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PC vs. console sales

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Oh no, I see where this is going...

I'm going down into my bunker. Someone wake me when the shitstorm has passed.

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I believe the game retail market sales don't include any form digital sale.

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6% ????

Steam wants to have alittle chat, why dont you take a seat.

Yeah with digital sales we have 7%.:icon_lol:

If we take out WoW and Sims we might end up with 4-5%.

Seriously it's not fair to put the pc against all the other platforms combined,every device must have it's own procent because it is a platform and it doesn't mean if I buy a game for PSP I will also buy it for X360 and so on.

Even we take apart every platform to stand on its own against the pc the situation still isn't pretty good between anal DRMs and shitload of pirates.

That fatty Gabe Newell will always say everything is fine because his games sells like hot cakes unlike other companies.

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Yeah with digital sales we have 7%.:icon_lol:

If we take out WoW and Sims we might end up with 4-5%.

Seriously it's not fair to put the pc against all the other platforms combined,every device must have it's own procent because it is a platform and it doesn't mean if I buy a game for PSP I will also buy it for X360 and so on.

Even we take apart every platform to stand on its own against the pc the situation still isn't pretty good between anal DRMs and shitload of pirates.

That fatty Gabe Newell will always say everything is fine because his games sells like hot cakes unlike other companies.

yea and thats because the games arent shitty ports... who buys shit?

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It depends on developers and publishers how good or bad their products are running on pc/consoles. And of course its depending on their investment and time they can spend for their projects. There are many people who can enjoy playing on both - pc and console. No need for flaming if the games are good.

Companies eg publishers are trying to squeeze the last bucks out of their customers. Its all about profit maximation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Profit_maximization

They can continue with this profit maximization as long as people are going to pay for it. If people are going to buy products only because of their great advertising and hypes - mission accomplished. ;)

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I think Rockband and Guitar Hero alone would kill the PC sales stats, but who cares about those?

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PC is one platform. There are several different platforms out there. Saying one is less than many is not saying much.

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i thought PeeCe was doing Good :confused:

I guess Im kidding myself the only game I really play now on PC is a 12 year old game called Starcraft.

maybe it is dead due to all the sh*** ports we get


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I was surprised by it because Im starting to hate my xbox for prdocuing lame framerates.

But hell no, I dont want another fanboy wars. :D

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That guy doesnt have a clue, he doesnt even know that you can plug a controler to a PC..

I think there is a market for PC games but there isnt enough delivery in both quantity and quality.

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I don't own a console and I never will. Hell, if it weren't for the fact that we take care of my father-in-law, I wouldn't even have a TV in the living room or cable Tv for that matter (he's the TV watcher lol).

BUT - If I were in charge of a game development studio, then I would develop strictly for console.

That's where the money is. Gone are the days where a game could sale 100,000 copies and be considered a great success and have follow on titles. Now, unless it sells at least a million copies, then it was a dud.

So, cater to the market where the money is.

As a PC-only gamer though, I am very thankful for companies like BIS and Eagle Dynamics who do not cave into the allure of the quick bucks on console games.

Consoles have saturated the market with such instant gratification orientated games, that there's no learning curve anymore. Buy it, launch it, and start getting kill stats on the first round.

This mentallity has permeated across all games. I am playing the beta for Starcraft 2. Gone are the days of building up base defenses, upgrading your units, and amassing a sizeable force for a multi-flank assault. Crank out 10-20 units as quickly as possible and strike right up front. I've been able to hold off two early rushes, and both players logged out saying they didn't wanna have an hour long match. Jeez! It's an RTS!!!

There is a thread about "why isn't ArmA2 more popular"

Folks, it has nothing to do with graphics, animations, etc

ArmA2 is not an instant gratification, get kills in the first 5 minutes kind of game. It has a learning curve. Learning curves are frowned upon by game plublishers.

ArmA2 is not more popular becuase it's a real game that requires real thought and mental skill while playing, not an arcade, twitch reaction only blow-em-up.

Those of us who like games like ArmA2 are a dying breed. I had hoped that eventually the masses would get tired of the console-type games, but the popularity is growing everyday. Even World Of Warcraft caved. New players can quest with a level 80 and level up at a triple rate (capping off at level 60). In a week or two, a player can ne a higher level than those who started off in the original WoW were in 3 months lol.

Fine, let the masses conitinue to dumb themselves down and claim to be great gamers. I'll stick where I am and I'm proud to stand with you guys in this minority :)

Edited by -Total-

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I think Rockband and Guitar Hero alone would kill the PC sales stats, but who cares about those?

I think World of Warcraft alone generates more revenue than all PS3 games combined.

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I think World of Warcraft alone generates more revenue than all PS3 games combined.

Maybe in subscriptions. Isn't it free to install, pay to play? I wouldn't count that as "sales".

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In total revenue worldwide.

All their sales plus all their subs.

The game has been bringing in over a billion $ a year.

About 1/10th of all yearly PC game revenues worldwide are accounted by that single title. (Or at least they were a year ago).

Edited by Baff1

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i am not surprised by the more sales of console

everything which is harder, more complicated, requiring more brain will always be more elite ;)

and i don't care if other developers will make 100 or 1000 or 10 games

Arma is best and by addons we can have there 13-century knights, StarWars troopers, Civil War soldiers with muskets, pink-soldier, elephants, dinosaurs, LEGO warriors, whatever we want :)

being mainstream not means being right ;)

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Much like abstract art is the cancer to real art, console is also the cancer of PC gaming.

My god!

I see we're back to the thirties and to the concept of degenerat art.


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i don't agree with H L on political/economical issues, but here i agree

why cancer ?

cause the more stupid users are in market , so demands lower down, products lower down in quality (gameplay, must-think factor etc.)

PC gaming is in danger, cause when "mainstream sales" are causing (and may cause in future) developers to forget about PC owners

because of this there won't be modable games, freeware content, and such games that require some brain will vanish

many RPG-type, strategic, story-line games can disappear in future because of consoles

cancer is something that eats body , right ?

so in this case "consoles" eat "advanced and creative games"

i can show you example of shops with music instruments

in past where playing music required some creativity from musicians , you had to play drums, guitar, keyboard, trumpet...

now you have software and some "3 keys heroes" play music

you wanna know result ?

well, i know 2 music instruments shops that bancrupted last years, cause hardly noone was buying instruments

i live in big city, no problem

but if i was living in small town, imagine that you must buy strings for guitar, something to drum, distortion for guitar , something other, than what ??

if products become easier and easier, prices, availability, quantity lowers down

if good photo labs would bankrupt cause people print digital photos on home printers in low quality, than how you would print A3 photo of landscape ?

if all had nice quality digital cameras in cell phones, and you love lens-cameras than imagine how "elite by price" will stay lens

imagine that games will be more stupid and more stupid and more stupid, then.. what to do ?

okay wealthy man can do sport, super

rich man can travel, super

person who is back from work, want some relax than...nooo again stupifying TV quizzes ? what to do...

or if person has problem with walk, now spends some time playing by PC etc. , what such person will do if games will be idiotic (consoles) one-way 3-buttons shooters ?

OFP, RTCW, Max Payne, etc. had mods, you could mod game and use it other way and enjoy MP

complication and joy given by OFP, Arma1, Arma2 cannot be compared to anything else

now imagine that "sales factor" makes developer resign from PC market

we have best example - Dragon Rising, nothing more to say than this name ;)

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Lol consoles ...

(Seriously they're not that much of a threat to PC gaming ...)

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they are no threat ?

look at Dragon Rising, look at other games that are prepared with thoughts about console

if consoles will take much much more sales, than as consequence developers won't care about PC gamers

also for consoles you don't have torrents and prices are bigger than PC games cause client won't download and they can rise price

if you was a company , what would you choose ?

manufacturing easy version that will give 1.1 milion or harder version that will give 300 thousands and effort spent on this ?

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No real reason to respond to the banned but, I've seen plenty of torrents out there for console versions of games.

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