dunedain 48 Posted July 3, 2010 New one is nice but seems a bit overdone to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Derbysieger 11 Posted July 3, 2010 I don't like the new recoil how it is now. As mentioned before a bit correction after each shot is fine but the way it is now I have to pull my mouse off the table to correct it. Reduce it and don't let it stay completely in the sky. Even when i increase the sensibility of my mouse I have to pull it down half the mousepad to correct it. After two or three shots I run out of mousepad lol My suggestion is to connect this with the difficulty if possible. That would be great. This way everyone can choose his own recoil. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twisted 128 Posted July 3, 2010 I don't have OA yet but I hate the beta recoil just by looking at it. you haven't even tried it but you started a topic discussing it? :confused: it works much better than you'd think. wonder how many people actually have tried ti that have voted? each gun seems different and the whole thing feels 'MUCH closer' to being right. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stgn 39 Posted July 3, 2010 The old one is too fast but good. The new one might be cool if it where turned down and only happens when you fired rapidly like if you fired before the muzzle had come down again. With semi auto fire you should be able to wait for the muzzle to come down automatically, I don't want to exercise my wrist too much while playing, only rapid fire should demand player intervention too keep muzzle at level. STGN Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cole 0 Posted July 3, 2010 The more I shoot, the more I'm starting to hate this recoil.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roberthammer 582 Posted July 3, 2010 The new recoil is pretty good ,but is must be little toned down + auto center back too . IRL if you shoot a few shots from M4 recoil goes up and kick back ,but you center it again with your hands Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beagle 684 Posted July 3, 2010 (edited) The more I shoot, the more I'm starting to hate this recoil..Im right back from the real shooting range and tried the new recoil model. Since we wil never see a real feeling interpretation of how it feels to fire a gun I can only say: I love the new recoil model...it differenciates the different caliber much better. The fun in virtual shooting is back...thanks BIS. I take this reciol model in MP against any player without..it wont make a difference in outcome (because most I use is small bore Assault rifles) but feels much more real. Its spot on, no need to tone it down more, its already quite mild. after 10-15 minutes you learn how to center aim back by your hands (mouse) so its the players skill now and no autobot aimhelper to make the lonsome M16 ironsight rifle men take out targets at 400m by "kentucky windage". Edited July 3, 2010 by Beagle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ryan80 10 Posted July 3, 2010 i hope to see the gun going back to original level after each recoil rather than staying up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
giorgygr 61 Posted July 3, 2010 Anyways,whatever will be decided here..DON'T make recoil "user-adjustable" (via slider/diff.settings etc) There are LOTS of people playing PvP here..and you can imagine the rest.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Angle 10 Posted July 3, 2010 Anyways,whatever will be decided here..DON'T make recoil "user-adjustable"(via slider/diff.settings etc) There are LOTS of people playing PvP here..and you can imagine the rest.. It would not be to hard for BIS to allow the server to overwrite the users settings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beagle 684 Posted July 3, 2010 I just found a problem with the new recoil regarding the M14 weapon class that might be the issue why the new recoil is not well accepted...the M14 recoils before the shot is gone...thats wrong...recoil comes always after the shot is on its way. To hit a target with this quirked weapon behaviour is out of question and plain wrong. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Serclaes 0 Posted July 3, 2010 I voted the first option because shooting was always way to easy in BIS games. It is ridiculous how one is able to hit targets even with a AK-47 at 800 Range by just correcting your aim as it always returns to the same point.I'm a sportsmarksman and I can tell you that lots of people dont hit the card with a .22 sporting rifle at 50m, because its not that easy to hold a steady aim while standing...so why should it be possible with a 7.62x51 rifle? I own a scoped 6.5x55mm Rifle and I'm not able to shoot it at 100m standing without needing to recenter my aim...takes me 2-3 seconds to do that. There are people (soldiers) that even wont hit the target card at all with 5 shots from a .357 Revolver at 25m...why should it be so easy in OA? There is a reason why not every soldiers wears marksmanbatches in reality...its simply because not everyone is good at long range shooting. There are other roles in OA you can play...its not only sniper. There is a lot more to precision shooting that coping with the recoil. For one i am missing shivering and breath. Of course they should diminish with your stance and your rest. If you have a good rest you can even diminish the recoil by anticipating it and holding your rifle firmly. But i can fully agree, shooting is way too easy. I mean we don't have to bother about wrongly looking into the scope or the ironsights since the aiming point is always exactly where the eye should be. Even when in scopes the reticle is not tilted when leaning, which makes it easier to shoot with scopes than with ironsight or red dots. So let us at least take care of the recoil ourselves. A whole new dimension of skill for machine gunners. The next step for me are somewhat 3d scopes. I don't even need a magnifying material like in the source engine for example, but a second black image with a whole in it, that adjusts according to sway would already do it. Right now the scopes are quite immune to recoil and sway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
helo 10 Posted July 3, 2010 The big question for me is on what the amount of recoil will base? Simply the calibre cfg or will perhaps the other things like handgrip design taken into account? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolfstriked 11 Posted July 3, 2010 First off,I am really starting to like the new recoil.You just have to get use to it and it starts feeling better. Helo,they have not changed the amount a weapon recoils at all.All they have done is remove the return to where you last pointed weapon at. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beagle 684 Posted July 3, 2010 (edited) First off,I am really starting to like the new recoil.You just have to get use to it and it starts feeling better.Helo,they have not changed the amount a weapon recoils at all.All they have done is remove the return to where you last pointed weapon at. a.k.a the "soft aimbot" behaviour some player, especially those with experience to real guns in larger calibers do not like. As I said...shooting at the virtual range feels better now...keep in mind...on the range you should always hit better as in combat.Only quirk is the M14 CCO...zeroing seems a bit off..it shoots a bit to the left, but you can compensate if you know for it. Edited July 3, 2010 by Beagle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
11aTony 0 Posted July 3, 2010 Wow I just seen this. I hate new recoil. Please, not this, not even toned down. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wolfstriked 11 Posted July 3, 2010 Some like some don't.Most likely BIS will make it option like screen shake. Tony,keep at it you will probably start to like it better.;) Just anticipate and start pulling mouse down as you fire. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roberthammer 582 Posted July 3, 2010 Pls No option like screen shake or stupid slider :j: Kick back is definitely realistic Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
giorgygr 61 Posted July 3, 2010 (edited) It would not be to hard for BIS to allow the server to overwrite the users settings. In case you mean :"It may could be adjusted by server settings"..i 'll still tend to disagree,because in pure PvP servers they will adjust it to "0" like ArmA1 and 2 was by default..so modes like C&H/AAS/CTF will become (again in O.A.) CoD-ish or BF-ish like always was. I know..because i made career on this modes :/ So..forcing a recoil system will make firefights longer/more carefully planned..and the "phenomenon" of the "crosshair-1mile-sniper" will seen much less often imho Edited July 3, 2010 by GiorgyGR Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VampyricTyrant 10 Posted July 3, 2010 Having the chance to fire the M16A2, M4, FN-FAL, FN-MAG, M249, M72 & M2 serving in the Marines of my country I have to say I was surprised when I first played OA. The recoils are just like RL, after you fire each shot you have to aim again, the gun does not automatically return to your shoulder. Recolis that just return to their position after each shot (in terms of gameplay) fit more BF and Counter-Strike game, where the action has the most of it and the game needs just precise shots and fast action in seconds (if not miliseconds). Thats my views on the new recoil, I strongly suggest you keep it, it feels more real and makes you focus more. In ArmA2 it was just funny how you could empty a whole mag from the AK-107 and just control the weapon with toning your mouse a bit lower. What makes ArmA so special is the realism, if this is removed for making the game easier I think it looses its taste. ~Vampyric Tyrant Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stun 5 Posted July 3, 2010 Surely it is still realistic if muzzle rise is automatically compensated for. The more muzzle rise a particular weapon exhibits the longer you wait between shots/bursts. People who love having to manually drag their mouse down must have bigger mouse mats than me. I have a laser mouse so I have to lift my mouse quite high to re centre on my mat - this gets quite tedious after a while. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
helo 10 Posted July 3, 2010 Having the chance to fire the M16A2, M4, FN-FAL, FN-MAG, M249, M72 & M2 serving in the Marines of my country I have to say I was surprised when I first played OA. The recoils are just like RL, after you fire each shot you have to aim again, the gun does not automatically return to your shoulder. Recolis that just return to their position after each shot (in terms of gameplay) fit more BF and Counter-Strike game, where the action has the most of it and the game needs just precise shots and fast action in seconds (if not miliseconds). Thats my views on the new recoil, I strongly suggest you keep it, it feels more real and makes you focus more. In ArmA2 it was just funny how you could empty a whole mag from the AK-107 and just control the weapon with toning your mouse a bit lower. What makes ArmA so special is the realism, if this is removed for making the game easier I think it looses its taste.~Vampyric Tyrant Strongly agree with this, however i would suggest a compromise and make the recoil not so strong unless you don´t wanna have two arma2 newbies trying hardly to hit each other at 100m ;) and not the best mouse toner wins that battle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
celery 8 Posted July 3, 2010 you haven't even tried it but you started a topic discussing it? :confused:it works much better than you'd think. wonder how many people actually have tried ti that have voted? each gun seems different and the whole thing feels 'MUCH closer' to being right. I know what I see in a video, and I don't like the idea of dragging my mouse halfway down the pad just to keep a level aim after each shot. Shooting quickly becomes a nuisance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zipper5 74 Posted July 3, 2010 It certainly does not "feel right" at the moment. Though I personally do believe the concept is sound, the recoil is far too exaggerated at the moment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
11aTony 0 Posted July 3, 2010 There is another thing. If you have recoil like that (or even mild version of it) you cannot play against AI like that. Even if you have AI on lets say 0.50 skill and precision, once they lock you they sprey on spot which you cannot do already. AI should be equaly effected as well. I understand guys that want realism etc. but c'mon. Its not like Im training here for uber skillzor blackops assasin or something. Its still a game after all. I would like to keep it that way. Right now, how it is, its perfect imo. I dont find it too CoDish, there is nearly no recoil or anything in them games. However, if majority of community wants it (and there is a lot of people online that really like playing on easy or regular - which can mean they like to keep it more simple - and are not on this forums) would be nice to have an option to tone that down or disable (make it like before) even. Further more... PvP. I can understand the problems with PvP but if you are so into ArmA PvP, organize matches on closed lobbys or play on servers with veteran settings. So I dont find "uber realistic recoil" solution or helper in that matter. And last thing is, meny people cant play with fully playable frame rate (under 30-40). So it is hard enough to aim with current recoil. It would make it impossible with that recoil, the mouse is moving so slow then that AI on 0.4 would rape you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites