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FRL Airforce Addons release thread

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Hi Myke

I try to use your last release of missile box with replacement included, I like the look of 3d weapons, but I've to report a bug if you can fix it I will be more happy to use it.

If I change with mando MMA rearm the loadout of plane almost all weapon are right placed on pylon like maverik hellfire sidewinder r73 etc. but the freefall bomb are not aligned and it's really bad to see that.

I make a short video to explain you better what I mean, tell me if is possible to do something to fix that




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is it possible you can name the exact magazine classname used there?

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of course ;)

this is the mma rearm line with classes:


["Strike", ["1350Rnd_30mmAP_A10","2Rnd_Maverick_A10","6Rnd_Mk82","14Rnd_FFAR"],["GAU8", "MaverickLauncher", "Mk82BombLauncher_6", "FFARLauncher_14"]]


["Strike", ["300Rnd_25mm_GAU12","6Rnd_Mk82"],["GAU12","Mk82BombLauncher_6"]],



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Mate, that problem isn't related to the Missilebox directly. Although it changes the weapons model, the positioning is still from BIS.

As explanation what happens there: usually a weapon model is centered in it's p3d model space. Most of BIS weapons are but not the Mk-82, this one is moved backwards in the model space so it's nose actually represents the [0,0,0] model space coordinate (center).

So you try to put a backwards offcentered weapon model to a proxy which is aligned for a centered weapon model (GBU-12), thus showing this oddity.

Only BIS could fix this issue by updating the Mk-82 model and the planes in a future patch.

Nothing i or Mandoble could do to fix this.

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Hate to be so thick but I did the recommended code below to do the F16 (my favorite aircraft) but it would not LOCK on the GPS point.

Does someone have a quick demo mission for the F16? :confused:

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Hate to be so thick but I did the recommended code below to do the F16 (my favorite aircraft) but it would not LOCK on the GPS point.

Does someone have a quick demo mission for the F16? :confused:

Do you have any GPS/INS weapons loaded and is the respective weapon selected? Mind to show the code you tried so far?


here's a pic which shows the issue better: comparing the model positioning of the GBU-12 (red) to the positioning of the Mk-82 (black). This represents exactly the issue you see there ingame. Although it looks bad, the weapons will still work but you're right, it looks just utterly wrong. I have no idea why BIS decided to offcenter the Mk-82 model.


Edited by [FRL]Myke

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Looks like this in F16 init, weapons present GPS/INS present marks fine AGM84 selected, no Lock:

this addaction ["GPS/INS","JDAM_Console.sqf",[],0.5,false,true,"","(driver _target == _this) && (isEngineOn _target)"];blah = [this, ["GLT_AIM120_Launcher", "GLT_AGM84_Launcher","GLT_MK81_Launcher"],["GLT_2Rnd_AIM120", "GLT_2Rnd_AGM84", "GLT_6Rnd_MK81"]] execVM "JDAM.sqf"

Update; Doh.... guess I am using the wrong missile?

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You don't have a GPS/INS guided weapon loaded. Actually the following weapons are GPS/INS guided:


- AGM-154A JSOW (area denial weapon, select DISP MOD for GPS/INS guidance)

- AGM-154A1 JSOW

russian weapons:

- KAB-500SE

- Kh-15

- Kh-22

- Kh-31

Load one of these weapons and make sure it is selected.

Update: Doh...you got the point, mate ;)

Edited by [FRL]Myke

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Ah didn't notice I have to actually add the action myself, thanks.

By the way, if you're already working on an interchangeable armament system with a GUI, maybe start with publishing just the functions that we can call in scripts without the GUI, which would probably be much easier to implement? For example, calling a function with a list of weapons and magazines and getting the plane fitted with those weapons and magazines in a realistically correct order, return true if successful, or false if it's not possible. Then also maybe some function that can be used to check if adding a certain weapon and/or magazine to a current loadout would be realistically possible.

Even if only possible for compatible planes, it would still be awesome to have something like this even for just the F-16. Would save a lot of work scripting loadouts and verifying that they're actually legit.

Edited by galzohar

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Ive got a bit of a problem, i love using the gbu 24 and other 2.000ib bombs but i hate the vanilla sound that is attached to the bombs im using jarhead sound mod, is there any way to put the sounds from a sound mod onto your bombs?

---------- Post added at 09:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 PM ----------

And also the blast radius of your bombs are quite off mate, the moab has a 137 meter blast radius on your config it says 125, and a 2,000 bomb has a 22 meter blast radius, your mk84 bomb which is a 2,000ib bomb is only 16 meters in the config? whats going on?

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After trying GNAT's awesome Tu-22 M "Backfire" I can't but suggest that you integrate OA countermeasure system in some of you anitship missiles.

Otherwise it is too easy to destroy enemy ships. There must be at least a counter system against these monsters. I tried putting two Oliver Hazard Perrys and another ship I have (that unfortunately won't be released) against two Kitchen Armed Backfires and the three ships got owned very easily.

Just a suggestion

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feel free to create a sound replacement mod for the Missilebox. Myself i'm busy enough with other issues.

And the other things, it's called "game balancing". Make it too strong and pilots will have a lot of fun while for the ground troops it get's boring.


i'm sorry mate, don't know what you mean. Countermeasures for ships are a matter of the author of the ship addon. Isn't there a "Goalkeeper" addon around somewhere?

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Myke, what I mean is that nowadays your missiles are using bits of code from Arma 2 and bits of code from OA.

But to make your missiles compatible with Gnat's ships a couple of lines must be added to the cfgammo class

weaponLockSystem = 16 +  4;
cmImmunity = 0.8;

and to the cfgweapons class:

WeaponLockSystem = 8;
cmImmunity = 0.8;

This would make your missiles compatible with the Countermeasure system GNAT's frigates (and the ANZAC ships) use.

If you think that the countermeasure provide an unfair advantage, try setting a higher value like 0.9 in the cmImminity line

Just my two cents

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Rgr Mankyle, is noted to be updated.

I'm sorry, wasn't aware that this also works for A-G weapons as i thought it only matters for A-A weapons. But already added in this config and will be available with version 3.2 which should be done during next week.

This makes the following changelog so far:

[added] GBU-39 SDB (for F-22A)

[tweaked] added countermeasure code to config (thx to Mankyle)

[tweaked] bombs tweaked for AI use (mainly Gnat's Tu22M3)

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Hi, Myke

One question.

When will be available new camo for F-16?(marines, usaf) :)


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question about the hellfires. im using the BD hellfire mod so im able to select top attack instead of just direct, but when i use that mod in combination with the missilebox addon, when i select top attack, the missiles just go straight up. is there anyone else who has this issue or know a fix for it?

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question about the hellfires. im using the BD hellfire mod so im able to select top attack instead of just direct, but when i use that mod in combination with the missilebox addon, when i select top attack, the missiles just go straight up. is there anyone else who has this issue or know a fix for it?

Do you have a link to this mod? I will see what i can do there.

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Thanks Günter.

Took a quick look into it but can't see any reason why one addon should break the other. The replacement just switches the model but classnames remain unchanged.

However, i've sent Big Dawg KS a private message as he might take a look if he could see a possible cause of the issue.

---------- Post added at 12:39 AM ---------- Previous post was Yesterday at 11:48 PM ----------

Actually uploading version 3.2 of the Missilebox. The changes aren't that big this time:

[added] GBU-39 SDB (for F-22A)

[tweaked] added countermeasure code to config (thx to Mankyle)

[tweaked] bombs tweaked for AI use (mainly Gnat's Tu22M3)

nes4day has received a prepared version of his F-22 conversion which can take 8 GBU-39 SDB bombs. The F-22 is also equipped with the GPS/INS system.

Whenever he releases it, it will require this latest version of the Missilebox.

Download: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9367994/GLT_Missilebox_complete.7z

I hope you enjoy it.



Edited by [FRL]Myke

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