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Everything posted by lex__1

  1. I am disappointed by changes in starting Titan of AT. There is no way to shoot at the purpose, at small distances.
  2. lex__1

    Tanks - Fire-control system

    FCS problem in a sight of the shooter of the tank. The riflescope is not mobile concerning a trunk of the shooter of the tank and a tower of the tank. The riflescope synchronously moves with these parts of the tank and has no differential on amendments. The sight of the shooter has to fix a point where the tank trunk has to shoot. The ballistic computer determines point coordinates, makes amendments (weather \type bullet \situation a trunk tank \bend), sends commands for the motor of turn of a tower of the tank and the motor of change of a tilt angle of a trunk of the tank. Invariable are sizes of amendments considering design features of the tank. This relation, a physical position of a riflescope of the shooter to the physical provision of a trunk on a tank tower. The mobile mirror, in a riflescope, fixes position of the center on the purpose, by means of a gyroscope. The tower of the tank and a trunk of the tank change corners, for amendments from the ballistic computer. The Ballistic computer in Arma3 does not define these amendments and does not consider. He does not make correction of a design of the tank, arrangements concerning a riflescope of the shooter of the tank to a trunk of the shooter of the tank. http://imgur.com/yVfVB84
  3. lex__1

    Tanks - Fire-control system

    What I wanted to say - this is implemented in RHS mods. In the video you will see how the correction of the barrel after the determination of the distance to the goal. Correction is depending on the type of the bullet\the distance\the design of the tank. This is what is called correction of "0" when in the ballistic computer takes into account the design features of the tank. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T83302 The location of the barrel relative to the sight arrow is taken into account and it adjusts the stem along the horizontal and vertical marks in the optical sight. In case of correct estimation of the distance the bullet aims at the center of the sight, is the main calibration , which are all the tanks in the world. This procedure not only takes time but also adjusts the position of the barrel. It is beyond the scope, only the FCS, or is it outside of the Tanks DLC too?
  4. lex__1

    Tanks - Fire-control system

    http://tanknutdave.com/fire-control-systems/ http://www.aselsan.com.tr/en-us/capabilities/electro-optic-systems/main-battle-tank-and-infantry-fighting-vehicle-sighting-applications/eagleeye-thermal-sighting-and-fire-control-system
  5. lex__1

    Tanks - Fire-control system

    For this reason, the priority of the simulation, high quality, action modern models of the tank, in preparation for the shot, closer to me. This by itself will solve the issues of speed of execution of these operations.
  6. lex__1

    Tanks - Fire-control system

    Fast is not bad. Why stretch the process readiness to fire ? The fact that the simulated gunfire from a tank, takes precedence imitation low quality, it's sad.
  7. lex__1

    Tanks - Fire-control system

    At measurement of a distance to the purpose, the trunk does not correct a tilt angle, the trunk remains in the situation. It only influences change of a trajectory of a bullet. Visual change of behavior of a trunk is planned, changes of a tilt angle of a trunk when there is a change of a distance? Long ago I dream to see that the sight and a trunk of the tank received real correction of a zero point. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T83302
  8. lex__1

    Tanks - Fire-control system

    Oh, I know such guys who want to counterbalance T-100 with T-80))). It is a step backwards, in the past, It surprises me. Systems of global positioning break the atmosphere of PvP of times of the games OFP-Arma2))). Arma3 a view of modern tactics of fight is pleasant to me more. I welcome more realization of modern technologies in a game.
  9. lex__1

    Tanks - Fire-control system

    Arma3 vanilla tanks, have a riflescope which graphical representation, assumes existence of the ballistic computer and system of automatic maintenance of the purpose. In tanks of the previous generation the graphic grid of a riflescope was sated with a scale and values, for definition of a distance to the purpose, or had a stereo optics for data and correction of a distance to the purpose. It is not necessary to confuse two different generations of tanks, these are different systems of riflescopes, and the way of an aiming became closer to the original now.
  10. lex__1

    Tanks - Fire-control system

    Modern tanks have: 1. The fire control system includes the combined (day/night) sights 2. Sights with line of sight stabilization - two-Plane stabilizer arms 3. Automatic tracking of targets 4. Digital ballistic computer 5. Complex guided weapons From all the above, at this point in time, the game implemented the first and fourth paragraphs. Need consideration and implementation: The third point is realized partially on the basis of AI intelligence (AI when the gunner of the tank). When you occupy the gunner seat, I have a feeling that you control the position of the trunk and rotation of the turret. Your trunk is very susceptible to vibration and bending, coming from the hull. The sights do not stabilize the line of sight, making it difficult to fire when tank is moving. - Avtomaticheskoe target tracking. This feature is missing on the tank, but well implemented on the UAV camera function of capturing the target. This eliminates the human factor, in terms of sighting errors in motion, or at a target which moves at speed. Complex guided weapons. There is no such ammunition. Managed AA\AT the charge, to destroy helicopters and armored vehicles at long range. Extends the range of hitting the enemy target at distances up to 4000 meters.
  11. lex__1

    Tanks - Fire-control system

    AI does not use the new targeting system, as it was before too. AI change the angle of the barrel, without adjusting a laser rangefinder. It doesn't look good, in the situation that AI adjustment is correct, and for you, this adjustment is not correct. Details in this ticket. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T123093 But everything else is as it is presented in the DEV update - great work and news. Excuse me, with the adjustment of the barrel AI\User, there is a change, everything works correctly. Now checked, the AI correctly places the corner of the trunk.
  12. lex__1

    MP server slot unenterable

    Often there is a mistake in a mission on the client. As option, try to close a game and to remove the file of a mission in the folder С:\Users\Users Name\AppData\Local\Arma 3\MPMissionsCache\ To come on the server, the mission will be loaded again.
  13. lex__1

    Tanks DLC Feedback

  14. BIS, It really takes a lot of time? https://feedback.bistudio.com/T76216#1562973 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T82570
  15. Remove the fog from the chamber window. In any setting, the general visibility 1500-12000 meters, PIP window will show the fog at a distance of 1500 meters. Create a new ticket for Arma3 64bit, or have the opportunity to return to this revision? https://feedback.bistudio.com/T83081(изменено)
  16. lex__1

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    I did some tests on heavy benchmark. The purpose of the test - the load on the CPU, depending on the Hyper-T off / on and allocator system / TBB4.
  17. lex__1

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    My benchmark: ama3 x64.exe • CPU min-0% max:48% • RAM min-1984 MB max-3840 MB • The paging file 4194 MB • HDD min-O KB/s max-34816 KB/s • FPS min-30 max-78 KB/s http://imgur.com/vQyvBfJ
  18. Start Arna3laucher.exe, folder Arma3 games. http://imgur.com/3zOp76K
  19. To all BIS team many thanks, big change to the RAM and VM have made. In 8 minutes in the editor, by helicopter, Consumption of the RAM = is more than 3 GB, the File of pumping of VM= is more than 4 GB.
  20. Has tried on DEV - 3071Mb. In the editor - Productivity excellent, FPS 70-80, places 40-50. On servers couldn't check. From all available DEV only Westland. I am connected to the server - well. Loading of a mission - it is good. Loading of a task of a mission - a mistake. Reports. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ogpdib8uaxwv87h/ArmaReport_Log_20161213T053656_Lex.zip?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/528taq7bzeoj1b8/ArmaReport_Log_20161213T054013_Lex.zip?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/5vbiukb0g3y0z1t/ArmaReport_Log_20161213T055117_Lex.zip?dl=0 There was no time, to check a game more carefully. P.S. What happened? After the last update of SECREP #00010 BattlEye - long start of a game. From the moment to press in a launcher "to Play" - before start games are played by about one minute. http://imgur.com/hiRr6Te It occurs on DEV and 1.66
  21. You justify your steps? You check how the change in the game? As you might think to add in APEX , RPG-7 release in 1960. The basic model RPG-7 release in 1960 was a long time ago and that added to the game can not be called even an experimental model of RPG-7 before the release. It's just a mockery of the objects and their possibilities. https://youtu.be/mwKmjzwia1k It's like an ill-conceived step. To add something, we need a complete concept about how this works and interacts. This part applies to all systems of the rocket launchers. Just look at these tests,bulletproof glass 400 мм vs RPG-7 You have not even solved the mechanical sight RPG-7. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120528 Can to solve these tickets ? https://feedback.bistudio.com/T121840 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T121846 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T121841
  22. Many questions have collected: -UAV Darter waypoints do not always work. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T82570 -MQ-12 Falcon Drone. Shift of the center of the camera https://feedback.bistudio.com/T118532 -UAV type "support" . Error or unknown type ? Effect of blinking of the screen. There is no return to control UAV. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120280 -The corner of the direction of the camera is clamped, a dead zone under UAV. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T119472 -Create two parameters "Autonomous traveling" and "Autonomous laser". Or turn off influence of the Autonomous parameter on function of work of tracking of the camera. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120265 Expansion of functions of the panel in the terminal of management of UAV. When you need to operate several UAV, there is some inconveniences. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120263 AV terminal of control of the UAV copes with problems of management. But there is a lack of flexibility and absence of information of behavior of the UAV in the information panel. To place the most part of a context menu of management in the information panel (as shown in drawing). In a context menu it is possible to leave only "follow unit", "destroy unit". To add the context menu "watch unit" - visual maintenance of the purpose. After connection of the terminal to the UAV, there is no access to options of behavior of the UAV. There is only a be disconnected menu. When there is no a traveling point, there is no access to the menu of behavior the UAV. It isn't correct, I can't change behavior of the UAV when it already arrived to an appointment point, or before travel to a point. Advantages of such visual and functional change of the panel of the terminal of the UAV: fast access to information of behavior of the UAV fast access to change of behavior UAV fast access to information and change of behavior for each point of a route of UAV management of Zoom of cameras in the terminal Try to switch management between two \three UAVs, to change them tasks, in this case it isn't always convenient to use a context menu. When you switch from one UAV to another, you don't see what tasks carries out and what nature of behavior is defined for this UAV. https://youtu.be/WpjP-S8TYwU It is necessary: Add a menu item, in the screen to the purpose - "Watch Unit" / "End Watch Unit". Function has to include tracking of the camera the purpose. Add management of Zoom of cameras. Function of management zoom of the camera in the terminal.
  23. lex__1

    UAV Discussion - Feedback

    Why in CR 1.66 versions appear problems there where there were no problems in DEV of the version? Changes for release 1.66 will be? https://feedback.bis...T121561#1538722 https://feedback.bis...T121560#1538721
  24. Why in CR 1.66 versions appear problems there where there were no problems in DEV of the version? Changes for release 1.66 will be? https://feedback.bistudio.com/T121561#1538722 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T121560#1538721
  25. We always welcome development of Arma3. All this is very good. I ask not to take offense at my sarcasm in this review. I am disturbed by development of the solution of problems in Arma3 of Feedback. The last development of DLC Arma3Apex has caused a lot of controversy and discussions. The main problem of DLC Arma3Apex - lack of the solution of bug under tickets. As an example: Add the ability to adjust length of bipod legs. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T82167 Vehicles can not be destroyed on the water. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T119452 These are not all problems of this DLC, there is a lot of them. The result - the island widely isn't used. Many players have tried Tanoa and have returned on Altis. The statistics has stubborn character. Servers statistics: https://arma3.swec.se/server/list Write in Mission filter: Altis or Tanoa Compare the number of players on servers to these islands. Roadmap 2016-17 DLC: 1. JETS DLC. Good prospect on updating. But what us expects? When tickets are solved. Any filter on JETS DLC: https://feedback.bistudio.com/search/query/Y8VCgNxP6v35/#R 2.TAC-OPS DLC. Good prospect on updating. But what us expects? There are many not solved tickets which are confirmed (are considered) and don't decide. What I will see from new DLC in the light of unresolved problems. When tickets concerning lack of good control over UAVs are solved? https://feedback.bistudio.com/T82570 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T118532 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120265 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120280 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T119472 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120263 Bad zones of the review in a sight from bipod. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192354-bipod-make-this-work/ https://youtu.be/vWnn1f2IPgg Lack of control over behavior or damage. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T83141 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T82241 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120680 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120511 Prblema stels https://feedback.bistudio.com/T83842 Any filter to a question of TAC-OPS DLC: -weapon: https://feedback.bistudio.com/search/query/iBNnmzkJMdoa/#R 3. TANKS DLC.Good prospect on updating. But what us expects? There are many not solved tickets which are confirmed (are considered) and don't decide. What I will see from new DLC in the light of unresolved problems. Lack of protection of the tank behind objects or from objects. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T83551 https://youtu.be/bSdBgvVs2FE https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120795 The flying tanks, and lack of control over it. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T82457 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T83573 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T117728 Common problems of Tanks https://feedback.bistudio.com/T83606 Lack of stabilization on optics of the commander and shooter, and other absent or underestimated characteristics of the modern tank. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/189468-feature-request-correction-of-a-sight-in-heavy-battle-tank/ Any problem of TANKS DLC in the filter: -TANKS: https://feedback.bistudio.com/search/query/7kNh2FHVIRFH/ To unite people. Everything, different category of a problem, create new problems, separates people on players from DLC and players without DLC. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120845 It wasn't after the first DLC. I can seem impudent now, you will tell that this guy has no patience. If to look at this branch of a forum, questions are solved much. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/140837-development-branch-changelog/page-46 But unfortunately numbers of tickets increase, there is a practice of frequent repetitions of problems. Practice of infinite accumulation of problems, disturbs. All listed above tickets, small part of what waits for your attention and correction. In 1 hour of a game, I face each problem from this review, and not once, and is constant. Ask me - You will buy the following DLC? Yes I will buy the following DLC, this my respect for work of the BIS team. Not everything seems will be able to accept me position. I am strongly disturbed by the course of the solution of problems. We receive problems more often than we receive solutions of problems. What plans to change the relation in Roadmap 2016-17 Feedback to receive the expected realization of Arma 3 Roadmap 2016-17 DLC? I hope for understanding of this balance. I hope at you there will be enough strength and patience to solve this problem. The task is not simple.