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FRL Airforce Addons release thread

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Where else can you download Mike's F16 v1.2 without six-updater?

Good question.

one might have some luck by asking a

ominous internet

guru to get a answer in a

language that you might speak


Phew...this was a tough one to answer.... ;)

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Hello guys ! I have a bug with the F/18 super hornet addon and GLT it makes the game crash and return to desktop

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You might have noticed that the thread title and my Forum name has changed from [GLT] to [FRL]. The reason is, i've left Clan [GLT] and therefor i'm no longer allowed to use this the Clantag.

So i've changed to [FRL] which stands for "Freelancer". Please follow the link for further information about it as it might be interesting for you aswell.

What does this mean for the addons?

Nothing dramatic. Already released addons surely remain untouched unless i do a major update/rework. As for now, i'm working on a update for the Missilebox. There i'll switch all GLT_ prefixes to FRL_ prefixes.

But for compatibility reasons, the GLT_ prefixes will still be in, so Missions and Addons that require the GLT Missilebox will still work with the upcoming FRL Missilebox. So there is absolutely no need to rework those.

Missions and Addons made for the FRL Missilebox will not have any GLT_ dependecies.

Update for the Missilebox?

Besides the new Tag, there is another new feature: editor-placeable weapons. All Missiles and Bombs will be accessible in the Mission Editor and can be created with createVehicle command. Mainly the serve as decoration to increase immersion at an airbase but maybe you'll find some other use for them aswell. For this, all models receive a update for the various geometry LOD's so they work correctly. Especially Fire and View geometry were not proper made on all weapons.


I know you were waiting for some news about the F-16 and i'm really sorry i can't give you any news about it. Life's a biatch and doesn't give me enough time to work on it as it would require it. The works on the Missilebox is easier to split up in short pieces but the F-16 would require more time at once to make significant progress.

Every day i hope that life would go a little easier on me so i finally can continue the work on this bird.

Please forgive me to let you wait so long.:(

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Thanks Myke for the update, I know I didn't want to bug you about the Updated F16 but as the present one is by far one of the best planes for ARMA2 and really look forward to the updated one someday.

Anyway good to hear its not totally dead!

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I'm looking forward to being able to put satchels on a big pile of missiles :)

Great work, cheers!

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anyone know where u can download the F16? all dlinks have been removed from armaholic

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anyone know where u can download the F16? all dlinks have been removed from armaholic


Obviously i can't reach everyone

On the internet so

Go and

Look if you might find it


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i Didnt know it was withdrawn... Thx Xeno, Myke.

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That is a sweet looking missile. The Rafale will be very happy with those. :)

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I have just started playing around with arma scripts and i have been using your F16 and missile box + RAW addon. and I must say i cant get enough of it. I have Ikar's F14 and i really dont like the way the weapons handle/ feel. I was able to create a better load out using the missile box, but i have no more cannon. i used one of your example scripts from the F16 thread i think. i changed the ammo count to 675rnd instead of the 500. thats what th default f14 had i have no idea what the real value of the gun was.. But anyways here is the script i used.

//get the variables from the scriptcall

_plane = _this select 0;

_newweaps = _this select 1;

_newmags = _this select 2;

//Lets see what is loaded

_weapons = weapons _plane;

_magazines = magazines _plane;

{_weapons = _weapons - [_x]} foreach ["GLT_M61A1","CMFlareLauncher_GLT"];

{_magazines = _magazines - [_x]} foreach ["675Rnd_20mm_M61A1_GLT","360Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine"];

{_plane removeWeapon _x} foreach _weapons;

{_plane removeMagazines _x} foreach _magazines;

//Let's add the magazines and the weapons

{_plane addmagazine _x} foreach _newmags;

{_plane addWeapon _x} foreach _newweaps;

//Let's make sure the plane get's fully loaded

_plane setVehicleAmmo 1;

then in the init line i have this

legacy1 = [this, ["GLT_AIM9X_Launcher", "GLT_AIM7_Launcher","GLT_AIM54_Launcher"],["GLT_2Rnd_AIM9X", "GLT_2Rnd_AIM7", "GLT_6Rnd_AIM54"]] execVM "F14legacy.sqf"

I know Ikar's F14 wasnt desgined to use your missiles, Even though i cant see them on the pylons only the AIM9's display correctly i dont care. If i can get the Aim9/7's and the 54's to work then 675 rounds for the cannon I'll be a happy camper.

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As the F-14 doesn't use the Missilebox, i doubt it has the GLT M61 by default. So with your script you remove the default cannon but don't add a new afterwards.

It would be easier to just remove all weapons and magazines and then load everything from scratch.

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like with a script or something else entirely? I got the stuff in the init line to work just fine. so could i theoretically just add the cannon with ammo amount as well?

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like with a script or something else entirely? I got the stuff in the init line to work just fine. so could i theoretically just add the cannon with ammo amount as well?


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