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I'd personally like the one OA uses, overall aesthetics of it are nicer imho.

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With multiple configs you will get units that use each games default weapons. For example, the OA config will probably utilize OA weapons, Arma 2 config would use Arma 2 weapons and an ACE config would use Ace weapons. That would be the only way to ensure comparability across the board for people who may or may not have one game or the other.

It's not about which weapon is the best, it's about which weapons are compatible with each version of the game.

Edited by ardvarkdb

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hey TF86

well glad to hear the pack will be updated for OA.a dont know if this is possible but you might want to try resking the czeck bergen and use that for the partol operators.well anyway looking forward to pack.

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I've run into a small problem; I've modified the units for personal use by adding "cancarrybackpacks = 1" in their config so that i can equip them with backpacks at the briefing. Unfortunately now the MP ACE units are also displaying headgear which should have remained hidden. Is there any way to fix this ? Btw i hope the update is coming along nicely.

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Yes, they are included, but you would have to know the colour of the boathouse at Hereford to unlock them.

Protagonist1: "What color is the boathouse at Hereford?"

Protagonist2: "I don't know!" - and is leaving.

Protagonist3: "And? What color is the boathouse at Hereford?"

Protagonist1: "Where the hell should i know?"

Protagonist3: "Lol"


By the Way: AWESOME! Downloading now!

Thanks for this one.


Edited by LordJarhead

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The MP ACE Units by defauly will show headgear. The AI are deigned to be randomly assigned an item of headgear so they don't run around all looking the same. If its the player character thats showing headgear, then you have broken something, probably removed hiddenselections from the config entry. Another reason to not modify stuff for personal use ;)

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Hiya Jackal, I was wondering if u were considering implimenting the bearded face addon for the upcoming SAS too? Like the ones used by Tier1Operators unit addon. Would be sweet to see the burly beards on these badasses as well

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Hiya Jackal, I was wondering if u were considering implimenting the bearded face addon for the upcoming SAS too? Like the ones used by Tier1Operators unit addon. Would be sweet to see the burly beards on these badasses as well

If you have both this unit and the Tier One addon you can use the setFace syntax or setIdentity and add the faces to the description.ext of a custom mission.

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If you have both this unit and the Tier One addon you can use the setFace syntax or setIdentity and add the faces to the description.ext of a custom mission.

i know :P just saves the trouble. meh, up to the maker. just throwing it out there is all...

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I've got no plans to implement it. People that are that bothered about using it, will already have it, so can simply follow what USRanger709 suggested and just use SetFace.

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So any news on possible updates to this great pack. Would love to see the pack implement OA features.

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So any news on possible updates to this great pack. Would love to see the pack implement OA features.

funny thing is i just was thinking same thing! bloody awesome this one.

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Haven't made much head way recently so haven't had anything to post, but trust me, work is being done and news will be posted when its worth posting about.

As for the weapons pack, thats a dead duck. I've lost all interest in it to be honest.

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Hey buddy, great mod. Just wondering if theres any chance of intergrating the British Armed Forces voices into this mod? Cheers :)

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Hey buddy, great mod...


...Just wondering if theres any chance of intergrating the British Armed Forces voices into this mod?

Not much chanceat all. Development of these units has been taken over by members of Task Force 86 as part of our internal addon development. Whether they'll see an external release remains to be seen.

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Not much chanceat all. Development of these units has been taken over by members of Task Force 86 as part of our internal addon development. Whether they'll see an external release remains to be seen.

Would you guys be open to allowing someone to do a quick reconfig for these units to take advantage of the BAF voices for public use?

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I dont think he would mind, you should be good to go. He already points you to the BI tools, in the event you need to make any changes to his addons, in his signature.

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As long as its only a seperate config and *.pbo (and a seperate class in the editor, like I've done with the ACE abd MP units). As well as not being a total repackaging of the units, thats fine by me.

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Development of these units has been taken over by members of Task Force 86 as part of our internal addon development. Whether they'll see an external release remains to be seen.


If I get this right you're not doing this anymore... Is there a thread where TF86 will keep us informed about your great sas-units concerning an update to oa standard (backpacks)? TX

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I think they keep their units to themselves for private use. I can't remember where are saw this but I can swear it's said somewhere around this here forum.

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Nah, the new units will be public, they are just taking a really long time to create :) Progress is continuing though. Once something is ready to show we will have a public update, until then we are just keeping the development progress internal.

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