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SEAL Team Six

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I recently updated all of the campaigns and added some cool new features.



FileFront V1.0


Armaholic V1.0

coming soon...


FileFront V1.0


Armaholic V1.0

coming soon...

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I recently updated all of the campaigns and added some cool new features.

coming soon...

st62 ace campaign does not work, once the first mission starts it tells me I'm dead.

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st62 ace campaign does not work, once the first mission starts it tells me I'm dead.

I just re checked it and it is fine. I'm not sure what you are saying. Make sure you are all updated.

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Many thx for both new versions! :thumbsup:

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Edited by Imutep

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I just downloaded seal team six gold with campaigns 1-3? is their more campaigns? Also, how long are each campaign?

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I just downloaded seal team six gold with campaigns 1-3? is their more campaigns? Also, how long are each campaign?

There are three campaigns with this package. They each have ten pretty long missions. They continually get better has you progress. When your ready for the ultimate Seal campaign with full cut-scenes and a story, download Seal Team Six 4. Take note that Seal Team Six 4 will be updated tonight, so standby.

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umm i think i will wait for seal team six 4. doesnt this one have cutscenes and story?

There is a story for all three, but no cut-scenes. The story is told in game. If you liked socom, you will like my campaigns.

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Cool, whats the difference between this one and seal team six 4? Just the cutscenes?

Id say that my skill level has a mission maker increases with each campaign. 4 being my master piece.

Edited by Sick1

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I love this campaign, it's one one my first. I like the challenge it provides (at least for myself). :D

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Id say that my skill level has a mission maker increases with each campaign. 4 being my master piece.

ahh so seal team six 4 is your latest one? does i include the storyline from seal team six? is it best for me to start off wih your early work?

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The game freezes when I try to play the second mission of the Seal Six 2 campaign (The one with the snipers in the woods). I have all the addons installed. Anyone else having this bug?

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The game freezes when I try to play the second mission of the Seal Six 2 campaign (The one with the snipers in the woods). I have all the addons installed. Anyone else having this bug?

Do you have the RH packs installed. If not that might be the problem. It looks like that mission locked them in has a requirement. I'll have to fix it. Either download the packs or wait for a fix which should be later today.

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@Sick1: Roger that, I have all the RH packs installed. Seems to be freezing anyway. But thanks for the reply.

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i have the same problem in Seal Team Six 2, 5th Mission. When use the Binacular or the Rifle Scope,

the game crash to the desktop. I Have all required Addons installed, playing the Non-Ace version.

Any Ideas?

Edited by ck911

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I completed your 3 first campaigns and I'm on the 4th one (op k-bar).

You made some really great work in there!!!

I really like the fact that some missions take more time to complete that what we're used to in other campaigns. I guess it makes a simulation closer to reality.

I also really appreciate the progress towards more "non-linear" missions that appears to me in your work. I worked a bit on some missions on my own, with the idea of making a campaign too, and I admit that some custom missions in the community are quite linear (obj A, then obj B, then obj C appears...). It's quite harder to build a mission while considering many scenarios and possibilities, and it appears to me that you're making a lot of efforts towards this.

Ideas/suggestions for the best missions/campaign maker :-):

1) What I consider a very non-linear of my own missions on which I worked on, I first briefed the player on a set of objectives. When the mission starts, a mortar attack screws everything, no radio contact, no new orders are given except a bunch of suggestions from your team. The player has to focus on decision making, semi-random enemy spawning, the player could voluntarily cancel objectives or complete others. Each of the 6 endings have different consequences on the campaign, failing to help a Recon squad under fire will reduce the number of Recon units in further missions. Cancelling an attack on an airport will require another mission in the campaign to take it (specops)...

2) I seen in a documentary that SEALS, more than any other US forces, are training very hard on, and are performing tactical retreats extremely well. Actually, SEALS operatives explained that it's one of their most crucial and distinctive operational facet. Stealth being their primary strategy, the operatives explained that after meeting their objectives, if they make substantial enemy contact, they will perform a tactical retreat (unleash all they have) instead of making a stand. In dynamic retreats they typically empty all ammo in less than 5 mins. It will be great one day to see a custom mission focused on tactical retreat at some time in the mission.

3) What could be great too, one day, will be to experience a campaign with extremely consistent and complex missions, one efter the other. Example, at the beginning we could be operating at the west of ... and the first mission could be to secure a given town (a big one). But we're talking about really securing it, a 6-7 hours mission with evolving secondary objectives, civilians, automobile traffic (including insurgents) coming in the town and the need to operate a blockade, rearming, patrolling, search of caches and gardens, back alley ambushes, random enemy spawning, random IED locations, request engineers action for: clearing blockades, removing destroyed vehicles, when IED hit new objective to attend the wounded, call evac...

The second mission could be during the first night in the "secured" city, specop required to takeout sniper positions around allied troups...again with other evolving complex objectives....and it could continue like that with missions and orders in the morning to move out and advance at another location, meet with armor...at the south of...observation...sometimes silly orders...

Edited by Wingsbaron

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ok, I checked it again.

The problem is in the Mission "Operation Sun Devil", when you have to "Eliminate Ivan Barkow". If you´re about 300 meters (or nearer) away from the house and using zoom (weapon or Binacular) the game crashes.

Maybe this description helps?


Switch from the last Nvidia Beta-Driver to the Final Driver, now everything is ok. Interesting that I had no problems before except on that mission.

Anyway great Campaign!!!

Edited by ck911

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hey sick1 if you need any help with weapon scripting gike give an entire group with custom weapons to your campagins just ask me to do that (i'm pretty fast to script custom weapons to different characters/units).

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Sick1, we have played SEAL TEAM SIX 1,3 & 4 ACE versions but we cannot get your SEAL TEAM SIX 2 AVE or non-ACE to work. It gives a really long error and then crashes.

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Sick1, we have played SEAL TEAM SIX 1,3 & 4 ACE versions but we cannot get your SEAL TEAM SIX 2 AVE or non-ACE to work. It gives a really long error and then crashes.

I will look into it today.

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Campaign 4+ACE+RH...

Worked perfect, with all mods (optionals included) until Op Death Run where it freezes, even before the briefing appears.

Any idea of what speciality in this op could make it freezes there?


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I will look into it today.

Did you look into it? We are excited to play the final SEAM TEAM SIX Campaign! :)

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