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Everything posted by lex__1

  1. lex__1

    Wrought iron bushes

    The developer of a mission and the administrator of the server don't know how to resolve an issue with damage of the equipment from bushes. Arma3 developers don't know how bushes receive properties not peculiar to bushes. Control of a mission has no parameter - the level of damage of cars. The mission (video of demonstration of a problem from a mission) doesn't reproduce a problem on a host server. The mission reproduces a problem on the dedicated server. Who can explain emergence of a problem on the dedicated server?
  2. Hi, everybody. Someone can prompt, where to look for an exit from a problem. Discussion was here. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/189687-wrought-iron-bushes/ Ticket https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120680 I have no experience in setup of the server. The reason seems somewhere in settings. Irritates players damages of cars from bushes and small fences. The problem appears only on the dedicated server.
  3. Error of creation of groups in the editor. - To create 144 groups - To create one more group (mistake) - To clean 4 groups - To create 1 group - it is impossible to create (mistake) - To clean 70 groups - To add 70 groups, empty groups are created https://youtu.be/QwLj1Z37HLQ Actions for the following attempt to create and clean groups lead to an error of creation of groups or creates their empty. I didn't try it to do more long, than on video, but also it is so visible that in a certain step, I lose opportunity to create more than 70 groups. Following test. I reached a limit of creation of groups, it is more than 40 I can't create. Exit from the editor, loading of the kept mission doesn't correct an error. https://youtu.be/OJ5uZT6JJZ4 Limit of 40 groups in the editor. Where 104 groups vanish? I sent a question on https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120533
  4. Mission of CTI. There is No Mod. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wvl8x0a8edhays9/becti_0097_z1321A3.Altis.zip?dl=0 During game many groups of players and AI are created. The problem appears after 2-4 hours of game. Possibility of creation of group disappears. - Players, at an entrance on the server get, in the general group. - AI don't appear which have to appear on defense of the cities. - There is no opportunity to be connected to the UAV. - In the city protection of VEHICLE without AI is born. - Players who were on the server before emergence of a problem, can buy AI in the group. But can't create new group. - If to continue to play mission, through any time, players who try to be connected to the server, speak that can't will be connected, or are in expectation of the birth (the black screen). I can't precisely tell, earlier to version 1.42 or 1.48 of this problem wasn't. Restriction of number of creation of groups in game 144 each party? In game so many groups in real time aren't created. But on everything, in 2-4 hours of game lost and killed groups lose opportunity to be used again, empty groups, something like this aren't removed. In game three parties, red, blue and green. The problem doesn't appear at once at all. At each party of group , cease to work with a gap on time 30-40 minutes at different times. Help to solve a problem. All that I found on this matter, it doesn't help to solve a problem. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Dynamic_Groups#DYNAMIC_GROUPS https://feedback.bistudio.com/T75181 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T83815 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T83162
  5. First of all mistakes with memory have to be solved in pure Arma3. There is no sense something to look for in other cases of manifestation of problems.
  6. lex__1

    Game crashes: Memory and Graphics

    In game gradually there is a gain on use of bigger memory size. Armagh 3 seeks to use more VM, but not to care of release of VM from an unnecessary a lot of stuff.
  7. lex__1

    FPS drop when shooting

    When you see flashes, from the weapon of counter fire of the opponent, falling of FPS can fall till 8-12. The "NightStalker" optics, in the red thermal imager, at a shot, loses many FPS.
  8. lex__1

    UAVs: Feedback and wishes

    I opened some tickets. What you can tell on these questions? - To change AV terminal, has to give the chance to see a condition of character of the UAV in key points. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120263 - Loss of two tasks from one option "Autonomous". https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120265 - UAV support type. There are some problems. For any UAV, after a choice the "support" type. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120280
  9. lex__1

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Everything is right. BIS strives for triumph of a victory over search of solutions of this problem. We try to find optimum solutions in this thread, at this forum. Thanks to these general discussions, I could find optimum settings for the personal computer and play the favourite Warfare mode with FPS 60-45. Yes, still there is an emergence of mistakes with memory. But bigger time of game steadily well.
  10. lex__1

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Yes senseless thread. If only BIS doesn't wish to draw attention of players Arma2 to Arma3.
  11. lex__1

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Incorrect statement. It is necessary to look in the system monitor, memory use by each process. http://imgur.com/a/QJF1O It is possible even to clear the memory occupied with process, at this time when process works. http://imgur.com/lhuWt16 Only it won't solve a problem of falling of FPS. A problem in the size of the file of the marked-out virtual memory of process. The volume of the marked-out virtual memory of process is limited, for the reason that arma3\32bit can't work with addresses to memory more than a volume 3200mb. There is no correct work of process of arma3.exe with the marked-out virtual memory. I hope BIS it can do when to correct that.
  12. lex__1

    MQ-12 Falcon Drone

    1. Sometimes. All UAVs suffer from unpredictable nature of behavior. Sometimes this behavior isn't possible to pacify. 2-3. There is no application guide. In total intuitively. By an example https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=arma+3+uav+tutorial+ 4. It is good option, to receive modification with 30mm gun.
  13. lex__1


    In a workshop subscribe for the Island Nation company Apex - by Part 1-7. Maybe it will be interesting to someone. http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=107410&searchtext=island+nations&browsesort=textsearch&section=home&actualsort=textsearch&p=1
  14. lex__1


    I have no issues for release, in the overview. But I want to say the following: -the Feedback of thousands of Tracker 3 Arma unresolved issues and problems. Most of them lie around or near have a common "structure". Most of the questions repeated from year to year. In the example, the mass of tickets: "bipod", "flying heavy tanks", "the performance of the CPU/GPU and other matters. With the release of the Apex, the issues are not resolved. The game was-prettier, richer ... but all the problems in their places. Hence, there is growing resentment of the players. People paid multiple times for the same problem. Almost all the problems of the game, in the Tanoa, have become more acute.
  15. lex__1

    ArmA 3 Performance Tweaks and Settings Guide

    That Who uses on PC SSD. In BIOS, in the section "CPU Configuration", the Dynamic Storage Accelerator parameter - to apply "Enabled". It builds game smoothly, without breakthroughs. Doesn't influence the size FPS.
  16. The amount of VM process arma3.exe on startup ~ 1600-2000 MB. Through 30-40-60 minutes, the volume VM arma3.exe process reaches the limit of ~ 3200-3400mb. If you withdraw from the mission, in the main menu of the game, VM arma3.exe process will not return to the initial volume of ~ 1600-2000 MB. Arma3.exe process works like a pump to increase VM heap has no way of dumping of VM heap. At the same time, the process arma3.exe uses RAM ~ 1200-2800mb. Never takes the RAM above ~ 2800-2900mb. The problem, acceptable volume overflow VM must not exist in any process for 32 bit/64 bit. No error formation volume VM heap from the process. There is a problem the VM heap from the process, deallocation of unnecessary blocks.
  17. You should try disabling VT-d or any other "Intel Virtualization Technology". The technology is aimed at the distribution and Division of CPU and RAM in creating virtual PC, requires a multivalued operations. The existence and name of this technology may differ and depend on the CPU and chipset.
  18. Only standard Win 10 Defender. According to my observation, technology "Intel Virtualization Technology" bad influence on performance Arma3, sharp jumps FPS, friezes. When turned off in the BIOS "Intel Virtualization Technology, the game runs smoothly and stable FPS. With arma3client_performance_162_137824_v11 I played on the server almost three hours. On the server was 20-25 players. The whole time My FPS was 50-60, anywhere on the map.
  19. It doesn't solve all problems, but I received good result. Check it: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/160288-arma-3-stable-server-162-performance-binary-feedback/?p=3077414
  20. lex__1

    I need help with FPS!

    It doesn't solve all problems, but I received good result. Check it: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/160288-arma-3-stable-server-162-performance-binary-feedback/?p=3077414
  21. lex__1

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    It doesn't solve all problems, but I received good result. Some decision: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/160288-arma-3-stable-server-162-performance-binary-feedback/?p=3077414
  22. I want to pay your attention to point of the BIOS menu on your MB: On client PC, it has to be switched off. My result - considerably stable FPS 50-60 in single \ network game.
  23. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T118335
  24. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T118335 thanks for the address on vmmap https://channel9.msdn.com/shows/defrag-tools/defrag-tools-7-vmmap