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Everything posted by the_one_and_only_Venator

  1. the_one_and_only_Venator

    Contact Expansion Asset Feedback

    Used config viewer in the editor to get initSpeed of the weapons and magazines. (Negativ value in weapon means mag initSpeed is multiplied by value)
  2. the_one_and_only_Venator

    Contact Expansion Asset Feedback

    Every ammo has a typical speed where it does the hit = x damage. When the ammo is faster it does more damage, when slower it does less. (That's what I read and confirmed via testing, ammo of course loses speed over range) So yes.
  3. the_one_and_only_Venator

    Contact Expansion Asset Feedback

    Promet: 840 m/s Promet MR: 900 m/s MX: 800 m/s MXM: 920 m/s
  4. the_one_and_only_Venator

    Contact Expansion Livonia Feedback

    Is there any reason that the airstrip of the airbase on Livonia is not lit up at all? There are no lights for operating aircraft at night at all. Yeah, it looks abandoned but the Livonians are supposed to have an Airforce, right?
  5. the_one_and_only_Venator

    Contact Expansion Asset Feedback

    I've noticed there are no hiddenSelections for the Kozlice at the moment. Are we gonna get those? I'd like to do some textures for it.
  6. the_one_and_only_Venator

    Contact Expansion Asset Feedback

    Looks definitely far better. Like a person reloading who did it before. But since it is early DevBranch I am confident this will be fixed in Vanilla.
  7. the_one_and_only_Venator

    Contact Expansion Asset Feedback

    The pellets are submunitions. That is probably the reason. Not sure if that can be fixed.
  8. the_one_and_only_Venator

    Contact Expansion Asset Feedback

    Since the bullet drop on the Kir is absolutely insane because of it being an subsonic weapon with heavy projectiles the ranging is different. The collimator on the DMS is zeroed to 100m (in contrast to 200m on normal DMS) and the DMS itself has smaller steps (25/50m) only up to 600m.
  9. the_one_and_only_Venator

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Since Arma 3's maps are kind of small these kind of speeds wouldn't benefit the gameplay I guess.
  10. the_one_and_only_Venator

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    I found some floating stuff on Malden. Any chance this can still be fixed? One rock and one bush next to it on the small island in the SE.
  11. the_one_and_only_Venator

    Contact Expansion Livonia Feedback

    I found a tree in a house blocking the entrance on Livonia.
  12. the_one_and_only_Venator

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    While I really like the GL ammo now being included with weapons with grenade launchers in the Virtual arsenal, there is currently the problem that apparently all free inventory space gets filled with 40mm grenades. And if you change to a weapon without a GL they stay in the inventory. Can you please restrict them to 3+1 being added and them being removed when having no GL selected like the other magazines?
  13. the_one_and_only_Venator

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Currently when selecting some weapons in the virtual Arsenal the weapons do their reload animations without the character doing it. I noticed this with the Lim-85, RPG-7 and probably all pistols. Didn't test all weapons though.
  14. the_one_and_only_Venator

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Is there any chance that the APEX AK-12 7.62 mm and the GL variant will be renamed as AK-15 since the reallife counterpart chambered in 7.62x39 mm is called the AK-15?
  15. the_one_and_only_Venator

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    When loading the Virtual Arsenal vie the main menu it works totally fine. Every saved loadout that doesnt include any items of non activated mods can be loaded without a problem. But when accessing the Virtual Arsenal within the 3den editor you cannot. It says "Loadout contains non-arsenal item 'WhiteHead_01' " (or whatever head you are using in that saved loadout). You cannot save a loadout without a head. Even if you save a loadout in 3den editor you cannot load that same loadout. I guess it is bacause of this in the latest DevBranch Changelog: Fixed: Saved custom loadouts are now correctly compared against available Arsenal gear, and incompatible loadouts are disabled Since you cannot change the head in the 3den Arsenal but have to do it in the editor while you can in the Arsenal while accessing it via main menu. So i guess Insignia may cause the same issue since you cannot change them in the 3den Arsenal either (can not test that though because for every loadout it just tells me about the head...).
  16. the_one_and_only_Venator

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Currently when using the Virtual Arsenal via 3den editor no saved loadouts can be loaded because of the heads being not available in the 3den Arsenal.
  17. the_one_and_only_Venator

    Contact Expansion Livonia Feedback

    Hopefully the Russian Speznas
  18. the_one_and_only_Venator

    Contact Expansion Asset Feedback

    Yeah, for some windows it is hard to see through stuff on a height below it even when standing.
  19. the_one_and_only_Venator

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    If the conflict will be taken to the US and if Russia will in fact join CSAT and will become a faction and if the expansion will contain a new map Alaska makes sense I guess. Or any other place in the US...
  20. the_one_and_only_Venator

    Arma 3 - Creator DLC Discussion

    General CDLC/ Global Mobilization Suggestion Currently the community seems to be very divided about the new CDLC concept of BI. This has appearently to do with the fact that the CDLCs are dividing the community more than any other regular DLC ever did into those who bought it and those who didn't. Players who did not buy the CDLC can not join servers or missions where any asset is used. Be it a vehicle, weapon or a simple piece of headgear. This is unlike the former BI DLC model where only restrictions applied. I can understand the argument that it would be simply a lot to download if everyone had to download every CDLC without actually being able to use the stuff. But I believe that there is a pretty simple workaround: This would include Players who did not buy the CDLC still not to be able to join any mission that uses the CDLC maps or map assets (the asset point is debatable as APEX has shown). The - what I believe is the best sollution - would be to seperate the CDLC into two parts, that would still be bought together (or not?!). The first and larger part would be the map and the map assets. This would be only available to those who bought the CDLC. The second part would be the units, vehicles, weapons and equipment stuff. This would be available for download for everyone owning the game (while still be optional to download). For those who bought the CDLC it would include every asset with no restrictions. For those players who did not buy the CDLC the same restrictions of BIs DLCs would apply. This would solve the issue of Players not being able to join missions that use CDLC vehicles, weapons, etc. but still keep it completely optional to download any content that may apply restrictions to the player. As a positive side effect it would also provide players who bought the CDLC with the flexibility to only download the map or the other assets (which some may find usefull but it definitely doesn't do any harm). I would be very happy if this or any other sollution would be thought about. Have a nice day everyone, Venator
  21. the_one_and_only_Venator

    Global Mobilization - To higher price to pay

    The point of this DLC was basically donating to the red cross. So that is kind of an unfair comparison. Tanks and Jets DLC also brought massive free platform updates that the CDLCs obviously can't. So did APEX.
  22. the_one_and_only_Venator

    ArmA 3: Dunes

    I'm not very interested in missions. Is there any chance of a standalone release of the map? It looks great! Edit: Actually played the first mission now and I think I should reconsider my attitude towards workshop SP missions. They can be very much worth it.
  23. the_one_and_only_Venator

    Global Mobilization - To higher price to pay

    Mondkalb said this: @the_one_and_only_Venator We're balanced around Vanilla Arma 3 in functionality. The artwork I would say is ahead compared to Arma 3 content. Please do note that there are almost 6 years between GM and the original release, and we didn't want to go for Arma 3's art style when we could instead provide a full conversion for Arma 3 with our own style and requirements.
  24. the_one_and_only_Venator

    Global Mobilization - To higher price to pay

    This is true although I have a few issues with the map. It is divided by the border but it has literally no border crossing on the whole map. That is a huge missed opportunity in my opinion. It would have been an interesting location and one that could be fought over. There is actually no way for an infantryman to get from one side to theother other than run to the border of the map and then around the fences... because of another really annoying issue: the Fence gates are not openable. This is not only a problem with the fences on the border but also with those surrounding the military installations on the eastern side. There is also no way to get past the fences other than blowing a hole in the fence or running it over with a vehicle. That would be quite an unorthodox way to start a mission from one of these installations... Also there are no airfields on the map which is also a missed opportunity and takes away some usability of the map. Another thing is that there is a highway on the map. That is great. But it is unfortunately useless because of there being only one highway access... So you can not use the highway other than driving to the edge of the map, turning around and leave the highway where you accessed it... There is really no point of the highway being there then. There should be at least a second highway access so you can actually use it to get from one point to another quickly. I really love that there are rivers and i also like the destructable bridges and how AI is kind of capable (as usual) using them. Only the texture of the river seems a bit weird. On river deltas there are also weird texture glitches. All in all the terrain seems a bit unfinished and rushed. There are for example some trees right in the middle of a road... It looks like there were used tree-brushes that are just not looking good or naturally. I really hope the otherwise good terrain will get some love in the future. After all we paid for it and I was told that the quality of the content will exeed that of vanilla content. Lastly there seems to be an issue with AI using the M113 with the LATGM. AI seems not to be able tu use the mounted machinegun at all. Maybe this can be resolved making the MG3 and the Milan diffrent firemodes of the same turret?
  25. the_one_and_only_Venator

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    I would love a total rework of a good desert map like Takistan as they did with Malden.