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About Yoyodef

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal

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  1. Yoyodef

    Vanilla Faction Overhaul

    This looks effin good ! Great works !
  2. Yoyodef

    Ruha terrain

    Thanks a lot!
  3. Yoyodef

    Ruha terrain

    Really nice map, i like the rough terrain and the overall quality. Just a few things that maybe you didn't consider. My team and I are using this map for milsim and the main base is at the airport. So we deploy all our equipment at the airbase and now with the update we cannot get out of the big hangar without hitting the trees. We cannot get out easily from the airport (hangar or runway) with ground vehicle. So can you make the airport more accessible from the roadways and get rid of some trees near the hangar please?
  4. Yoyodef

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    this : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30453
  5. Somebody got the Tanks DLC config ?
  6. Yoyodef


  7. Hi, Same problem here. I'm playing on Linux server, the mission is a sector control with BIS module on map sector, side and ticket module. When one team goes out of ticket the mission end, everybody got a correct message of ending (winning or loosing depending on which team you're), then everybody is sent out to the lobby but the mission don't restart and if you click on OK you get back on the map as it is. Server side I launch it with -autoinit parameter, with persistent =1; in config.cfg and my mission rotation is setup like this : class Missions { class Mission_1 { template = "tdm_tactical_fun_kavala_hopital.altis"; // omit the .pbo suffix difficulty = "custom"; // difficulty: recruit, regular, veteran or custom (see CfgDifficulties in the main game config) }; }; I follow the method above except for the debriefing because I use SideScore rather than end1 or loser In my init.sqf I got this : 0 = [] spawn {private ["_eastTickets", "_westTickets"]; while {true} do { sleep 7; _eastTickets = [east] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; _westTickets = [west] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets; if (_eastTickets == 0) exitWith { "SideScore" call BIS_fnc_endMissionServer; }; if (_westTickets == 0) exitWith { "SideScore" call BIS_fnc_endMissionServer; }; }; What am I doing wrong ?
  8. Link is not working anymore, can it be reupload, please? Edit : Nevermind I found it on Larrow dropbox -> " override_VA_templates"
  9. I'm not sure if I understand well. I can put class ace_overheating_enabled { typeName = "BOOL"; value = 0; }; in the ace_settings.hpp that is in the mission folder and it will deactivate the overheating and jamming effect, is that correct?
  10. Is there an option to deactivate the overheating and the jamming of weapon via the ace.hpp that I missed ? I'm looking for a better solution than to remove the pbo.
  11. I laugh through reading the entire changelog! Should be added as a feature "Most entertaining changelog of them all!"
  12. So, do we still need the ffaa ace compat ?
  13. Yoyodef


    Hello, I don't know if this question as been answered yet, I did a research but nothing came up : why did u modified some of the vanilla objects? I got them listed as being part of your mod!