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"Beta" uninstaller in latest build (71382)

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I made the monumental error of using the uninstaller that's come packed with the beta builds ever since the beginning, and it did the expected: it removed the AH-64, the EW campaign and...well, basically all the addons that were added back in 1.05. This is incidentally the same thing the beta uninstaller would do back in ArmA, except then it removed the A-10. I knew I shouldn't have trusted the people who claimed they had used them with no ill effect. Oh well.

Is there some way I can fix this without having to physically uninstall the whole bloody game and then reinstall it all, since I believe all I'm missing are the EW addons? I'd be delighted, for instance, if someone could send the missing addons to me (not sure the exact .pbo's, but probably everything to do with EW, such as missions_ew.pbo, and I think the AH64 had its own PBO?) so I could re-add them.

This also serves as a warning to those who might be looking at the uninstaller (named "Uninstall_ARMA2Patch_1_04_beta.exe") : don't use it, it will mess up your native game!

If you want to send me the missing addons, please PM me with a link to a filesharing site or the like. Would be very much appreciated! Thanks!


I got the addons back, thank god, and I thought I'd alleviate the pain of anyone else suffering from this same stroke of bad luck. Here're the two addons, with their bisign files, for your perusal now and forevermore:




Edited by Wolfrug

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Same mistake I made myself some time ago, I just tried to reinstall 1.05 patch but didn't work. I had to reinstall the whole game. I think many pbo's are missing not only the two you mentioned.

EW mission.pbo you can download it from here:


Edited by gulag

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Very strange me and other clan mates dont have any probs with beta uninstallers and it would be very bad thing for BIS devs if they arent able to create/use a proper (beta) installer/uninstaller. :confused:

The AH-64 Apache is still there and ready.

But maybe its your karma... :p

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Same happened to me and a lot of other people around here, insane that uninstaller still is around :eek:

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Hmm.... I had the same problem, used one of the uninstallers in the beta patches then got the message about missing AH-64 and not being able to play or edit the mission.

I did a complete re-install and since the have manually removed the old beta folder but I am still getting this message when playing warfare and the AF is upgraded to include the AH-64, doesn't seem to have any ill affects though.

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Uninstaller works fine here. I have used uninstaller since 1.03 betas and never had any problems with it.

@Wolfrug was the uninstaller in the arma 2\beta folder when you run it?

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I really don't understand why this bad thing is always packed together with the beta patches. BIS could save themselves some download bandwidth and also spare everyone a dangerous trap. The beta patch doesn't need an uninstaller anyway, after all there is nothing more to it than deleting the beta folder.

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Uninstaller works fine here. I have used uninstaller since 1.03 betas and never had any problems with it.

@Wolfrug was the uninstaller in the arma 2\beta folder when you run it?

No, this is the uninstaller that comes with the beta .zip file. There's no uninstaller in the beta folder, AFAIK?

And yes, goddammit, it's annoying. I'm pretty sure though it didn't remove anything but the EW pbos (containing the campaign and the config files for the various EW characters, i.e. Luca etc) and the AH-64. I will reinstall if it's really necessary, but dammit. I have it on disk, thank god, but imagine if I had it on digital download and I'd have cleared the installation files earlier and now I'd have to download the whole bloody thing just because the uninstaller removed stuff it shouldn't have.

Basically: BIS, please remove the "uninstaller" from the beta folders, they break stuff.



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I've had that too before. Reinstalled the game.

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We should get this reported in the CIT bug database if it isn't already.

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it's known problem and i was under impression it was resolved , either not or it's back ...

thanks for telling us ...

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Well, I'm sure glad I keep missions_ew.pbo and ah64.pbo in a modfolder. :)

And besides, I didn't think there was any need for a beta uninstaller to apply a new beta patch, if I'm correct?

Since it kept being packed with a new beta I started running it before applying the newer beta. Is this even necessary or only if you want to uninstall beta completely?

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All you need to do to "uninstall" is delete the beta folder. No real reason to do anything else.

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I rename my old beta folders with beta + their build number. Makes it easy to switch if you need to check if something has gone bad only in the latest. It would have been better to not include a deinstaller (that might be buggy), and rather let the installer change the name of the existing beta to its build number.

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Instead of reinstalling you can just copy-paste the relevant PBO files, in this case it'd be from the 1.05 patch?

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Instead of reinstalling you can just copy-paste the relevant PBO files, in this case it'd be from the 1.05 patch?

Sure! Send me the AH64.pbo (or upload it on a file sharing site or the like and link me) and I'll re-add it. Already got the missions_ew.pbo, thankfully :)

Obviously it's not possible to do this directly from the 1.05 patch since it's an exe and so forth.

I think this thread has served its purpose though, as a warning: don't use the beta uninstaller, just delete the beta folder if you want.



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I did a search and missions_ew.pbo and ah64.pbo are not in my ARMA2 folder, i guess this means they got deleted??

Hmm i always used the beta uninstaller until i read it wasn't safe, a few beta's back. Though like others people here i was under the impression that the uninstaller was fixed.. I've used it again with several of the last beta's.

Can someone please post these two files and also tell me in which folder(s) i need to put them? Thanks!

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Is this like a steam issue or something because I use the beta uninstaller all the time. Never had those files missing. Or is this just the new 71382 one?

EDIT: There's 104 files in the AddOns folder, how many are there after the bugged uninstaller? 102? Check maybe more get pwned!

Edited by Rexxenexx

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I have 102. And Steam version.

Someone please put the 2 files up on yousendit or some other file host.

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I got the addons back, thank god, and I thought I'd alleviate the pain of anyone else suffering from this same stroke of bad luck. Here're the two addons, with their bisign files, for your perusal now and forevermore:


Lessons learned: don't trust dodgy .exe files.



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..Lessons learned: don't trust dodgy .exe files.


For irony's sake, you should have have made the download an .exe file instead of .zip. :yay:

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Thanks a lot for the missing files upload........

It looks like this post will continue to save hard disks form unnecessary reinstallation of ArmA 2.

Those Beta uninstallers are claiming new victims every now and then.

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Thanks a lot for the missing files upload........

It looks like this post will continue to save hard disks form unnecessary reinstallation of ArmA 2.

Those Beta uninstallers are claiming new victims every now and then.

No problem. But it looks like they've removed the uninstaller in the latest 71726 beta, so hopefully no more blue-eyed innocents will be fooled ;)



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Sorry to bring this back but, where do I install the .pbo files for the apache and the Eagle Wing mini-campaign?


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Sorry to bring this back but, where do I install the .pbo files for the apache and the Eagle Wing mini-campaign?


Taken from the page you downloaded the files from:

Simply re-add them to your Arma2/Addons folder and you're good to go!

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