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Advanced Combat Environment (A.C.E.) 2 - v1.0 stable

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Does Six Updater require a new install? I am currently getting a "permission denied" error when clicking in the server field on a WinXP machine.

edit: updated the Updater and I'm still getting a "permission denied" when clicking in the server field.

Edited by HG_Havok

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Which one do I use? I have no clue whom/what the second download is for? Am I a nod32 user? What does that mean, as in the AV software?

Good questions. Believe that the 2nd d/l excludes support for gamespy by the updater. So if you just use Six-U to update mods vs launch the game, you could probably go with the 2nd version.

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Quick question: is it possible to spawn a glowing chemlight by script? I googled for several combinations of "ACE 2", "spawn", "chemlight" and "glowing", but couldn't find anything about this. I can spawn the chemlight magazine fine, but then only the model glows, there's no light effect. I intend to use them as markers for a makeshift runway, but first I need to check if they're visible by pilots on approach. It's probably not the most realistic use for them, but I'm not sure there's a better way of doing it for now.

edit: Hm, it seems the IR ones aren't even visible from more than a few meters away, so I'll have to find another way.

Edited by cctoide

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Quick question: is it possible to spawn a glowing chemlight by script? I googled for several combinations of "ACE 2", "spawn", "chemlight" and "glowing", but couldn't find anything about this. I can spawn the chemlight magazine fine, but then only the model glows, there's no light effect. I intend to use them as markers for a makeshift runway, but first I need to check if they're visible by pilots on approach. It's probably not the most realistic use for them, but I'm not sure there's a better way of doing it for now.

edit: Hm, it seems the IR ones aren't even visible from more than a few meters away, so I'll have to find another way.







Are the classnames of the glowing objects, i have tried and it works , but i don't know if it can cause problems to spawn then with createvehicle. For example put in the palyer init:

xxx=createVehicle ["ACE_Knicklicht_Object_R", [getpos player select 0,getpos player select 1,2], [], 0,"CAN_COLLIDE"] 

this will create a chemlight just above de player flying in the air :P.

Edited by columdrum

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Ah, those seem to work. The IR one still doesn't, but I suppose that's because they were originally only meant to go on players, and the IR glow would have been too distracting. I'll just use a colored one, since it lights up on NVGs just as well. It's not exactly what they did in the real-life operation I'm trying to recreate, but it works. Thanks!

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A.C.E. 1.0 Update #13 Released! (rSync mirror network in sync and awaiting your requests!)

  • Release Notes
  • Please see the first post for additional information.

Enjoy! cool.gif

edit: updated the Updater and I'm still getting a "permission denied" when clicking in the server field.
Please follow the upgrade instructions over at:

Updater Suite Reaches 0.9 - Upgrading

Edited by Sickboy

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ACE Server & YAS Repository updated to b.342

**Kelly's Heroes ACE2 YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper


**Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper


Note that the URLs above are case-sensitive so pls make sure you entered exactly as provided above.

YAS users: Do not forget to remove extra files through YAS.

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hi all,

uninstalled sixupdater v0.9.10 and then went for installing latest version to download (v0.10.3) ... installing no prob, opening gui via new desktop-icon, browser (mozilla firefox) opens as usual with main page ...

after having put my settings and going for "execute", i get the following:

" Errno::ENOEXEC in MainController#index

Exec format error - tasklist

RAILS_ROOT: C:/DOKUME~1/Tom/LOKALE~1/Temp/tar2rubyscript.d.3000.1/release

Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace



this is the first time in about 3 months of every week updating that I cannot use the web-gui ! what happened ? I'm too few of a IT-Crack in order to get a hint at all by myself ...

any ideas anybody ? thx in advance !

EDIT: Dos-Box starts with

"Could not verify if you are running as administrator:

Process:: Error: Wrong Parameter ("Falscher Parameter").

Updating installed gems

Nothing to update

[and so on ...]


Desktop-link: C:\Programme\Six-Updater\tools\ruby\bin\ruby.exe -rubygems six-updater-web.rb webrick

OS XP 32 SP3 (I AM admin, I thought so)

Never had that issue with previous versions

Edited by langgis08

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Hey how do i connect to an ace2 supported online servers?


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Spas 12 theres a trigger problem. when shooting it moves under the grip! And the hand clips thru the weapon

LAW Message: Cannot load some texture...

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Spas 12 theres a trigger problem. when shooting it moves under the grip! And the hand clips thru the weapon

LAW Message: Cannot load some texture...

Add a ticket at DH.

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Are the Vanilla AKM, AK107 etc models supposed to be replaced with RH models? I have all the new AK105s etc, but Im not sure if they are meant to be replaced like the M16A4s are?? Also some of the Camo M4s dont seem to have been replaced (the ones used by the Vanilla FR team)

Also Im getting a "Sound ACE_Heartbeatscalar not found" everytime a level starts?

Edited by JJonth Cheeky Monkey

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hi all,


after having put my settings and going for "execute", i get the following:

" Errno::ENOEXEC in MainController#index

Exec format error - tasklist

RAILS_ROOT: C:/DOKUME~1/Tom/LOKALE~1/Temp/tar2rubyscript.d.3000.1/release

Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace



Never had that issue with previous versions

Hotfixed six-updater (v0.17.7) and six-updater-web (v0.10.8) gems have been released.

They should be installed next time you run the six-updater-gui (at the auto gems update).

Updated setups will be made available aswell.

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Sickboy, you're the best !

another problem has been buried six feet under ;-)

again "Vielen Dank" !!

keep on rockin'

I like Six-Updater that much

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Thanks Sickboy, I reset the config database as suggested and Six Updater seems to be working ok, however, I still get an error saying that it can't verify me as an administrator and that "the parameter is incorrect" when it starts up. But, as I said, it does seem to be working ok. I have not tried the hotfix yet and this is on an XP machine.

Also, Sbrodj was updated on Tuesday of this week and wasn't tagged by Six.

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Cheers, glad you're enjoying!

ConfigBrowser is also updated with the latest ACE Config: http://browser.dev-heaven.net/configclasses

Thanks Sickboy, I reset the config database as suggested and Six Updater seems to be working ok, however, I still get an error saying that it can't verify me as an administrator and that "the parameter is incorrect" when it starts up. But, as I said, it does seem to be working ok. I have not tried the hotfix yet and this is on an XP machine.

Also, Sbrodj was updated on Tuesday of this week and wasn't tagged by Six.

You can safely ignore the administrator warning, it means you're not on Vista or newer. I'll see about hiding it though.

Re Sbrodj; Is updated now!

C:\Packaging\rsync\fran_sbrodj>six-rsync -c

Committing changes on C:/Packaging/rsync/fran_sbrodj

Calculating Checksums...

Packing 1/5: addons/sbrodj.pbo

Packing 2/5: addons/sbrodj.pbo.FRAN.bisign

Packing 3/5: keys/FRAN.bikey

Packing 4/5: lisez_moi.txt

Packing 5/5: read_me.txt

Checking for deleted files...

Changes found!


sending incremental file list


lisez_moi.txt.gz% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#1, to-check=7/9)

read_me.txt.gz00% 2.73MB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#2, to-check=6/9)

addons/sbrodj.pbo.FRAN.bisign.gz 0:00:00 (xfer#3, to-check=5/9)

addons/sbrodj.pbo.gz 7.11kB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#4, to-check=2/9)

keys/FRAN.bikey.gz 832.88kB/s 0:00:36 (xfer#5, to-check=1/9)

191 100% 0.45kB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#6, to-check=0/9)

sent 12.18M bytes received 32.92K bytes 309.17K bytes/sec

total size is 30.97M speedup is 2.54

Edited by Sickboy

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I laughed my ass off at the T-72 blowing its turret off. Best update ever.

But it probably needs some work. Sometimes the turret lands on top of the tank and clips with it, or bounces jerkily on the ground the same way a discarded M136 does occasionally. I'd rather have the trajectory always be the same or similar and have the turret settle unrealistically on a slope if it means it will look better most of the time. Same principle as the death animations for infantry.

Edit: After blowing up a dozen more tanks, some of those might be more like flukes.

I also get a lot of Hellfires and Tow missiles exploding directly above tanks. It happened so much in one mission that I assumed ACE had implemented Arena defenses on the T-90. But then a Chedaki T-72A exhibited the same knack for survival. Has anyone else experienced this, and do you use Mando Missiles, as I do?

Edited by maturin

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Where can I find information how to use guided missiles in helicopters? I found that TAB button doesn't select target for my gunner. I have to choose targets for gunner using '2' key and select target from list. But in this list I can't find target what I would like to hit first. How can I select target for gunner which is in my point of view and why TAB button doesn't work? What is purpose of TAB button now?

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Tab is probably still there for missiles that are lock on with a radar. Laser guided missiles (hellfires) are actually laser guided now, and need the target to be designated by a laser either by the gunner or by someone from the ground. Just get yourself in the gunner seat and play around with it to understand how it works.

As for ordering the gunner, hadn't played much with it, but for starters you may want to make sure you "know about" the target. Just because you see it does not mean the game things you see it (kinda like AI "sees" things) - Try pointing your view in its general direction and then spam your "reveal" and/or "target" key (preferably bound to something other than right mouse button) while moving your view around until the target is added to the target list. This may or may not work, of course, but is worth trying.

I've been having a completely different problems with Cobras now. Every time (or at least every other time) 2 of us go into a Cobra, the pilot will be flying but will be completely desynced and on the server and all other machines the helicopter is still static. Playing normally such things simply don't happen - the player is moving around just fine until he enters the helicopter. This may or may not be related to crappy Israeli ISPs, but also may or may not be related to this issue for which I still couldn't find the cause. I can't even open a ticket as I don't have the tools (namely number of players) to test it enough to determine whether or not this issue even has anything to do with ACE or not.

Edited by galzohar

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Where can I find information how to use guided missiles in helicopters? I found that TAB button doesn't select target for my gunner. I have to choose targets for gunner using '2' key and select target from list. But in this list I can't find target what I would like to hit first. How can I select target for gunner which is in my point of view and why TAB button doesn't work? What is purpose of TAB button now?

You need to know the target first. AFAIK A2 sorts targets by known amount of threat they pose? Gunship cannot just fly into AAA covered zone and wreak havoc to every living thing. That's why recon (and sabotage) is so important... this ain't no BF2 :vvv:

Crew has to investigate the threat carefully from safe distance and/or place, behind hill (trees still don't give enough cover against AI) or building - it often takes time to identify enemies.

Tab button is by default "scan for targets, then assign one to gunner". However, as You might noticed, it's often not working - especially on "grayed out" vehicles (turned off engine), but that's ArmA2 limitation. You may find mixing both Tab and 2 /Target/ menu a bit more effective than using one method at a time.

I also get a lot of Hellfires and Tow missiles exploding directly above tanks. It happened so much in one mission that I assumed ACE had implemented Arena defenses on the T-90. But then a Chedaki T-72A exhibited the same knack for survival. Has anyone else experienced this, and do you use Mando Missiles, as I do?

Might be problem with Mando Missiles, most of missiles in vanilla ACE should hit the target dead sure since update #13.

I've been having a completely different problems with Cobras now. Every time (or at least every other time) 2 of us go into a Cobra, the pilot will be flying but will be completely desynced and on the server and all other machines the helicopter is still static. Playing normally such things simply don't happen - the player is moving around just fine until he enters the helicopter. This may or may not be related to crappy Israeli ISPs, but also may or may not be related to this issue for which I still couldn't find the cause. I can't even open a ticket as I don't have the tools (namely number of players) to test it enough to determine whether or not this issue even has anything to do with ACE or not.

I think this might be caused by low FPS or some starving loop issues. ACE (and BIS) features are often breaking up in such conditions. Can You reproduce it just with ACE2, Cobra, 2 players and some ACE or BIS modules on and off?

Edited by zGuba

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Identifying targets is less about "time" and more about understanding how the game decides when you "know about" something and when you don't. You may want to play around with it by placing yourself as captive and then fiddling around with "target"/"reveal" key(s) to see how they work with adding targets to the list (both inside and outside of a helicopter, though outside is easier especially with weapon sights or crosshairs in the middle of your screen).

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I apologize if recoil thingy had been already discussed, I couldn't find it in this thread. Anyways, I read that A2 has some engine limitation which wouldn't allow for the rifle to kick back but only on vertical axis (up and down) but then I found this:

So, how did that guy manage to get such an awesome recoil? He posted some configs in his thread:


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Where can I find information how to use guided missiles in helicopters? I found that TAB button doesn't select target for my gunner. I have to choose targets for gunner using '2' key and select target from list. But in this list I can't find target what I would like to hit first. How can I select target for gunner which is in my point of view and why TAB button doesn't work? What is purpose of TAB button now?

As I understand it, Tab should work but only on vehicles that show up on your vehicle radar, and their engines need to be on for that to happen.

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TAB can be gone (invisible lock) due to ACE turning the game difficulty to EXPERT? Check that.

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