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A.C.E. 2 - v1.2 stable (Advanced Combat Environment)

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the quality of the abrahams maybe is "quantity" they have loads of them and are relative easy to repair.

its all abouth money, power and knowledge isnt it. :)

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I realized that American guys do not want to recognize the power of Russian tanks and make them like shit because they think that the king Abrams tanks. I've seen a few videos as Abrams burned after the 1st shot an RPG, but proud Americans do not want to admit that their tanks worse than the rest.

Looool...... i don't think thats the case...

The T90 in ACE2 is quite strong, it has a good passive countermeasure system and its armament is IMHO superior to the Abrams ones.

On Namalsk map i had a Lan-Session here, where one guy was like 5km away or so on a other mountain, we had VD to 10.000 and shot each other with APFSDS Rounds and Heat Rounds....

Guess what, over this distance we couldn't harm each other with APFSDS as penetration-power is to low over this distance also HEAT Rounds couldn't penetrate the front on both tanks.

However as a lucky T90 gunner, i fired a shot with that Guided Missle from the T90 and instantly immobilized the Abrams. :D

So now which is the better Tank?

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Could you please stop your totally baseless assumptions now ?

Thank you.


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Hi There,

I have ACE2 installed with ArmA2, I can play ACE2 enabled missions fine, however some ACE functions are not working like if I goto Gear it does not display my total carrying weight, also if I take for example ear plugs, I do not have the option to equip them when I scroll my mouse wheel, the Spotting Scope I am able to select and place on the ground, but when I "get into it" I am unable to actually look into the scope and use it, another problem which is a bit of a biggy, is that I do not get the Eject command in Choppers and Planes, which is a bit of a stuff up when doing a HELO insertion mission as I cannot jump out.

The funny thing is that I gave all my ACE folders/mods to a buddy of mine and he has it set up exactly like me and his works without a problem.

What I have tried:

Updated ACE2 via Six Updater. Completely downloaded ACE2 from scratch from Dev Heaven via the manual method. Reinstalled Arma2. Then completely reinstalled Windows - (not directly because of this). I have run the shortcut as administrator. I have added my exact ingame name into the userconfig file in ACE.

I have done the whole target line thing -mod=@blah ect.

I am really not sure what else to do here. Any help will be highly appreciated.


Your userconfig files need be located in arma 2\userconfig\ace not in arma 2\@ace\store. Also the userconfig files have to be extracted (they do not need to end in .tar)

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If your question is, will there be another ACE release for ArmA 2 or are we still working on ACE for ArmA 2, then the answer is simple: no.


this does not really answer my question....so let me be more specific:

If a server is running OA along with the Arma 2 content enabled, will newer versions of ACE beyond 1.3 and above still work with said server setup? I gather from what you said above that if adding Arma 2 content (merged install) to a OA server running ACE above 1.3 beaks something that you are not going to bother with finding out why or fixing it in a later release if the bug is caused by arma 2 content.

Really this boils down to should the community as a whole forget about arma 2 with OA merged install if you are going to be running ACE on the OA server. This is the buzz going on latley , should we forget about arma 2 and just make missions and play stand alone OA with the new release of ACE only. Xeno, Can you clarify? I'm guessing you are not developing ACE from a merged install going forward also , true?

Edited by |TG| Tek

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If a server is running OA along with the Arma 2 content enabled, will newer versions of ACE beyond 1.3 and above still work with said server setup?

The same ACE OA and ACEX OA folder will run on servers that have either both, ArmA 2 addons and OA (or merged install how you call it) or OA only (that's what we are working on currently).

Does this answer your question ?

But... as soon as you use addons from ArmA 2 which are not available in OA in your mission, no matter if you are using ACE or not, OA only players/users can't play the mission.

But that has nothing to do with ACE.


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So, to make even more simpler:


A2 + OA + ACE_OA = GO!

A2 + ACE = GO!

A2 + OA + ACE = NO!

A2 + ACE_OA = NO!

OA + ACE = NO!

(thats server side)

Is that correct?

Sorry, Im a little slow today...

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Will all Arma 2 ACE content (that isn't already in OA) be included in the OA version, or will some content that was using pre-existing Arma 2 content not be included, or will it be included as an "extra" (similar to ACE_X) that servers running Combined Operations can use?

I'd be happy if I don't have to lose stuff like all the ACE M4 variants, and if we do get to keep them I would like to know if they would require running Combined Operations or not.

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Is the todays update only for arma 2? And how will you manage the updateprocess in the future when you start supporting OA? Will there still be Updates for the People who don´t (yet) have OA?

yeah does anyone know anything about this?

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You are correct (it's the same for clients too).

Will all Arma 2 ACE content (that isn't already in OA) be included in the OA version

Probably not everything in the first beta but at least in the first stable release (ACEX that is). ACE core will be the same minus not needed features that are allready in OA.

A lot is allready working (we mainly test OA only to find what's missing in OA) but some things still need more love.

rocko for example, has allready enhanced many ACEX weapons/models with TI textures (he doesn't seem to sleep currently :)).

We are making good progress as SB has automated a lot of the time eating procedures. Many core ACE features are made OA aware allready, for example our own backpack system can handle BIS backpacks now too (ACE backpacks are still available as in ACE for ArmA 2). And so on...

I hope that clears up all speculations now. The only thing I can say is wait for the first beta and take a look yourself. And, repeating myself, when everything goes well, the first ACE OA beta will be available next friday.

Edit: And for those who still don't understand it (sorry): There will be no more ACE update for ArmA 2 alone! We have completely moved to OA!


Edited by Xeno

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ok i understand. Arena and pasive defense impossible to be created in this mod

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The same ACE OA and ACEX OA folder will run on servers that have either both, ArmA 2 addons and OA (or merged install how you call it) or OA only (that's what we are working on currently).

Does this answer your question ?

But... as soon as you use addons from ArmA 2 which are not available in OA in your mission, no matter if you are using ACE or not, OA only players/users can't play the mission.

But that has nothing to do with ACE.


Thanks for clearing it up ;) seems safe then to run OA with ARMA2 content on the server for those of us with merged installs and make missions for those with both installed . Maybe be good also run a plain OA server and a merged content server also.

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Maybe be good also run a plain OA server and a merged content server also.

As explained in the TG forums... As long as the mission doesn't use ArmA 2 addons like the T90 or Chernarus, OA only players can join and play the mission too (but again, that has nothing to do with ACE).

We can only make sure that ACE works for ArmA 2 "addons" + OA users and for OA only users.


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I realized that American guys do not want to recognize the power of Russian tanks and make them like shit because they think that the king Abrams tanks. I've seen a few videos as Abrams burned after the 1st shot an RPG, but proud Americans do not want to admit that their tanks worse than the rest.

I can hit the T 90 frontal armour with an infinite amount of AT-4s which have no effect whatsoever, on crew or tank systems. SMAW also struggle to go through. A side hit with the weak RPGs, similar or maybe even better than the ones from that pic result in a little crew damage and maybe a track out of action. 2 T-90 shells will pretty much render a M1A1 TUSK useless(don't test M1A2 it is bugged and being worked on apparently). A METIS to the glacis or lower front hull will have a great chance of killing 2-3 crew, maybe 4.

Seems pretty spot on for me. http://collinsj.tripod.com/protect.htm. And that is a non-biasd source with estimates from both 'east' and 'west'. IMO this could form a good base for ACE armour balancing if it isn't already. Even if not, ACE is already pretty spot on.

Only thing that is not quite right imo is the Ataka missile.

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I realized that American guys do not want to recognize the power of Russian tanks and make them like shit because they think that the king Abrams tanks. I've seen a few videos as Abrams burned after the 1st shot an RPG, but proud Americans do not want to admit that their tanks worse than the rest.

Oh stop your whining. Where did I once not recognize the power of any Russian military anything. I think you need to learn how to take a joke(as I clearly stated it was) and also stop stomping around this forum acting like nobody respects the Russian military. I know plenty of ex-Russian military and I can say that I respect those guys as much as anyone. You'll never find me bashing them, or their weapons systems.

I may be a proud American but I'm not ignorant. Please stop acting like I am.

Edited by Manzilla

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Thanks, thats almost clarify everything.

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I realized that American guys do not want to recognize the power of Russian tanks and make them like shit because they think that the king Abrams tanks. I've seen a few videos as Abrams burned after the 1st shot an RPG, but proud Americans do not want to admit that their tanks worse than the rest.

Russian tanks are not built to be the king of tanks, they're built to be massed in numbers. Learn some Russian tank doctrines.

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I'm glad you guys will be working solely on OA from now on. ACE2 for ArmA2 has already reached such a great level that I think it's able to stand on its own without further updates. :cool:

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guys i just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all your hard work.

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I can hit the T 90 frontal armour with an infinite amount of AT-4s which have no effect whatsoever, on crew or tank systems. SMAW also struggle to go through. A side hit with the weak RPGs, similar or maybe even better than the ones from that pic result in a little crew damage and maybe a track out of action. 2 T-90 shells will pretty much render a M1A1 TUSK useless(don't test M1A2 it is bugged and being worked on apparently). A METIS to the glacis or lower front hull will have a great chance of killing 2-3 crew, maybe 4.

Seems pretty spot on for me. http://collinsj.tripod.com/protect.htm. And that is a non-biasd source with estimates from both 'east' and 'west'. IMO this could form a good base for ACE armour balancing if it isn't already. Even if not, ACE is already pretty spot on.

Only thing that is not quite right imo is the Ataka missile.

That sums it up quite well. In fact the APFSDS ammunition used by T-90 is inferior to the American one, armor of both tanks is nearly equal.

A T-90 vs T-90 shootout would end in a draw while a M1A1 vs M1A1 shootout would result in destruction of at least one Abrams.

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Watch out King Homer, you may be accused of being an overly proud American. ;)

I can't confirm what you say is the truth but that's what I've read on supposedly non-biased sites and other material. That sounds reasonable to me.

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On a topic un-related, there's supposedly (from what I heard) a beta for OA ACE out already? Confirm or deny please.

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Watch out King Homer, you may be accused of being an overly proud American. ;)

That would be REALLY hard to achieve. ;)

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Hi guys,

First I must say i have A2:CO v1.52.

I just downloaded CBA 0.5.0 and using only CBA as it was said in readme.

Then I downloaded lates ACE, ACEX and ACEX_SM, all versions 1.3.

Last i downloaded Isla Duala v1.7.

Now when i enable it all at CO the game restarts to apply changes, BUT i get an error saying: "Include file x\cba\addons\main\script_macros_common.hpp not found.".

With earlier version of CBA, ACE, ACEX and ACEX_SM it worked.

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