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A.C.E. 2 - v1.2 stable (Advanced Combat Environment)

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I hope for somekind patch for normal ACE2 to OA version of AcE2 , so i dont want download whole ace2 mod again :p

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This is the final ACE Stable Release for ArmA 2, Standalone.

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So actually there's no version for OA at all....

I had a lot of mods for Arma2, but at the moment I'm enjoying OA too much to go back there ;)

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So I take it the OA version will require us to download ACE again? Or will it be updated as if it was a regular ACE update?

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SixUpdater registers no update. What am I doing wrong?

maturin, I guess if your actual versions are as follows:

@ACE 373

@ACEX 252


@CBA 107

then you're up-to-date, so ACE2 Stable 1.3.0 is equivalent to the upper versions.

Is this correct, Ace-Team ?

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So, I'm assuming we'll have something like @ACE, @ACEX and @ACEX_OA so that people who run OA standalone can run ACE without the vanilla-dependent additions?

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So actually there's no version for OA at all....

I had a lot of mods for Arma2, but at the moment I'm enjoying OA too much to go back there ;)

Just read the last few pages. It's pretty clear what's going on.

No yet, maybe early next month there'll be the OA ACE2 release.(Not sure if that's the first stable release though or when we caqn start expecting to see OA version when we update.)

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Would you please stop speculating about what ACE OA will look like?

I am certain that once everything will be de decided, there will be an official info in this thread..

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Why Russian tanks on the background of American look like a target? T 90 is killed with one shot. In fact, it is not so. He has a lot of complex protection order that would remain for a long time did not break through.


That's exactly how the T-90 is represented ingame. An upgraded T-72 with modernized FCS and Kontakt-5 ERA. It's the first model with cast turret. This one has lot less KE protection than the T-90A or T-90M models.

Shtora is also integrated and working basically for guided missiles. But it seems you don't know much about it's capabilities and limitations. We had this issue 10 times before, please read it up on dev-heaven.


Drodz and Arena are not available for the T-90s (yet).

Edited by King Homer

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You are far mistaken the T 90S has a protective complex arena, and containers for protection from projectiles. But in the ACE I wanted to see this Russian tank that can fight with M1A2 Tusk. Please make a real tank and not a trough which is to become not operational after the 1st hit.






This is T-72B after 6 rpg rockets and 3 rockets from AT-4 Spigot.

But in game T-72b blowing up after 1-2 rpg rocket

Edited by Placebo

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There is NO T-90 variant equipped with Arena, only prototypes. The T-90S is an export model.

The T-90SA as export model can be equipped with Arena but it is neither used by Russia nor by any faction in ACE2.

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Russia use arena on T 90, and same with T 72B about pasive defence.

Edited by Rapira

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Russia use arena on T 90, and same with T 72B about pasive defence.


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I cant find source on english. But i see more on russian

As always. There is actually no T-90 with ARENA system. The T-90 uses the Shtora-1 system while T-90A either use none or Shtora-1.

We got a ticket pending for a new T-90A, but we still need contributors.

EDIT: The video shows absolutely nothing, I know how ARENA works but that doesn't change the fact it's not fielded on Russian T-90 variants.

Edited by King Homer

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Create real T 90 please. I want see balance in game

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Arena or not it's toast. ;) (That's a joke by the way so relax)


Thank you!

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Can we get some clarification of how ACE will interact with merged installs?

Will ACE support merged installs? or will ACE be stand alone for OA only? I do hope that ACE will work with a merged install as our community is waiting to see how the ACE team will handle this before we begin major mission design and server setup. Many want to run a merged install server so we have arma 2 and arrowhead content with ACE. Can someone on the ACE team please clairfy how this will work? Also will there be a server side option to turn off stamina restriction or allow them to be a server side setting? Could one of the ACE team mabe visit our forums and see this thread and respond? http://www.tacticalgamer.com/arma-2-general-discussion/164811-arma2-dead-now-merged-install-servers-see-inside-discuss.html Thanks!!

Edited by |TG| Tek

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Will ACE support merged installs? or will ACE be stand alone for OA only? I do hope that ACE will work with a merged install as our community is waiting to see how the ACE team will handle this before we begin major mission design and server setup.

Actually it should be clear by design, so to speak.

ACE2 will continue to be made for OA only, but since Arma2 itself runs pretty much as a "mod/addon" inside of OA, i don't see why it wouldn't run. :)

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Hi There,

I have ACE2 installed with ArmA2, I can play ACE2 enabled missions fine, however some ACE functions are not working like if I goto Gear it does not display my total carrying weight, also if I take for example ear plugs, I do not have the option to equip them when I scroll my mouse wheel, the Spotting Scope I am able to select and place on the ground, but when I "get into it" I am unable to actually look into the scope and use it, another problem which is a bit of a biggy, is that I do not get the Eject command in Choppers and Planes, which is a bit of a stuff up when doing a HELO insertion mission as I cannot jump out.

The funny thing is that I gave all my ACE folders/mods to a buddy of mine and he has it set up exactly like me and his works without a problem.

What I have tried:

Updated ACE2 via Six Updater. Completely downloaded ACE2 from scratch from Dev Heaven via the manual method. Reinstalled Arma2. Then completely reinstalled Windows - (not directly because of this). I have run the shortcut as administrator. I have added my exact ingame name into the userconfig file in ACE.

I have done the whole target line thing -mod=@blah ect.

I am really not sure what else to do here. Any help will be highly appreciated.


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Can we get some clarification of how ACE will interact with merged installs?

If your question is, will there be another ACE release for ArmA 2 or are we still working on ACE for ArmA 2, then the answer is simple: no.


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I realized that American guys do not want to recognize the power of Russian tanks and make them like shit because they think that the king Abrams tanks. I've seen a few videos as Abrams burned after the 1st shot an RPG, but proud Americans do not want to admit that their tanks worse than the rest.

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