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Do you like the ArmA2 OA box art?

How do you like the current box art for OA? (EU/US)  

254 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you like the current box art for OA? (EU/US)

    • I like it!
    • Its alright
    • Neutral
    • could be worse
    • I hate it!

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Here's what I think the cover should be. Took me aboue 17 days to make this. See its got action, you see the joy and horror in their faces, I've got the new top-sceret camoflage going. You can almost "hear" the battle... pew pew pew pew!!!!

Sorry if it's a little too graphic for some.


Edited by jpinard

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Here's what I think the cover should be. Took me aboue 17 days to make this. See its got action, you see the joy and horror in their faces, I've got the new top-sceret camoflage going. You can almost "hear" the battle... pew pew pew pew!!!!

Sorry if it's a little too graphic for some.

we have a winner! :D

the german copy looks much better. it still has a little eye catch, but its not slapping you in the face with mr screamy and his skul glove! ...and a muzzleflash that would shame call of duty

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German copy is 100x better than the "EVERYONE BE SILENT!!!" version

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German cover is nice and sober + big hints at OFP (Operation Arrowhead + point at camera).

What I like about it is that the guy feels like he's THINKING before shooting = it's a lot more what the game is like.

Hence, the crowd that will buy it will get a better sense of what they will get, avoiding disappointments afterwards if they thought it was an action shooter.

In any case, any cover with a guy shutting his mouth has my vote.

Only the ground at the bottom of the cover needs some color grading I think to blend better with the rest of the picture.

Edited by EricM

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Here's what I think the cover should be. Took me aboue 17 days to make this. See its got action, you see the joy and horror in their faces, I've got the new top-sceret camoflage going. You can almost "hear" the battle... pew pew pew pew!!!!

Sorry if it's a little too graphic for some.


make the back cover and ill download it

Edited by Rellikki

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Except for the US flag in the COmbined arms, both are really nice.

I change my vote from "I don't care" to the one with the US flag on the front and jpinard's drawing on the back.

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Hence, the crowd that will buy it will get a better sense of what they will get, avoiding disappointments afterwards if they thought it was an action shooter.

Yes I agree. I think it should show what this game is actually about, rather than making it look like an Action Shooter cover like COD or something.

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To me, it seems like there is too much going on, and not enough color differentiation. While the greens / beiges fit the theme, they are too "camouflaged" on a shelf. I think that BI could learn from Rockstar when it comes to creating striking designs that really "pop out" off the shelf!

Edited by StealthSilver

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I don't like it.

I would prefer an Ingame image instead. And there are better ones for a cover.

It would give a much more personality to the game.

I hate these stupid real pictures. Reminds me Dragon Rice's typology..

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Look on the bright side, at least it isn't as bad as this one.



Now that's original.

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Here's what I think the cover should be. Took me aboue 17 days to make this. See its got action, you see the joy and horror in their faces, I've got the new top-sceret camoflage going. You can almost "hear" the battle... pew pew pew pew!!!!

Sorry if it's a little too graphic for some.

What graphics package did you use for that one ?

PS I voted neutral - I will buy it no matter what was on the cover and can take or leave what I have seen so far. Nothing compares to the original OFP box because of the memories it stirs up. Try playing Demon Cleaner's Domination Everon for a trip down memory lane.

Edited by W0lle
quoted image

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