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BWMod v 1.7 released!

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thanks Manzilla but that is for just 1 soldier I need the whole Faction for the weapons box.

if (d_player_faction in ["USMC","CDF","mas_usa_rang","BWMod"]) then {

but this does not work.

OK figured it out had to take apart the pbo it is "Bw".


Edited by vengeance1

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Hi, can anyone tell me, if theres a nice server playing both BWmod and ACE2?


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You might want to try the public server of JgBtl533. Just filter for "533". We often play with BW and ACE2 and guests are very welcome.

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Hi, can anyone tell me, if theres a nice server playing both BWmod and ACE2?


Hi mr.g-c!

We are playing only BWMod_ACE (plus the Dingo2A2 from AMT and the G3 from Christian1987) and ACE on our Server#1. We usually play selfmade coop-missions as we are not such a big fan of the whole Domination/Warfare-thing. ;)

Feel free to join us on our servers (filter: "brig2010", ts3: :9987)! You´re always welcome...



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Hi Terp,

Updated BWMod to 1.7 in the KH Community Repo...will be activated later today.

**Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper


Alternatively, as an easier method, you can click on this link to access both KH Repos directly from YAS -> Kelly's AddonSync Repos

Edited by Cross

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Great!!! :bounce3:

I hope the Gepard will be released soon!

I play the mod with SLX (yep, not everyone is using ACE), and its a intense experience.

So...there is a gepard in the works for the BWmod? That would be great as this kind of armor lacks a bit on the BLUFOR side...:bounce3:

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Which .pbo do I have to delete to remove the shitty intro-screen

I deleted bwmod.pbo to get rid of the title-card but i still get the "made by rommel etc." message in the main menu which freezes my arma2 for ~20 seconds.

Its REALLY annoying.

EDIT: Seems some cba file...maybe i can fix it.

Edited by Roger Johnson

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Just take a look at the CBA thread and u know what it is and why u shouldnt delete it ._.

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Just take a look at the CBA thread and u know what it is and why u shouldnt delete it ._.

Im not going to let it ruin my Main Menu....

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Well i guess most of us dont spend much of our time in the game menu ;D Now back to topic....

Any News for a update of the Mod Terp/Burns?

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Well i guess most of us dont spend much of our time in the game menu ;D

Well I know spend 20secs less....The commons.cba was the Übeltäter. Had to delete some references from it.

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Good mod but i prefer OA loading screens... is there a pbo i can delete ? Not important just personal taste :)

Edited by Cossack8559

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Good mod but i prefer OA loading screens... is there a pbo i can delete ? Not important just personal taste :)

Hehe just two posts 5 posts ago I asked the same question ;)

Its in the BWmod.pbo. Unfortunatly, it also initializes the main mod. So if you delete it, you wont get the addons.

I worked around it by editing it, but it takes some understanding of configs and such.

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We're currently working on the Thermal Maps, the update will take a little longer.

It'll also remove the splash screens / loadscreens for now as well, however the mod will now require OA to work.

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We're currently working on the Thermal Maps, the update will take a little longer.

It'll also remove the splash screens / loadscreens for now as well, however the mod will now require OA to work.

Sounds good! Will the units be able to use the backpacks? Mabye some new Bundeswehr backpacks as well? ;)

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It'll also remove the splash screens / loadscreens for now as well, however the mod will now require OA to work.

*hint make it a seperate/optional .pbo *hint

They´re likeable after all. Should be the users choice if they want them or not.

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We're currently working on the Thermal Maps, the update will take a little longer.

It'll also remove the splash screens / loadscreens for now as well, however the mod will now require OA to work.

Awesome thanks for the continued improvement I use your mod in my Domination Version and love it!

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Hehe just two posts 5 posts ago I asked the same question ;)

Its in the BWmod.pbo. Unfortunatly, it also initializes the main mod. So if you delete it, you wont get the addons.

I worked around it by editing it, but it takes some understanding of configs and such.

Any chance you could upload that pbo somewhere so i could use it? i much prefer my oa screens :p

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heya guys, how about a Grenadelauncher? I put one of the FFAA_armas mod into the game and made a GL soldier looking like this:

class BWMod_G36GL : BWMod_G36


picture = "\ffaa_armas\data\Equip\w_HKAG36_ca.paa";

model = "\FFAA_Armas\G36\FFAA_Armas_HKAG36";

displayName = "G36 GL";

modes[] = {

"Fullauto", "Single"


muzzles[] = {

"MuzzleFar", "MuzzleClose", "BWMod_M203Muzzle"


class BWMod_M203Muzzle : GrenadeLauncher


displayName = "AG36";

magazines[] = {

"1Rnd_HE_M203", "FlareWhite_M203", "FlareGreen_M203", "FlareRed_M203", "FlareYellow_M203"


sound[] = {

"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\Grenade_launch1_A", 0.100000, 1


reloadMagazineSound[] = {

"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\flare_reload", 0.000316, 1


magazineReloadTime = 0;

reloadTime = 0.100000;

optics = 1;

modelOptics = "-";

cameraDir = "GL look";

memoryPointCamera = "GL eye";



class BW_Soldier_GL : BW_Soldier


displayName = "Grenadier";

model = "\bwmod_char\soldat\bwmod_squadleader.p3d";

weapons[] = {

"BWMod_G36GL", "Throw", "Put", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio",


magazines[] = {

"30Rnd_556x45_G36", "30Rnd_556x45_G36", "30Rnd_556x45_G36", "30Rnd_556x45_G36", "HandGrenade_West", "HandGrenade_West", "1Rnd_HE_M203", "1Rnd_HE_M203", "1Rnd_HE_M203", "1Rnd_HE_M203", "1Rnd_HE_M203", "1Rnd_HE_M203",


respawnWeapons[] = {

"BWMod_G36GL", "Throw", "Put", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio",


respawnMagazines[] = {

"30Rnd_556x45_G36", "30Rnd_556x45_G36", "30Rnd_556x45_G36", "30Rnd_556x45_G36", "HandGrenade_West", "HandGrenade_West", "1Rnd_HE_M203", "1Rnd_HE_M203", "1Rnd_HE_M203", "1Rnd_HE_M203", "1Rnd_HE_M203", "1Rnd_HE_M203",



what do you think?

Also how about a Bundeswehr Geländewagen (Wolf it is?) would be nice too!

Ehh I also changed the "Class names" so I can relate them to other factions (e.g. USMC_Soldier_GL)

Edited by Kali

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So can you put all the stuff under BLUFOR/Germany menu in editor? :)

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G3 from BWMOD?

The gun I used during my time in the Streitkraefte? Am I dreaming?

Naaah, can't believe.

MfG Lee :)

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