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Beautiful representation of Niedersachsen :)

I was very pleased with your last map, Kellu for it's overall Western European feel, but to see this is very good news indeed. Thank you!

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cant wait to try it tonite, thanks alot for your work!

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Nice map, thanks. Haven't finished testing yet but there is a kind of moat in Celle that doesn't show splash marks when fired at. The end of the moat also looks strange.

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I thoroughly enjoyed Kellu, good work on that. After some updates this will be as good if not better - a very good piece of work nonetheless. There are some bugs, some of which have been mentioned. For instance, there are some issues with inappropriate wildlife noises around the castle.

Edit: I encountered a lone tree on a road bisecting a forest at 080-315. Fortunately I was driving a TPz Fuchs and was no worse for wear.

Edited by AKM

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I live in that Area, in real! :eek:

Thanks Mondkalb. I'am speechless @ the Moment! :yay:

That center building is "Schloss Celle" isnt it? I rember it standing on a hill. Its flat ingame. Great anyway =)

Edited by Blechreiz

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The map is awesome i have to say, i'm impressed with the pathing and the fact the AI actually follows over the bridges. Very few maps seem to be optimized with AI path-finding in mind but this one is excellent, like the original A2 map.

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I have troubles with the map. A2 crashes to desktop as i want to prewiew a mission on it. The crash comes only with this map. I use modfolders.


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yer i was in hohne bergen serving with 9/12th royal lancers just down the road from celle! tht look sweet

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Great map, love the river, some screenshots (click to open / download 5040x1050).





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I have troubles with the map. A2 crashes to desktop as i want to prewiew a mission on it. The crash comes only with this map. I use modfolders.


yep, i got the same problem. but i am sure it is a conflict with some other addons i use. beautiful map by the way. :)

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Wide fields..................... Wonderful!

Thank you for your work, man!

Do you also live in that region, Mondkalb?

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Great map! Really authentic looking!

Some really nice looking villages in there.

1 question...Does the Ambient Civilian Mod work on this map? Please tell me it does! :D

I took some high res screenshots of the main town of Celle. Looks nice. :)



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oh man know i wanna make my own area :D

fantastic work mate :) keep it up

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Thank you all very, very much! I put a lot of work into this, so it's quite comforting to know that you guys are actually liking this. :)

But what's an Island without nice missions? So feel free to get the mission machine rolling. I'm soon going to release one ACE-Coop.

Do you also live in that region, Mondkalb?
Aye, what gave it away?:bounce3:

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Just got a chance to test this island. And very nice work as always Mondkalb! I love how it mixes forests, cities, river, highways, etc. Very nice.

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we definitely need more maps like this with ratios closer to the 1:1 because it really does make a difference. the more compressed maps are very theme-parky and the terrain gets exaggerated due to the compression, i really hope you can do more areas like this.

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At 026-345 there is another tree in the road. Sadly, driving a MAN truck this time rather than a Fuchs.

Excellent island - save for these trees that keep cropping up in the roadways. I'll keep reporting the ones I find. Island is ideal with BWMod; perfect Leopard country.

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Not yet.

But I'm going to do more. after I took a week off from making this island. After that I'm going to spice up some open areas, build a proper Celle Castle - the current one is quite embarrassing - proper Roadsignage, Bergen-Hohne will be turned into a usful training area and maybe some German Frame-Work Houses.

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