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The ArmA 2 tips 'n trick thread

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So I'd like to try and get this a sticky. This is the general tips 'n tricks thread (I haven't found any others). The point is just a thread to post random tips to help newcomers and experienced players alike!

K I'll start. Most will apply to warfare and general AI commanding.


In Warfare, when you're going to buy an AT launcher, know what you're going to shoot it with. So, don't buy a 300$ Javelin and fire it against a 75$ PK nest. What I generally do is take out a T72 with it, so I can get 800$. I earned 500$. Same goes for BMPs, use a SMAW against those, don't waste expensive missiles on such light vehicles, you gain 100$ from destroying a BMP.

If you're not sure where an enemy is, but somebody in you spotted it (Veteran mode, enemy AI doesn't show on maps.) Use the SPACEBAR mode to scan the horizon and spot the enemy.

Before attacking an objective, remember to get somewhere high and spot targets from there. You might need to change your attack direction and tactics because you spotted something interesting (better cover, MG nests, etc...)

Use the Select Unit - 1 - advance command to use bounding over watch with your soldiers. This will keep you alive (While putting your men at risk) but set them to danger mode so they will stay low, and having them scan the horizon also helps a lot. Whoever spots first wins between AI usually. So you want to give your AI all the right orders.

LAV-25 APC/Infantry Guide

I found an awesome technique. It works great for any town in Warfare mode.

All you need is:

  • LAV-25
  • M136 Rifleman
  • M249 SAW gunner
  • Corpsman

With only 6 guys (7 counting yourself) you can easily capture any town.

The LAV-25 has 240 HE rounds and 240 AT rounds. It only takes 10 AT rounds to destroy a T72 (Crew disembarks, 3 seconds later it blows). This means, if you know your math, that you can take out 24 T72s with one LAV-25.

The basics

Set all your men on engage at will. Keep them on aware combat mode. Now your LAV driver will follow the roads. The second step to victory, is to exit the vehicle, along with the 3 other infantry men, and send the LAV about 200 or 300m forward (Depends on the terrain, the move cover, the less distance you want). Now move you and your men up to the LAV, then move the LAV up. Rinse and repeat. You can also use the infantry to cover the LAV from the flank. You can have 2 extra infantry men if you really want them, so bring along a marksman or a javelin rifleman with you.

More advanced

Tell your LAV gunner to scan the horizon once you enter the battle zone. His turret will then turn as he searches for targets, this is an extremely effective way of spotting the enemy before they find you. Which is an essential tank vs anti-tank soldier technique. Remember you biggest threat remains enemy armor. Keep the infantry behind the LAV at all times, but stay close enough to cover. Another thing you can do, is send the team to the left or right flank through the movement command (1 on the menu), this way your infantry will always have your LAV's back.

Pros and cons

The advantages of using this combat strategy

  • LAVs move quicker and accelerate faster than any other USMC vehicle.
  • LAV's are smaller targets and move faster than tanks and AAVP7A1s
  • LAV-25s can go through any terrain
  • LAVs can carry troops, tanks can't

Disadvantages of using this technique instead of others

  • The LAV 25 can only take 1 RPG VL hit befor being inopperable (It can still be repaired though)
  • Helicopters move faster and can escape enemy fire quicker, they also carry more troops
  • Tanks, although slow, can take several RPG7 VL hits and still keep fighting

Feedback from the members

Some aircraft related tricks:

  • When getting out of a helicopter at the LZ, make sure you get at least 20m away from it before stopping to clear the LZ. Helicopters make easy targets for RPGs/ATGMs, so get well away from the thing. For the pilots, don't hang around. If someone doesn't get out, that's their own fault and they can wait until the next dropoff.
  • Whilst doing SEAD strikes in aircraft such as the A-10, avoid overflying the AA site. Generally it's better to do the strafing run/launch the missile and then break to either side, as opposed to flying over the target. You never know what else may be down there.
  • Use the right weapon for the job. To take out AA such as the Tunguska, Shilka or Avenger, use Air-To-Ground missiles at standoff range. For tanks or weaker, a cannon run will do the trick. Concentrated groups are what rockets are for, and buildings/compounds/static targets are best dealt with using bombs. Helicopters can also be destroyed by a quick burst of the cannon, best to save the AAMs for fast air.
  • In helicopters, going high up is good if there are no missiles in the area, because it keeps you out of the reach of AAA. From up high, you get a good view and can support infantry extremely well, as you can see what's going on around them.
  • NEVER type whilst flying a helicopter full of passengers, typing causes the controls to stop working (even joysticks for some stupid reason) and this often cause crashing (damn trees, why'd they have to be so tall? :p ).
  • If you run out of armament in PvP, a high-speed, low pass can often cause the enemy to be distracted/confused for long enough for friendly forces to gain the advantage, or for you to get out of there. Having a jet fly over you at 500+ is really quite loud and causes you to take cover, and also looks brilliant :D.

For developing scripts, you can make a "scripts" folder inside your myDocs\ArmA2\ProfileName\ folder and place your scripts in there. It can then be accessed by any mission without you needing to place it in the mission folder, allowing you to consistently use the same version.

You need to remember to eventually copy that script into the mission folder before making the mission "officially" though :) however for editor based convenience, where you don't necessarily make every mission into a PBO, it's a good tip.

For developing addons with scripts, you do the same thing but follow the addon naming convention, for example developing the scripts for JTD Fire & Smoke I place all the FAS scripts into:

MyDocs\ArmA2 Other Profiles\DM\Scripts\JTD_FireAndSmoke\scripts

and you can make changes to these scripts without quitting ArmA2 and PBOing up new versions of addons. A real time-saver.

When you've developed the scripts into a state that you're happy is good enough, you copy all the scripts into their actual addon folder positions and PBO up the lot.

When you get shot at (from a distance), lie down and use Q/E to roll to the side a few times. This often makes the enemy lose track of you slightly so you can find some hard cover.

N.B. This probably wont work against a human player with a scoped rifle! You'll be better off sprinting (zig zag) rather than lying down.

- The probability of your new helicopter you just bought being completely disabled by a single MG shot is directly proportional to how much it cost you

- Roofs and towers seem like great sniping points until you fire once, then remember how good the AI is at spotting you

- Always bring support vehicles; a tank column needs repair and re-arm, and setting up forward R&R spots cuts down on gunship trip times

- The bicycle will always be the fastest, most reliable, best value vehicle you can buy

When attempting a bombing run with a jet, I always find it a good tactic to fly uber high in the air, and then nose dive the target releasing bombs and tabbing tanks. When you are so high up, it takes a rather long time for bullets and missiles to reach you, most of which will have died by the time they close in.

Also, by nose diving, your bomb runs can be super uber precise. I have actually captured an entire village objective by using this technique. First you drop lots of unguided bombs, than switch to rockets and start tab-shooting any enemies. Finish off by using tab to locate an enemy, and then unload some "gau" into them.

-Ziggy-;1542295']when viewing the map' date=' hold shift, then left mouse click on any location. a small black circle will appear. now exit the map, you will have a waypoint in the form of a green V !

especially helpful for pilots to identify LZ or targets! ;)[/quote']

Edited by -Shifty-

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For developing scripts, you can make a "scripts" folder inside your myDocs\ArmA2\ProfileName\ folder and place your scripts in there. It can then be accessed by any mission without you needing to place it in the mission folder, allowing you to consistently use the same version.

You need to remember to eventually copy that script into the mission folder before making the mission "officially" though :) however for editor based convenience, where you don't necessarily make every mission into a PBO, it's a good tip.

For developing addons with scripts, you do the same thing but follow the addon naming convention, for example developing the scripts for JTD Fire & Smoke I place all the FAS scripts into:

MyDocs\ArmA2 Other Profiles\DM\Scripts\JTD_FireAndSmoke\scripts

and you can make changes to these scripts without quitting ArmA2 and PBOing up new versions of addons. A real time-saver.

When you've developed the scripts into a state that you're happy is good enough, you copy all the scripts into their actual addon folder positions and PBO up the lot.

Edited by DMarkwick

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Use the file (Compact column) formation when moving through towns so your AI doesn't get spread out and isolated.

Use the line formation when in the open engaging targets.

Use the wedge when the line formation firefight is over.

Use the V formation when you're advancing into a town so you're God AI can spot troops with their xray vision first.

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Whats that, when i press spacebar my whole squad gets marked for orders.

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Yeah that's what I mean OXMOX. But you get a little squarish box when you point. Try pointing that cross a field or somewhere you think there's an enemy, this way you can find him. Get my drift?

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Yeah that's what I mean OXMOX. But you get a little squarish box when you point. Try pointing that cross a field or somewhere you think there's an enemy, this way you can find him. Get my drift?

Yes thx, :D well its a bit sad that such arcadish possibilites exist in a simulation but well...this helps when AI just fails, i have my own problems with them like you all know from my other thread and I hope they throw in another patch to improve them.

edit: btw anyone did test for what maximal distance tab targeting, click targeting aswell space targeting works. I would love to know whats the maximal distance that vehicles and infantry get rendered.

Edited by oxmox

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-Shifty- that spacebar-scanning is cheating.

You have to right click to spot the guy anyway so isn't that cheating? Knowing where he is on the map?

It's part of the game, you have to use it to give your men an engage order.

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Cheat and Tricks...

To me, spacebar scanning is cheating. Crosshair is cheating. Tactical view is cheating. Marking on map and permanent HUD is cheating. Turning grass off, well, arguable. ;-)

Edited by jasonnoguchi

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I keep grass on even though my FPS never goes above 40 unless im flying. :)

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Use smoke grenades they're very helpful. You can also use them as a distraction when playing against human players. Throw it far away to a different area so they'll think you'll be around there, and sneak around.

Use them to obscure those nasty MG positions usually guarding towns. Always carry at least 1 smoke grenade so you can tell chopper pilots where to land for an evac or just for a lift.

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When you get shot at (from a distance), lie down and use Q/E to roll to the side a few times. This often makes the enemy lose track of you slightly so you can find some hard cover.

N.B. This probably wont work against a human player with a scoped rifle! You'll be better off sprinting (zig zag) rather than lying down.

To me, spacebar scanning is cheating. Crosshair is cheating. Tactical view is cheating. Marking on map and permanent HUD is cheating. Turning grass off, well, arguable. ;-)
Then you're making up your own "meta game" instead of learning to play the actual game (unless the actual server/mission has those features disabled, of course). There's nothing wrong with that, but it is called being a "scrub" in competitive circles:


^^ That's not to say I don't agree that the crosshair, etc, are over-powered! Veteran difficulty servers rock

Edited by ActionMan

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...Another good method to make oneself familiar with Arma2 is using the editor/wizard.

One might also note that the same is possible with the Multiplayer Editor/Wizard - a thrilling way to familiarize yourself with a city having a DM/TDM in it. Also possible offline with/against AI!

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There's nothing wrong with that, but it is called being a "scrub" in competitive circles:


^^ That's not to say I don't agree that the crosshair, etc, are over-powered! Veteran difficulty servers rock

That's actually an interesting read, if somewhat focused on one game genre. A good point is that developers are responsible for the features in their game and players make do with what's possible within it. In Arma 2 that responsibility extends to mission makers because missions are the one and only playable content in the game (that includes adhoc missions in the editor mode). Since quick command is possible to turn off (player disableConversation true), the mission maker has a secondary responsibility after the developers to disable such an exploit.

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Today I learned something (Well I always wanted to try it but never got around to doing it).

In warfare when you start, you get an ambulance. I kept it alive and just outside or inside safe locations of towns. We would respawn on it and take every town from Lopatino down to Elektrozavodsk eventually.

Then we fought vigorously to hold Elektro after wave after wave of Russians kept attacking us.

What have I learned? It's best to keep the HMMWV Ambulance alive and it's a great tool!

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Cheat and Tricks...

To me, spacebar scanning is cheating. Crosshair is cheating. Tactical view is cheating. Marking on map and permanent HUD is cheating. Turning grass off, well, arguable. ;-)

It's ...... a ...... GAME !

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For developing scripts, you can make a "scripts" folder inside your myDocs\ArmA2\ProfileName\ folder and place your scripts in there.

Though this thread is probably ment for gameplay tips, I'm glad you've written that. This is really awesome dude! (btw. maybe a tips 'n tricks thread over at the editing and scripting section of this forum wouldn't be wrong either?)


my tip for warefare playing as infantery facing opponents that all like to rambo with MBTs: in one word: Mines!

if you took a town, don't immediately run off to the next one. Make sure that SV raises and any rebels are eliminated.. sure.

Now for my tip, that applies especially to border-towns or even towns surrounded by enemy territory: go to a strongpoint, BUY MINES. Plant them. REPEAT. And don't forget to mark the minefields you lay on the map (but not in global channel, please).

^^ There is nothing more funny than watching opponent players in their tanks drive into your cheap mines. And I can asure you: they will! Always! hrhrhr :D

(of course this is not really an `effective` way to play warefare. But if you need a break from rushing town after town, this for sure is a great way to have some fun.)

Also consider laying some minefields outside of towns, where players don't expect them anyway.. -> buy a cheap truck at the town-depot, drive to the strongpoint, buy mines and put them into the truck.. There you go.


oh, another dirty warefare-infantery trick: once the game has been advanced a little, do not try to fight with opponent players over a town, but wait and let the opponent take the town. Wait. Let the opponent player go off capturing the next town. Wait a little more. Now the time has come: come out of the woods and go capture the town, the opponent player just took. Most likely this will be very easy, since SV of the town will be low and thus there won't be much if any defenders at all.

If you pull this trick correctly and repeatetly, you can drive your opponents totally nuts!


Edited by ruebe

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To change markers on the map (double click the map where you like your marker), then use keys 'up' and 'down' so change the type of maker. If you hold 'shift' and 'up' or 'down' you change the colour.

You can doubleclick the compass, gps and clock when looking at the map to make them bigger or smaller.

Learn how to divide your team into fireteams and send the different teams around flanking, advancing and so on. Less micromanagement.

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when viewing the map, hold shift, then left mouse click on any location. a small black circle will appear. now exit the map, you will have a waypoint in the form of a green V !

especially helpful for pilots to identify LZ or targets! ;)

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Yeah it's a new feature with ArmA2. I stumbled upon it accidentally when I was just messing around in the editor.

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Allthough gamey, I think the shift + mapclick thing is a good feature.

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Strategy for tanking:

- combine your tank units with infantry and advance

It is like in real life or in other sim games always usefull to combine tanks with infantry since the infantry will wipe out atg threads or even helicopters and enemy tanks. They will also spot new targets which your own tank units cant see. Either you go ahead with your inf team and command the tanks or you just send the AI inf ahead.

It is a bit time consuming but the rewards are sometimes really excellent, much better than rushing towns or areas.

Edited by oxmox

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