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we seem to be the only ones around here dying for some DD RIS II ingame 0_o ...

DD RIS II will be soon - atleast i hope and with some extra stuff :)

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Count me in on the DD rail system lovers bandwagon LoL=)))

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It's a very good news, the DD RIS II is a nice little weapon.

I also hope that you are going to ad more variant of the Tavor.

My dream would be a F2000 with foregrip + eotech (like the one used by the Belgian SF).

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I play ARMA 2 ACE , and i whould like to play with NEGEV.

It will be very cool if u'll bring NEGEV to this game...

Can u do something about that? please ...

BYe and thanks ;)

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I was wondering if it is possible to override the sounds for the M4's and such without editing the pbo files. I use JSRS sounds and the mismatched weapons don't fit quite right. Like possibly making the AR's compatible with 3rd party sound mods?

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As far as I understand, the main problem with making it compatible with sound mods is that it would require the weapons to use vanilla sounds (as in, inherit from the vanilla weapons) so that mods modifying vanilla sounds will apply to those weapons as well. On one hand it makes sense, but on the other hand it means that those who use vanilla sounds but want to use these packs for higher quality weapons will be stuck with vanilla sounds. Not sure about how separating the sound portion from the weapons portion would work, so might be worth considering. Last option is of course to have JSRS/other sound mods to add support for such weapon mods so that they also get modified by the sound mod.

If you use ACE, I think Robalo's ACE configs for RH weapons (which you should probably use if you're using ACE regardless of sound mods) already change them to use ACE sounds and thus it should also make the sound get overridden by sound mods.

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Question about the DD RISII', Are there going to be SOPMOD Bock II's? or just the Mk18 mod 1's?

It will look something like this:


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What about a Negev LMG model? someone here wrote that you got a model for it :)

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Hey RH, any plans to ever go back and make the RH AK pack work for OA or Fix the typo error for the HK416's ? :)

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Hey RH, any plans to ever go back and make the RH AK pack work for OA or Fix the typo error for the HK416's ? :)

Well about AK pack dunno and what typo you mean in Hk416's?

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the replacement for the scars lemme find it real quick, but basically it said you didnt have it but you really did it just gave you an error at start up you know what nvm im retarded i was thinking since they were your weapons it was your replacement pack i just didnt look closesly enough so nvm :P

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AK pack for CO with all the good OA features would be really neat.

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I don't know if you do requests, but I just want to see an M4a1 with the Elcan Spectre DR on it. Not even with the MK18 II rail, or any of that. Just the M4a1 RIS with the Spectre. If that is in your next update I'd be so happy.

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one more thing IF you want to update the M4s: could you add an M16A1 & M16A1 M203 with a 30rd mag? it would be super uber awesome!

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I don't know if you do requests, but I just want to see an M4a1 with the Elcan Spectre DR on it. Not even with the MK18 II rail, or any of that. Just the M4a1 RIS with the Spectre. If that is in your next update I'd be so happy.

If you want something to fill the gap until RH finishes i belive Meatballs MARSOC units have Specter M4A1's.

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Yea, the only issue is that we only need the 226, not all the other stuff. We already have the RH Pistols pack as well. Besides, RH's stuff is some of the best there is.

Edited by Tholozor

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