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TF86 Navy SEALs Pack

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@Enad: I'm not sure what you mean when you say they are blurry, they look pretty sharp to me in game, but I think your computer is much higher spec than mine, as I only run the game at medium-highish settings. I've not really heard any complaints from my mates that run the game at ultra settings, and they look fine in screenshots they've taken so maybe it's a settings issue?

They look blurry to me too, but that's because my when i hooked my monitor up my computer was reading it as me having more than one monitor, so I had to jury-rig it and in return certain graphics don't show up for some reason.

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Well I posted Comparison screens on the last page, you could take a look at those to see what I meant.

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I see what you mean in your screens and I think the reason you see such a difference is because 1.) I use Jonny's based player model for the SEAL body, so it is a lower poly model compared to the Arma 2 models in each of those screens and 2.) the normal maps I use are rougher than the Arma 2 ones, which are quite smooth. In the end, I still think the SEALs look good and work. Don't think of them as blurry, think of them as "lived in" :-)

Thanks for the feedback though, I will take it into consideration in the future.

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Oh yeah they definitely look good, they are still some of my favorite units despite the lacking textures.

But thank you for taking them into consideration. :)

I appreciate your hard work ardvarkdb, I'm sure it's not easy.

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What might also be an issue factoring into this is the resolution of the textures against what texture detail settings Fox/Enad/whoever have going on. As the SEALs use textures somewhere in the region of 2048x2048 (as do the SJB UKSF Pack as they both use Johnny's Marines/SF as a base), having your texture detail set to anything below High/Highest can result in blurry textures. That may also explain the difference between unit sin the comparison shot, as I think the default Marines only use several 1024x1024 textures, but I may be wrong.

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I have reskinned them personally and I do not believe it has anything to do with the settings. The body armor etc is fine, it's the camo.

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I have reskinned them personally and I do not believe it has anything to do with the settings. The body armor etc is fine' date=' it's the camo.[/quote']

Dude it's not the body armor or the camo, it's the settings of the user.

I have been doing my own work, with other people's units for practice. I'd post some samples but this is a thread of your work, so I won't continue.
Well if you're not going to post em up then don't brag about it.

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I'm not bragging about anything, he said I should do my own work, and I simply said I had.

I would post them up, but I don't have permissions, and this is not my thread. If anyone wants to see it, they can PM me, but I'm not posting it here. That's that.

I just compared with settings on low vs v. high, and there is a significant difference. it looks nothing like the textures in the pbo. You're right about that. But at a low setting, the ACU doesn't really resemble ACU to me. Even if the colors were tweaked it would look better, cause it really looks like this blue-green white all blurred. (will show pics if you want)

Edited by Fox '09

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I'm not bragging about anything, he said I should do my own work, and I simply said I had.

Then show us.
I would post them up, but I don't have permissions, and this is not my thread. If anyone wants to see it, they can PM me, but I'm not posting it here. That's that.
If it's your own work you don't need anyone's permission to show screenshots of it.
I just compared with settings on low vs v. high, and there is a significant difference. it looks nothing like the textures in the pbo. You're right about that. But at a low setting, the ACU doesn't really resemble ACU to me. Even if the colors were tweaked it would look better, cause it really looks like this blue-green white all blurred. (will show pics if you want)
As I already said, it has to do with user settings, not the textures...

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Then show us.

If it's your own work you don't need anyone's permission to show screenshots of it.

§20) Posting addon/mod other content without permission

This isn't just limited to re-using content in addons/mods/missions however, it's not acceptable to edit someone's work without permission and then to post screenshots of it on the forums (even if the edited addon/mod is purely for personal use), it's also not acceptable to edit someone's work, or use someone's work in any way that you don't have permission for and then to create videos which you post on these forums, doing any of the above without the permission of the original creators risks a permanent ban, for individuals, for whole mod teams or squads.

I'd rather not.

it's not really my "work", it's a reskin of stuff I don't have permission for.

I do not see where you are taking this. I shouldn't have to show my own work to criticize. I haven't been very constructive, I know. I apologized for that.

Edited by Fox '09

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it's not really my "work", it's a reskin of stuff I don't have permission for.

I do not see where you are taking this. I shouldn't have to show my own work to criticize. I haven't been very constructive, I know. I apologized for that.

I'm not saying you should have to show your work to criticize, but what you're doing is just bashing and touting your supposed texturing prowess. Edited by Big Mac

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I'm not saying you should have to show your work to criticize, but what you're doing is just bashing and touting your supposed texturing prowess.

No he's not. He's saying that he has made his own textures that do not suffer from the blurring/low-quality appearance, in argument to the claim that its down to user settings.

You're the only person who's claimed that he's boasting.

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I have reskinned them personally and I do not believe it has anything to do with the settings. The body armor etc is fine' date=' it's the camo.[/quote']

when I posted this, I was trying to say that his camo is hard to distinguish and/or doesn't look right at even low settings. I really don't want to post these pics, but I will anyway. I plopped my texture on top of his and tuned down the settings and this is what I got:



They seem too green or something. On the texture "map" they look okay to me, but in game, It just doesn't look right to me. My texture isn't exactly perfect, but to me it is closer to the "real" camo pattern itself.

I love these units, so do many others. I just want to help, I'm not trying to show off.

Edited by Fox '09

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As I stated before I don't have a high end system so I've never run into these problems. Anyway, to close off this sub-topic, Fox why don't you send me one of your textures and I will compare it to mine and see what is different and see if there is a way to fix the blurriness you are seeing.



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Well regarding this user settings thing, it's not my settings. I'm running Texture settings at VERY High and those pictures were taken at 133% 3D Res @2048X1152 Native res.

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I have found the problem and it is the user's settings. Turn off adaptive anti-aliasing. Oh and update your video card driver if you haven't in awhile, that always helps. As I've said before it has nothing to do with the textures, it has to do with your user settings.

Edited by Big Mac

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As I've said before it has nothing to do with the textures, it has to do with your user settings.

But it does....have something to do with the textures.

I even posted comparison shots, is that not enough? User settings would not affect one addon and make it look great than affect another and make it look bad. It's all the same, it's the persons texturing ability or if they used high res textures.

AGAIN, please don't think I'm calling this a bad addon, cus I'm not. I like these units and I use them in various missions of mine.

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I have to agree with Enad.

I set my Textures to "High" -- the units look fine.

I set my Textures to "Normal" -- it looks like I'm playing Wolfenstein 3D. It's just the camo that becomes blurry. The gear and all else stays fine.

Also, like Enad, I'm not trying to knock these. I enjoy them and the models are really cool but there is something funky with the textures. Enad's pics are also a good example. :)

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Don't even bother agreeing with me because they will just automatically hate you when you give them a bit of criticism.

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ardvarkdb took my offer, and I'm happy he did that. But I don't know if he is going to take it anywhere, and that's expected. I'm done here, from here on the ball is in your court, ardvarkdb. I am a fan of your work, but once again, the textures just aren't up to A2 quality, and some do not look right.

Edited by Fox '09

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The phrase "dill-hole" comes to mind when reading the last couple pages here.

I've seen the texture Fox made and its really not up to A2 quality. There are tile seams, a bug or two, and its completely flat, with no detail like dirt, shadows, or seams in the cloth.

The problem, I believe, can be traced to the normal maps that ardvarkdb is using, which are as they were in A1 from Jonny's SF units. I believe even if he took your flat, bug'd texture and tested it in game, it would still look slightly hazy due to the noise in the normal map.

Without source material, you'll just have to quit yer whining and deal.

Edited by scubaman3D

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I can admit my textures are not the best either, but enad wanted to use it as an example. (and the only reason I am trying to do units in A2)

but there are other johnny SF based units (plenty actually) that have better camos than these. I feel there is a need for improvement.

and didn't johnny release the sources? Or was that just the PSDs for the textures..

Edited by Fox '09

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I've seen the texture Fox made and its really not up to A2 quality.

This is gold.

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This is gold.

I agree. ;)

The ACU Textures for example in this one topic, were the most crisp and realistic looking i've ever saw made for any game. How can one say that they are not up to A2 standards? :confused:

They exceed them clearly! :)

I do agree however, that small things like no dirt and no signs of any wear isn't perfect, nor is it that in some areas the pattern size was different from other areas and so forth, but from the overall appearance already, his textures are brilliant!

If he fixes those little "bugs" im sure these textures are one of the best.


I think the TF86 Textures are really blurred and look like low quality to me, however its not that of a factor for me. As long as the camo is working in PvP matches its OK.

Eye Orgasms from super-awesome textures on the TF86 Units wouldn't be bad either however :p:D

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