config - misses the shot-

    Is there no way to make laser guided arty shells in arma? I set following in ammo config but had no success weaponLockSystem=4; cmImmunity=0.30000001; autoSeekTarget=1; lockSeekRadius=500; laserLock = 1; btw, vanilla arty was showing the ammo as laser guided... http://prntscr.com/kcxn8r there are two shells there guided one was really hit the vehicle which had engine on like you said but the LG version is not following laser beam at all
  17. Devastator_cm

    Artillery Config - misses the shot-

    I tried to lase the target and still no success even with vanilla artillery..
  18. Devastator_cm

    Artillery Config - misses the shot-

    some more questions... How to create guided shells? autoSeekTarget and lockSeekRadius makes no difference although it sounds like if I set these parameters, shell look for the best target in the target area. In my test, I put an ifrit and fire such shell but they do not adjust their path to this vehicle. In addition to that, although I have artillerydispersion set to 0.5 my shells are still not accurate like the vanilla artillery... What else is effecting the pin point shots?
  19. Devastator_cm

    Artillery Config - misses the shot-

    Thanks again. I updated my second post in the thread. Now I need someone who can create a new page in BI-Wiki for "Artillery Config Reference" to copy paste that thread to the wiki
  20. Devastator_cm

    Artillery Config - misses the shot-

    I use the same weapon in two different ships and having difference in the area where I can hit. By area I mean the thickness of the donut. What is effecting that size actually? Something in turret config? http://prntscr.com/kc4tli
  21. Hm no experience with that. You need to give a try. For acex there is information in first post
  22. Devastator_cm

    HAFM NAVY v1.5 Release

    Yes. Antimissile system can be used manually as well. In that mode you can pick the target missile by yourself and fire. Ofcourse the automatic should be prefered in high danger areas due to fast response time of systems. Keep in mind antiship missiles are fast and manual reaction might be slow in case the missile is fired from close distance. I might make already the weapon system video in coming week, as no further changes are expected there, so you guys can already see how the systems are working
  23. Devastator_cm

    HAFM NAVY v1.5 Release

    Summer = holiday that is the main reason of delay now. All complex things are finished and we are polishing the last points but due to holidays, the pace will go down in August
  24. Hi all, anybody has any idea how to solve the below issue? The turret can make vertical rotation upto 85 degrees and in such cases the unit inside turret appears outside... https://prnt.sc/ka39ss