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Southy's Arma2 conversions

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Coming along strong Eble! Can't wait to start using this.

Now we need Gnat to convert his Nimitz!

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It wasn't his nimitz was hawkz and he has already laid a challenege down by refusing permission to port it into arma2, so we need a new super carrier :)

(Gnat converted the Russian Carrier already)

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bad news sorry, the F-14 and Mig-29 are both held up as I'm looking at a box on the other side of the room that has my main computer in it on the way to the shop tomorrow.

On the plus side I lost no data this time, once the PC is back it should be all systems go.

Sorry guys was fighting a battle and the shitty 9800GX2 died this time round.

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you might laugh but I did have OFPDR installed and had noticed over heating was it that killed my card, probably not, but I don't think it helped :)

that 9800GX2 caused no end of grief for me.

I'll throw a HD5850 is a temporary measure until the new nvida cards are released, if the reviews are good.

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you might laugh but I did have OFPDR installed and had noticed over heating was it that killed my card

You were punished by the ArmA 2 God. Nice... :D

However, the HD5850 is a good choice for ArmA 2, i guess you'll be very happy with it. Glad to read you didn't lost any data, would have been a major loss for us all. Hope you get your rig back very soon and gets you back in business.

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bad news sorry, the F-14 and Mig-29 are both held up as I'm looking at a box on the other side of the room that has my main computer in it on the way to the shop tomorrow.

On the plus side I lost no data this time, once the PC is back it should be all systems go.

Sorry guys was fighting a battle and the shitty 9800GX2 died this time round.

Don't worry mate, casualties in war are always unavoidable. Just a shame it was your computer!

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Don't worry mate, casualties in war are always unavoidable. Just a shame it was your computer!

Yeah, collateral damage. Next time better target the chair. *ducks and run* :D

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I knew this was gonna be too good to be true :P , as soon as i was gettin my hopes up for an f-14 :P

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Yeah, collateral damage. Next time better target the chair. *ducks and run* :D

The chair took a hit last year.

Rig goes into the shop today, if it's only the graphics card should be a straight swop over, who knows.

Annoying thing is I was on a roll with the conversions, F14 was all done, and the Mig-29 was just needing some tweaking.

I'm also finsihing off the Su-24, all done as well, I've been playing around with the new Russian Textures.

So once the rig is back you should see three quick releases.

Ah well it lets me take a step back and plan the next releases, the F15C/E, Su-47.

Further along, that leaves the Eurofighter, F35 and a few others.

****update rig went into the shop 9800Gx2 is no more (RIP) HD5870 now being fitted along with a nice 1TB WD Sata drive****

So I have at least ITB of addons to convert! :)


Edited by Eble

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Hey Southy,

First of all and most importantly, you are my hero.

Second, to bad about your rig, hope it comes back soon!

Third, checked the youtube vid of the F-14 HUD, and it was just amazing!

And there's really only one thing missing (for me, at least) from really getting the experience just right, and that's radio chatter.

This vid sort of demonstrates it (But without the aircraft warning and no radio chatter on top of other radio chatter.)


I know next to nothing about Arma2 modding, so my question is: is it possible to icorporate radio chatter into the addon?

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You can have radio chatter in vehicles (airplanes, choppers, armor, ect...) with Group Link 4, check it out.

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Sweet, can't find it in the modules features though.

Will try it in the F-4 when I get home from work! :cool:

Thanks Banderas!

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I'm excited about these planes too... :bounce3:

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A very good mix of russian and us planes, should make it interested. Good work mate :)

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I keep looking at the F-14 HUD movie and try to figure out how the Mig-29 came at me (Last mig in the battle) inverted, it was an AI flying it, who gave them such skills!

Apologies for hyping this F14 release, I've learnt a vaulable lession, do not say a release date, I was all set two weeks ago and lost my main Hard disk and all the data, spent the last two weeks playing catch up say I'm going to release it again and my graphics card dies!

Lets just say, the F14, Mig29 and Su24 are all close to release, the F15, F5, Su47, Mirage 2000, Eurofighter are all on the list.

and some others..

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It's all good Eble, it's done when it's done. Having great fun with the F4.:bounce3:

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Love the F4, can't wait for the F-14.:bounce3:

Edited by Slatmes

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You can have radio chatter in vehicles (airplanes, choppers, armor, ect...) with Group Link 4, check it out.

That was actually quite awesome! :-)

Thnx again Banderas.

Southy, your jets are well anticipated. ^^

F-14 carrier missions await! -with radio chatter-

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latest updates Mig29 and F15...

Iranian Mig-29


Iraqi Mig-29


Syrian Mig-29





Aircraft Loadouts

3 F-15c Eagle CAP versions (grey, camo and blue)

using 6 x aim-120 and 4 x aim-9

4 x F-15e Strike Eagle versions, (grey, camo, blue)

precision strike 8 x GBU-12 (laser guider bombs) 4 aim-120 AA missiles

Close support 6 x Mk84 and 6 x CBU-87 (cluster bombs) 4 aim-120 AA missilesClose support 6 x Mk84 and 6 x Mk82 (Iron bombs)

4 aim-120 AA missiles

Addon also includes 2 x bombcam strike aircraft, once you release a bomb on these aircraft you are moved to the bomb and get to watch as it home's in on it's target.

Once the bomb explodes you are returned to the plane, please note during the 'bomb ride' you still retain control of the plane and please avoid flying into the ground!.

In the editor these aircraft can be found under F-15E (CBU) Bombcam and F-15E (GBU) Bombcam.


Edited by Eble

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and ...

F15C Grey


F15C Blue


F15E Strike Eagle







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